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中国科学技术大学 工程硕士学位论文GSM/GPRS 网络综合测试仪软件系统的设计与实现作者姓名: 学科专业: 软件工程导师姓名: 完成时间: 二八年十月二十日University of Science and Technology of China A dissertation for masters degree of engineeringThe Design and Implementation of Software System of GSM/GPRS Network Multi-purpose Test DeviceAuthors Name: Jiang ZhonghuaSpeciality: Software engineeringSupervisor: Cao Xianbin, Yin MinFinished time: October 20th, 2008摘要I摘要摘要随着 3G 网络的普及以及 IP 多媒体子系统(IMS,IP Multimedia Subsystem)等新技术的提出,移动通信设备的研发速度不断加快。而在新设备的研发过程中,如何有地效模拟真实应用环境以对研发中的设备进行高效的系统测试,成为移动通信系统设备研发过程中的一个关键难题。目前,各移动通信设备研发厂商普遍采用综合测试仪对研发中的设备进行测试以解决这一难题。因此,作为用于测试的设备,综合测试仪软件系统的效率、可靠性以及健壮性直接关系到被测系统的最终质量。本文结合 LGC 公司现有的低成本 GSM/GPRS 网络综合测试仪的硬件设备,设计并实现了该测试仪的嵌入式软件系统。该软件系统基于 MCS-51 微处理器和 Wavecom GSM 移动台模块,使用 Intel PL/M51 语言开发,能够通过 GSM 空中接口,对 GSM/GPRS 网络系统进行多达 128 路无线信道的多业务、大负载测试,有效地解决了在实验室环境中模拟真实应用场景进行大负载系统级测试这一难题。并且由于高度模块化的设计和对高速数据传输测试的支持,仅仅通过更换 Wavecom 移动台模块,便能支持 WCDMA/CDMA2000 等 3G 系统甚至以后的 IMS 系统。本文完成的主要工作包括:结合已有的低成本硬件设备,完成 GSM/GPRS网络综合测试仪软件系统的需求分析与概要设计;通过模块化的设计思想对软件系统中的各子系统进行了详细设计,并采用 PL/M-51 程序设计语言实现了整个嵌入式软件系统;并在最后对综合测试仪进行了测试与验证。【关键词】 GSM/GPRS 测试仪 嵌入式软件系统 PL/M-51AbstractIIABSTRACTWith the commercial deployment of 3G mobile communications network and the introduction of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) technologies, the development of new mobile communication is speeding up. How to simulate the real environment to test the new system effectively and efficiently during the development is the most important thing in the system test. Now the multi-purpose test device is widely used in the industry to solve this problem. As a test device, the efficiency and robustness of its software system has direct connection with the quality of the system undertest.Based on the available hardware of LGC Wireless Inc, This paper designed and implemented a new effective and efficientcy software system of GSM/GPRS network multi-purpose test device, which is developed by PL/M-51 programming language. With this new software, the test device can generats high load traffic to the GSM/GPRS network through the air interface with 128 wireless channels. It is an effective solution to simulate the real environment in the system test lab during the development of a new system. And the test device can be easily upgrade to test the 3G network like WCDMA and IMS by replacing the Wavecom module due to its modularized software structure and the support of high speed data transmission.The work of this paper includes: the requirements analysis and preliminary design of the multi-purpose GSM/GPRS test device software system based on the available hardware; the detailed design of LAN subsystem, Test control subsystem, Mobile station driver subsystem and GUI Console subsystem with modular design method; And the test and verify of the system after implementation.Key Words: GSM/GPRS Test device Embeded Software SystemPL/M-51目录III目录目录第第 一一 章章 引言引言.11.1 移动通信网络综合测试仪的重要性.11.2 本文研究背景.11.2.1 本文的工程背景与需求.11.2.2 本文研究的硬件环境.31.3 国内外现状.41.3.1 已实现系统的现状.41.3.2 实现技术方面的现状.71.4 论文主要工作与内容安排.81.4.1 本文主要工作.81.4.2 论文内容安排.9第第 二二 章章 系统需求分析与概要设计系统需求分析与概要设计.102.1 GSM/GPRS 网络综合测试仪软件系统的需求分析.102.1.1 GSM/GPRS网络结构介绍.102.1.2 GSM/GPRS网络的测试需求.152.1.3 综合测试仪的物理硬件结构.162.1.4 GSM/GPRS网络综合测试仪软件系统的需求.
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