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职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法(1)英语的构词法主要有三种:合成法,派生法和转换法。合成法(合成法(composition)两个或两个以上独立的词一起出现,合成一个新词的方法就称为复合法,也叫合成法。 所构成的词就叫复合词或合成词。合成词在英语中也是比较活跃的,常见的有复合形容词, 复合名词,复合动词。复合形容词常用做定语,有时也用做表语。如:I have a five-year-old son. (定语)Are you airsick? (表语)职称英语职称英语文章中常见的复合形容词构词方法:形容词+名词+ed :absent-minded, good-tempered (形容词和其修饰的名词 之间的关系 e.g. absent-minded = (with) an absent mind)形容词+现在分词:good-looking, fine-sounding(系动词和表语之间的关系 e.g. good-looking= looking good)副词+现在分词:hardworking, far-reaching(动词和修饰该动词的副词之间的关 系 e.g. hardworking = working hard)名词+现在分词:peace-loving(动词和其宾语之间的关系 e.g. peace-loving = loving peace)名词+表示被动的过去分词:state-owed, state-run(显示被动关系 e.g. state- owed = owed by (the) state)副词+表示被动的过去分词:well-known, widespread(过去分词和修饰该动词的 副词关系 e.g. well-known = known well )形容词+名词:large-scale, high-class(形容词和其修饰的名词之间的关系 e.g. large-scale = (of) (a) large scale)名词+形容词:duty-free(免税的), airsick (晕飞机) (名词和与之相关的表语之间 的关系(在这样的情况下,往往表示逻辑关系的介词会被省略掉) e.g. duty-free = (with) duty (being) free; 逻辑上的因果关系:e.g. (being) sick (of)air(plane))以职称英语书中用词为例:(Computer)In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information that they are 名词+过去分词:Computer-based = based (on) computer 在计算机中使用 的,计算机处理的比较:a New York-based company 建立在纽约的公司(Dangers Await Babies with Altitude) This is true in both high and low-income families.形容词+名词 Low-income = (with) low income 收入低的(Science Fiction)Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,形容词+名词+ed : Clear-sighted = (with) clear sight 视力好的,聪明的, 英明的(Science Fiction) Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into .副词+过去分词: Well-known = known well 被很多人知道的,著名的(The Fridge) .busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated housed副词+过去分词:Artificially-cooled = cooled artificially 人工降温的副词+过去分词:Artificially-heated = heated artificially 人工加热的复合名词数量也很多,可用做主语和宾语等。一些复合名词的构成实际上与其相对应 的动词短语有关系, 如:Sightseeing took up the whole morningSightseeing = seeing (the) sights 观光No smoking during take-off.Take-off = taking off (飞机)起飞 职称英语文章中常见的复合名词构成方法:名词+名词: bookworm (书虫)= book (书)+ worm(虫)动名词+名词:waiting-room (候车室,候诊室)= a room for waiting;sleeping-pill (安眠药)= a pill for sleeping名词+动名词:handwriting(手写)= writing by hand;sun-bathing (阳光浴)= bathing in sun动词+副词:get-together(聚会), break-through(突破)副词+动词:outbreak(爆发)以职称英语书中用词为例:(The Fridge) The milkman came daily.Milkman = milk + man (送奶人)(David Jones and His Salary) Despite his salary, earned by inventing new programs, with bonus payments and profit-sharing,Profit-sharing - sharing profit (利益分成)复合动词通常做谓语。如:They are now mass-producing this instrument.Mass-produce = produce (in a) mass (大规模生产)职称英语文章中常见的复合动词构成方法:不少复合动词与其对应的动词短语并没有 关系。副词+动词:overthrow, undergoOverthrow =/= throw over (没有这个动词短语)经历(变迁等) Undergo =/= go under(沉没, 倒闭)以职称英语书中用词为例:(Science Fiction) In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction,.Overtake =/= take over (接办, 接管)另外,副词,代词有些也是复合词。如:maybe, forever, myself, everything, whatever, moreover, however 等。以下是我们给学员列出的职称英语中常见的复合词:以下是我们给学员列出的职称英语中常见的复合词:afternoon 下午 afterwards 后来airmail 航空邮件 airport 机场airplane/aircraft 飞机 anybody / anyone 任何人(用于疑问句/否定句)anyhow/anyway 无论如何 anything 任何事(用于疑问句/否定句)backwards 朝后 baseball 棒球basketball 篮球 football 足球bedroom 卧室 beforehand 预先birthday 生日 bookcase 书架breakdown 崩溃 businessman 商人butterfly 蝴蝶 chairman 主席classroom 教室 cocktail 鸡尾酒everybody 每个人 everyday 每天everything 任何事情 everywhere 各处everyone 任何人 fireman 消防队员overcome 克服 green-house 温室highway 公路 sunshine 阳光比较: afternoon (下午) = after(以后) + noon(中午)green-house (温室)=/= green(绿色的)+ house (房子) ;green-fingered =/= 绿手指(会园艺的)小结: 对于通过合成法构成的单词, 在分析其词义时,需要既借助构词法理性地记 单词,又同时要注意某些单词的特殊词义。职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法(2)派生法派生法在一个单词的前面或后面加上一个词缀(词缀只能通过附加于词干而出现。词缀不能在句 子中单独使用,但其具有语义或同时具有语法意义。 ) ,构成一个新词的方法称为派生词。 加在前面的词缀成为前缀,加在后面的词缀成为后缀。如: (前缀)anti(反对.) + (词根)social (社会的)= (新词)antisocial (反社会的) 。职称英语职称英语中常见的前缀有:中常见的前缀有:anti- “反对。 。 ”: e.g. antisocial 反社会的, antiwar 反战的 auto-“自己的”: e.g. automatic 自动的bi- “两个”: e.g. bicycle 两轮车/自行车, biannual 一年两次的bio- “生命”: e.g. biology 生物学co- “共同”: e.g. cooperate 合作, coeditor 共同编写者en-/em- “使成为”: e.g. enable 使能够 counter- “相反的”: e.g. counter-clockwise 逆时针in-/il-/im-/ir- “非,不”: e.g. illegal 不合法的, immoral 不道德的, irregular 不 规则的dis- “不”: e.g. dishonest 不诚实的inter- “相互”: e.g. international 国际的, interpersonal 人际的kilo- “千”: e.g. kilometers 公里/千米, kilogram 千克/公斤mid- “中间”: e.g. midnight 午夜mini- “特小的”: e.g. minicab 微型出租车, miniskirt 超短裙mis- “错误地”: e.g. mistake 错误,过失, misunderstand 误解, miscarry 被误送non-“非,没有”: e.g. nonsense 没理性的话/胡说 , nonmetal 非金属, nonstop 直达的post- “。 。后的”: e.g. postwar 战后的pre- “。 。前的”: e.g. prewar 战前的re- “重新”: e.g. restart 重新开始, rewrite 重写sub- “下面的”: e.g. subway 地下铁路, subtitle 副标题super- “超级的”: e.g. supermarket 超级市场tele- “远距离的”: e.g. television 电视, telecommunication 长途通讯trans- “跨越”: e.g. transpacific 横渡太平洋的 , transport 运输tri- “三”: e.g. triangle 三角形un- “不,没有”: e.g. unimportant 不重要的, unpopular 不受欢迎的, unnecessary 没有必要的职称英语中常见的后缀
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