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社会学专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Sociology一、培养目标. Educational Objectives 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展的面向 21 世纪的社会学人才,培养具有社会学研究、政 策调研、综合管理、市场调查等方面能力的高级专门人才。This program produces skilled, versatile specialists with an up-to-date view in sociological science research, policy investigation and research, general management and marketing investigation and various fields.二、基本规格要求.Skills Profile 1. 具有一定的人文社会科学基本理论知识;具有独立获取知识和解决问题的基本能力及开拓 创新精神;比较系统地掌握社会学专业必需的基础理论、基本知识,掌握社会学专业的基本技能、 方法和相关知识;熟练地一门外语,阅读专业外文书刊,并具有一定的听、说、写能力; 2. 具备能够从事社会学理论工作和行政管理、社会管理、企事业单位管理、社会工作、新闻 传播、教育教学、政策研究、市场调研等实际工作的基本能力。As a student of this program, you will gain:1. Solid grounding in both natural sciences and humanities & arts, skills in independent thinking and problem solving, innovative attitude ,systematic training in conception and skills of sociology, mastery of a foreign language and understanding foreign language documents of this major;2. Independent working skills in social science theoretical research and in the field of public administration, communication, education, investigation and management.三、学制与学位. Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration:4 years 授予学位:法学学士 Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Law四、学时与学分. Hours/Credits 总学分:201.5 Total Credits:201.5 课内教学学时/学分:2395/149.5占总学分的比例:74.2% Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2395/149.5Percentage in Total Credits:74.2% 其中: Including: 通识教育基础课学时/学分:1219/76占总学分的比例:37.7%社会学专业本科培养计划22Class Hrs/Crs of General Education:1219/76Percentage in Total Credits:37.7% 学科基础课学时/学分:536/33.5占总学分的比例:16.6% Class Hrs/Crs of Basic Courses of Disciplines:536/33.5Percentage in Total Credits:16.6% 专业课学时/学分:640/40占总学分的比例:19.9% Class Hrs/Crs of Specialized Courses:640/40Percentage in Total Credits:19.9% 集中性实践环节周数/学分:42/42占总学分的比例:20.8% Weeks/Credits of Major Practical Training:42/42Percentage in Total Credits:20.8% 课外活动和社会实践最低要求学分:10占总学分的比例:5% Minimum Credits of Extracurricular Activities and Practice:10 Percentage in Total Credits:5%五、主干学科. Major Disciplines社会学 Sociology六、主要课程. Main Courses社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology、社会调查方法 Social Research Method、社会统计学 Social Statistics、社会心理学 Social Psychology、西方社会思想史 History of Western Social Theories、国外社会学学说 Foreign Sociological Theories、城市社会学 Urban Sociology、经济社会 学 Economic Sociology、工业社会学 Sociology of Industry、社会工作概论 Social Work、社会保障 与社会福利 Social Security and Social Welfare 、发展社会学 Sociology of Development、人口社会 学 Sociology of Demography、家庭社会学 Sociology of Family华中科技大学 2001 年版本科专业人才培养计划23七、教学进程计划表. Table of Teaching Schedule Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):社会学系专业:社会学School (Department): Department of Sociology Specialty: Sociology其 中 Including各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester课程 类别 Courses Classi- fied课程 性质 Courses Nature课程 代码 Course Code课程名称 Course Name学时/ 学分 Hrs/Crs课外 Extra- cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper- ation一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th必 修Required0100011毛泽东思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought54/33024必 修Required0100031邓小平理论概论 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory70/43040必 修Required0100042马克思主义政治经济学原理 Marxist Political Economy40/2.5832必 修Required0100021马克思主义哲学原理 Marxist Philosophy54/32232必 修Required0300031当代世界经济与政治 Contemporary World Economy and Politics36/2432必 修Required0300021思想道德修养 Morals and Ethics51/32724必 修Required0300011法律基础 Fundamentals of Law34/21024必 修Required0400011体育 Physical Education128/832 32 32 32必 修Required0500011大学英语 College English224/1456 56 56 56必 修Required0800041因特网与应用 Internet Network and Application48/31248必 修Required1200011军事理论 Military Theory16/116必 修Required0700013微积分(文科) Calculus( Humanity)80/580必 修 Required0800011计算机概论 Introduction to Computer Technology32/21632必 修 Required0800021C 语言 Advanced Programming Language(C)56/3.52056必 修Required0800233数据库 Database System40/2.52440必 修Required0501881英语听说 English listening & Speaking48/348必 修Required0501891英文写作 English Writing32/232通 识 教 育 基 础 General Education Courses 必 修Required0200041西方经济学Western Economics80/580社会学专业本科培养计划24课程 类别 Courses Classi- fied课程 性质 Courses Nature课程 代码 Course Code课程名称 Course Name学时/ 学分 Hrs/Crs其 中 Including各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper- ation一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th自科类限选课程 Restricted Electives in Natural Sciences96/6必 修Required0300071社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology64/464必 修Required0300041社会调查方法 Social Research Method56/3.556必 修Required0701681社会统计学 Social Statistics56/3.556必 修Required0701691社会心理学 Social Psychology48/348必 修Required0806481社会统计软件 Social Statistics Software48/32848必 修Required0300851西方社会思想史 History of Western Social Theories48/348必 修Required0300861中国社会思想 History of Chinese Social Theories48/348必 修Required0300871国外社会学学说 Foreign Sociological Theories64/464必 修Required0300881社会学专题研究 Applied Studies in Sociology32/232必 修Required0300891文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology40/2.540学 科 基 础 课 程 Basic Courses of Disciplines必 修Required0300901社会学原著导 Selected Reading in Sociology32/232专业限选课程组 Restricted Electives in the Specialty640/40限 选 Restricted0
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