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天马行空官方博客:http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189The culture differences between Sony and B Sony is high volume orientated, whereas B 20 for Denmarks concern, and 54 for Japan. Hofstede has categorized the results on every dimensions of the countries into the following three categories: high, medium and low. One thirds of all the countries is represented in each category. The results in the Power Distance dimension puts Denmark into the category of low Power Distance culture, although Denmark is near to the category called medium in which Japan is presently represented.The problem-formulation listed five hypotheses. The hypotheses are our expectations pertaining differences in the HRM approach of Sony and B we expect following findings:Sony is, to a higher extent, looking for potential employees with teamwork-skills. The one time annual hiring done by Sony creates a belonging to a group of a certain group year. Bonus and salary are based on seniority and department- and company-performance. B greater tolerance is shownDeviant persons and ideas are dangerous ; intolerance holds swayThere is a more willingness to take risks in lifeThere is great concern with security in lifeThe Uncertainty avoidance dimension indicates a large difference between Denmark and Japan, and perhaps ultimately between Sony and B&O. Denmark is categorized as a low certainty avoidance country (a score of 26) and Japan falls under the label of high certainty avoidance countries (a score of 92). The HRM policies in B&O is reflecting a lower degree of uncertainty avoidance than in Sony. Some areas of HRM that we are able to measure a lower degree of uncertainty avoidance are:The Sony employee has a higher extent of guidance during training. Sony checks the performance of their employee more frequently. B&Os ETD is left to the individual employee. Long-term employment is relatively more important for an employee of Sony Long term orientationThe fifth and last dimension in the “extended“ framework is long-term vs. short- term orientation. Countries which score high on this dimension value future obligations, and future opportunities. The countries which score low can be characterized as short- term oriented. They are oriented towards the present and consider the following as important: experience and fulfilling social obligations. We find the following three factors as the most important polar extremes regarding to HRM. Table 2.5: Long Term OrientationLongLong TermTerm OrientationOrientationShortShort TermTerm OrientationOrientationOpportunities and relationships is Opportunities and relationships is evaluated on future possibilitiesevaluated on past experienceRelationships is more important then experience Experience is more important then relationships.Opportunistic behavior is often ex-postOpportunistic behavior is often ex-anteAs this dimension has not yet been measured in Danish corporations, we make an assumption that Denmark lies in between Holland and Germany in the interval of 31 to 44, which Hofstede categorizes as the medium group. The differences between Denmark and Japan on this dimensions is relatively large, as Japan scores 80. Its not surprising that Japan scores high on this dimension, keeping in mind, this dimensions is “rooted“ in the values of Confucius, the Chinese philosopher of 500 BC. However, Japan does score lower than many of the Southeast Asian countries.Compared to B&O, Sony has longer term orientation. But what implications does this have on HRM? We think the following could indicate a longer term orientation.B&O believes that international experience outside of the company is a plus to an employee. Sony values the importance of employee training as the company expects to have the employee for a long term Sonys management is recruited from within the company B&O is more likely to hire experienced persons. SummaryAs discussed above, the cultural differences between Denmark and Japan are noticeable. These differences have background in history, geographic influence and several other factors. The Japanese culture profile could be overall defined as medium on Power Distance and Individualism and high on the remaining three dimensions. Denmark can be defined as having low Power distance and low Uncertainty Avoidance, high on Individualism, very feminine and medium term oriented.
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