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第 1 页 共 13 页名词性从句大扫描名词性从句大扫描内容简介: 1、名词性从句简介 2、名词性从句 难点强化 3、名词性从句典型错误 4、走出名词性从句的“误区” 5、名词性从句考点归纳 6、 近年高考试题中的名词性从句 分析下列各句: 1.That the earth is round is true. = It is true that the earth is round. 2. Whether he will come hasnt been decided. = It hasnt been decided whether he will come. 3. Who let out the news remained unknown. = It remained unknown who let out the news. 4. Why he didnt come here is not clear to anyone. = It is not clear to anyone why he didnt come here. 5. Whenever the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. 一名词性从句简介 1、主语从句 主语从句在从句中作主语,主语从句可以位于句首,但常见的主语从句多放在 句末,句首则用形式主语 it。 注意:连词 that, whether 在从句中不担任句子成分,只起连接作用,不能省略。 并且 whether 引导主语从句时不能用 if 代替。 注意:who, which, how, when, where, why 在所引导的主语从句中可担任主语, 宾语,状语,不能省略。可以用形式主语 it 引导。 注意:who, whom, which, what 等可以和 ever 构成合成词,引导主语从句和宾语 从句。此类主语从句不能用 it 引导,引导词在句中担任句子成分,不能省略。 另外,有的“It 主语从句”已成为固定结构。如: a. It is +名词从句 It is a pity that we cant go. b. It is 形容词从句 It is clear that Tom has returned. c. It is 过去分词从句 It is said / reported / believed / known 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况: (1)It is said /reported结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week. That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (2)It happens/occurs结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (3)It doesnt matter how/whether 结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如:It doesnt matter whether he is wrong or not. Whether he is wrong or not doesnt matter. (4)含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。例如:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? Is that will rain in the evening likely? 第 2 页 共 13 页(5) if 引导的主语从句 Does it matter if he cant finish the job on time? If she likes the present is not clear to me. 1I dont know what I was thinking of. I wonder if I might give you a necklace. . 2. I expect (that)I shall be back on Sunday. 3. He doesnt want it to be known that he is going away. 4. I consider it necessary that he should do it again. 5. I dont think he will see you. I dont believe he will go. 6. We dont expect he is coming. I dont think he can do it, can he? 7. I dont think he can do it, can he? I dont think you are right, are you? 8. I insisted that he (should)do it at once. She suggested that the work (should) be finished at once. 9. The teacher is satisfied with what I said. 10. Im afraid that I will be late. Im glad that you passed the exam. 2、宾语从句 在复合句中用作宾语的从句是宾语从句 1) 作动词宾语 在口语中,that 引导宾语从句时常常省略。但两个 that 从句并列时后边的 that 一般不省略。 若有补语,则宾语从句要放到补语之后,在宾补前用形式宾语 it. 在 think, believe, suppose, expect 等动词之后,宾语从句中谓语的否定常转移到 主句的谓语上。如: 注:此种用法主句的主语必须是第一人称 I 或 we. 而且它的反意疑问句的助动 词由从句的助动词来定。 在 suggest, insist, demand, order, require 等表示建议,命令,要求的动词后,从 句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。如: 2) 作介词宾语 3) 作 afraid, glad, certain, sure 等形容词的宾语。1. The rumour that there will be an earthquake soon spread all over the area. 2. They have no hope that he will recover. 3. I have no idea where they have gone. 4. Suddenly the thought came to me that he could go blind. 比较:The news that our team won the game is true. The news that you have heard isnt true. The news is that our team won the game. 3同位语从句 如果担任同位语的是个句子,则这个句子是同位语从句。同位语从句表示先行 名词的具体内容,能跟同位语从句的名词常见的有 news, idea, belief, doubt, fact, rumour, question, order, hope, thought, reply, problem, reason 等。 引导同位语从句常用连词 that,它在句中不担任句子成分,没有词意。除 that 外,还有 whether, when, where, who, what, which, why, how 等。可以引导同位语 从句。同位语从句与先行名词有时也可以分开。 注:同位语从句与定语从句的区别: (1)同位语从句的先行名词极为有限,而定语从句的先行词则不计其数。 第 3 页 共 13 页(2)引导同位语从句的连词 that 在句中不担任句子成分,而引导定语从句的 that 则在从句中作主语,宾语等。引导同位语从句的 wh 一词多具有疑问意义, 而引导定语从句的 wh 一词则没有疑问意义。 (3)同位语从句与先行名词是等同关系,一个具体,一个抽象,两者常可以转 述为主表关系,而定语从句与先行词是修饰与被修饰关系。 (4)when 和 where 引导的同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 when 和 where 前面的名词若是表示时间、地点的名词,则 when 和 where 引导 的是定语从句,否则则为同位语从句。如: They put forward the question where they could get the money. This is the place where the accident happened.1. The problem is where we can hold our meeting 问题是我们可以在哪儿举行会议。2. It seems that everything goes smoothly .似乎一切都进行得很顺利。 3. The cause is that the temperature of water is lower that needed . 其原因是水的温度低于所需要的温度。 4. That is what he really wants .那就是他真想要的东西。 4表语从句 在句子中担当表语的主谓结构称之为表语从句。它常位于句中联系动词或是起 联系动词作用的动词之后. 1. be, seem, look 等动词后均可跟表语从句:It seems that it is going to rain.It looks as if it is going to rain. 2. as if, because 也可引导表语从句。It was because I got up late. 二、名词性从句 难点强化 1:表命令建议 的名词后的表语从句。 在 order,(命令),suggestion, advice(建议)等的名词后的表语从句中,谓语动 词要用虚拟语气,即:”should+动词原形“,should 常可省。 如:His suggestion is that we (should) hold another meeting to discuss the problem. 2.that.whether 的区别: that 用于表示肯定的意义,而 whether 表疑问。 I dont doubt that he will win. (Im sure) It doesnt matter It makes no difference It is uncertain It is not made clear It is still a question It is not decided whether It is to be found out It is to be decided I doubt/wonder/ have no idea/dont know 3:名词性从句皆用陈述语序。 I wonder how much this pair of shoes costs. I want to know where you had
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