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重庆邮电大学移通学院重庆邮电大学移通学院电气工程及其自动化专业英语电气工程及其自动化专业英语课程论课程论 文文年 级 2012 专 业 * 姓 名 学 号 * 题目(英文)【AbstractAbstract】Trace gas detection have been playing a very important role in the fileds of atmospheric environment, human health in medical clinical diagnosis. Photoacoustic spectroscopy(PAS) is widely studied for its advantages such as fast response, large dynamic detection range and highly sensitivity among many detection techniques of trace gases. In this thesis, the near infrared photoacoustic spectrum detection for ammonia is studied. The theory of photoacoustic spectroscopy including the generation and detection photonic absorption, heat production and the generation of photoacoustic signal is discussed in detail. These theories provides guidance for photoacoustic spectroscopy gas detection system.This paper selects near infrared photoacoustic spectrum detection of ammonia as experiment body. The composition and principle of photoacoustic spectroscopy gas detection system is discussed respectively. The first longitude resonant cylindrical photoacoustic cell is designed on the basis of analyzing detailedly the operating principles. The absorption spectrum of ammonia at the range of 1.5m is measured. Seven ammonia absorption lines, at 1515.2nm, 1516.0nm, 1518.0nm, 1519.9nm, 1522.4nm, 1527.0nm and 1531.7nm are scanned by resetting the laser tuning range. It is ready for ammonia detection in the further.KeywordsKeywords:photoacoustic spectroscopy; gas detection; ammonia; photoacoustic signal正文 1 Jianwei Wang,Wang Zhang,Lirong Liang,et alTunable fiber laser based photoacoustic spectrometer for multi-gas analysis JSensors and Actuators B,2011,160:1268-1272 2 AGBellOn the production and reproduction of sound by light JAmJSci,1880,20:305-324一、基本要求 在规定时间内完成 1 篇关于“专业英语”的有价值的论文。 选题可以针对自动化专业的科目或者行业。论文名称自拟,提供打印稿,以备存档。 二、论文主要组成与内容要求:1、封面:指定样稿,包括大标题(自动化专业英语/电气工程及其自动化专业英语课程论文) 、专业、班级、姓名、学号; 2、纸张:A4 稿纸或者信纸;3、内容要求:通过课程的学习,结合专业知识写一遍文章:(1)学科或者专业的简单介绍;(2)专业知识的介绍以及应用; 4、字数:要求不少于4 页(包括封面) 。三、论文各部分的规范与要求 1、A4 稿纸或者信纸。 2、封面按照样稿封面,正文有标题,居中。四、注意事项 论文应于第 17 周周一前交到学习委员处,由学习委员统一交到老师处,过期不交,后果自负。 五、评分标准 要求按照上述要求,查找资料,按时完成。论文应内容精练,言简意赅,主题突出,语言流畅,用词得当。 论文内容强调独立完成,坚决杜绝抄袭,如内容有完全相同或基本相同(90%)者,抄与被抄者则均以 0 分计。 评分根据手写版报告质量打分:文档内容占 70%,文档格式占 30%。: 1、优(90 分以上): 句子结构完整,中心突出,语言严谨;结构合理,层次清晰,逻辑性强;语言流畅,行文规范。 2、良(80-89 分): 论点明确,内容充实,论证较为严谨,逻辑性较强;文章结构完整,层次清楚,语言流畅,行文较规范。 3、中(70-79): 论点明确,材料较充分,能运用所学知识阐述自己的观点,结构较完整,层次清楚,语言较通顺。 4、及格(60-69): 论点基本明确,材料不够具体,结构基本合理,层次基本清楚,语言较通顺。 5、不及格(59 分以下) 论点不明确或错误,论文基本结构不合理,层次不清,逻辑错乱,材料零乱不全,语句不通顺,格式不规范。
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