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记记得把精英得把精英资资料上的两套料上的两套题题背背过过1.0 退火的定义和过程:退火的定义和过程: Annealing, in glassblowing and lampworking, is the process of heating, and then slowly cooling glass to relieve internal stresses 热处理退火过程中,退火是消除或减少玻璃的热应力至允许值的热处理过 程。 Annealing is to heat treat glass near the softening point to relieve stresses.Then to cool more slowly back through the transition region so as to not reintroduce thermal stresses. Annealing takes time and temperature: 1.Thicker glass anneals more slowly, has larger stresses 2.Thinner glass anneals more quickly, has smaller stresses 3.Glass with large thermal expansion requires more annealing2.0 材料的力学性质:材料的力学性质: Mechanical properties of Materials is the behavior of materials deformed by a set of forces. Strength 强度 、 硬度 Hardness、韧性 Toughness、 2.1 硅酸盐水泥的主要的化学成份:(氧化物成份硅酸盐水泥的主要的化学成份:(氧化物成份+矿物成份)矿物成份) There are four major minerals in Portland cement clinker(熟料): C3S3CaO+SiO2 (硅酸三钙) C2S2CaO+SiO2 (硅酸二钙) C3A3CaO+Al2O3(铝酸三钙) C4AF4CaO+Al2O3+Fe2O3 (铁铝酸四钙) Atten. C = CaO, S = SiO2, A = Al2O3, F = Fe2O3 2.2 物相的定义:物相的定义: a phase is a state of aggregation of matter that has a distinctive structure.Phases may be solid,liquid, or gaseous. A phase may be a pure material or a solution of several components. 2.3 什么是应力(什么是应力(F/A)和应变()和应变(l/Ll/L): 1.Force divided by area is called stress.应力为单位面积所承受的作用力Tensile or compressive stress = F / A0Shear stress = F / A02.There is a change in dimensions, or deformation elongation, L as a resultof a tensile or compressive stress. To enable comparison with specimens of different length, the elongation is also normalized to the length L, called strain, =L/L2.4 孔隙的类型和定义:(可连通孔和封闭孔)孔隙的类型和定义:(可连通孔和封闭孔)1.Open porosity refers to the network of pores in a material that is open to the surface and into which a liquid such as water can penetrate if the part were submerged in it. 2.Closed porosity refers to those pores that have become sealed within the grain structure. 2.5 玻璃的形成条件:玻璃的形成条件: Glass Formation results when: 1.Liquids are cooled to below TM (TL) sufficiently fast to avoid crystallization; 2.Nucleation of crystalline seeds are avoided; 3.Growth of Nuclei into crystallites (crystals) is avoided; 4.Liquid is “frustrated” by internal “structure that hinders both events. 2.6 Ceramics 的的 力学性能:极高的抗压强度、脆性大、弹性模量极高力学性能:极高的抗压强度、脆性大、弹性模量极高 1.No yield strength: Ceramics do not plastically deform before reaching their tensile strength. 2.No permanent elongation or reduction in area: Ceramics cannot be plastic deformed by room temperature. 物理性能:物理性能: 1.Lightweight compared to metals 比金属轻 2.As a structural material:a ceramic with high theoretical density (99%) is preferred 结构材料:陶瓷高理论密度(99%)者优先 3.The melting points of ceramics、陶瓷的熔点 4.The thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity 热导率和电导率、 5.Thermal expansion热 热膨胀 2.7 玻璃的结构形成理论:玻璃的结构形成理论: The glass transition: 1.The glass transition is the region of temperatures where the properties of a cooled liquid continuously change from being “liquid-like” to “solid-like”; 2.The glass transition results from the slowing down of the internal relaxation time necessary to achieve equilibrium properties as the temperature is lowered; 3.Rapidly rising viscosity and the associated viscosity relaxation time are at root of the slowing down of the liquids response to temperature change; 4.Glass forming liquids have a strong temperature dependent viscosity; 2.8 硅酸盐水泥的矿物相的反应速率:硅酸盐水泥的矿物相的反应速率: Hydraulic reactivities of clinker phases 硅酸盐水泥熟料水化活性: 1.一般来说:铝酸三钙 硅酸三钙 铁铝酸四钙 硅酸二钙 2.注意:熟料水化活性受到杂质、成份的影响。尤其是铁铝酸四钙,其 水化活性受到 C2FC2A 比例影响(固溶物)。 3.水泥熟料水化活性同时受到外加剂、掺合物(例如石膏)等影响。 The progress of hydration of cement can be determined by different means, such as the measurement of: the amount of Ca(OH)2 in the pastethe heat evolved by hydrationthe specific gravity of the pastethe amount of chemically combined waterthe amount of unhydrated cement present(using X-ray quantitative analysis) also indirectly from the strength of the hydrated paste. 2.9 水泥的水化程度测试方法(新教材多,旧教材少):水泥的水化程度测试方法(新教材多,旧教材少): 非蒸发、化学方法、非蒸发、化学方法、 水化热法水化热法 The progress of hydration of cement can be determined by different means, such as the measurement of: (a) the amount of Ca(OH)2 in the paste; (b) the heat evolved by hydration; (c) the specific gravity of the paste; (d) the amount of chemically combined water; (e) the amount of unhydrated cement present(using X-ray quantitative analysis); (f) also indirectly from the strength of the hydrated paste. Thermogravimetric techniques and continuous X-ray diffraction scanning of wet pastes undergoing hydration can be used in studying early reactions. The microstructure of hydrated cement paste can also be studied by back- scattered electron imaging in a scanning electron microscope 2.10 陶瓷强度的影响因素,以及孔隙对强度的影响:(陶瓷强度的影响因素,以及孔隙对强度的影响:(产生截面面积,产生截面面积, 应力集中)应力集中) Pores affect the strength of ceramics in two ways: 1.The amount, size, distribution, and the continuity (连续性) of voids in a ceramic are the principal factors t
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