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20062013 陕西省单词拼写试题及答案陕西省单词拼写试题及答案陕西省自从陕西省自从 2006 年自主命题以来,在写作部分,一直有单词拼写,且考年自主命题以来,在写作部分,一直有单词拼写,且考 查的形式一直没变,现把这些情况予以归纳总结,希望对各位考生能有所帮助!查的形式一直没变,现把这些情况予以归纳总结,希望对各位考生能有所帮助!完成句子(共 10 小题,计 l0 分) 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1He has much interest(interesting)in collecting stamps 2Believe in yourself(you),Tony,and you are sure to succeed。 3I found something important in todays(today)newspaper。 4More trees and flowers should be planted(plant)to make our hometown beautiful, 5Dont worry,KittyWith our help,you will do much better(well)next time 6More and more people in the world are beginningto begin(begin)to learn Mandarin(普通话) 7Its such a wonderful(wonder)song that we all like it 8Yao Ming is One of the most popular basketball players(play)around the world 9Both coats look nice on meI really dont know which to choose(choose) 10I saw our math teacher talking with John when I passed(pass)his office. 完成句子(共完成句子(共 10 小题,计小题,计 10 分)分)用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1. Lots of _ (foreign) come to visit the old town every year. 2. Dont mind _ (offer) your help to others when necessary. 3. He works in the _ (big) computer company in the world. 4. There are _ (hundred) of people dancing at the square after supper. 5. My mother was _ (water) flowers in the garden when I came back. 6. She is proud of _ (she) for not giving up easily. 7. The boy sat down excitedly because he answered the difficult question _ (correct). 8. Everybody likes to ask him for help because he often _ (come) up with good ideas. 9. It is a good habit to brush your _ (tooth) after each meal. 10. Many school things were _ (send) to Yushu last month.72.starved 73.bargain 74.improved/bettered 75.congratula2013年陕西省英语高考单词拼写年陕西省英语高考单词拼写 66. The students are required to _ (复述)the story after reading it. 67. In _ (三月), the weather begins to get warmer in northern China. 68. To _ (证明) his point, Professor Brown mentioned several other experiments which had similar results. 69. The little girl picked some grapes and put them into her _(篮子). 70. They want to _ (邀请) us to go over to their place and stay for the weekend.271. Fewer than a thousand _ (大熊猫) still live in the wild. 72. Such a blood pressure is _ (正常的) for a person of his age. 73. Ive got a good sense of _ (平衡) and learnt to ski quite quickly. 74. The boy looked at his father _ (满怀希望地) because he thought his father had brought him a present. 75. These measures are strongly _ (支持) by environmental groups. 2012年陕西省英语高考单词拼写年陕西省英语高考单词拼写 66. This T-shirt is made of high quality (纯的) cotton.67. More and more Chinese people are able to (付得起) to travel abroad.68. The first official results are not expected until (星期二) at the earliest.69. He was wearing a very (严肃的) expression and I knew something was wrong.70. Regular tests help the teacher to learn about the (进步) of each student.71. The open exhibition will allow local (艺术家) to show their talents.72. He (承诺) that he would come, but he hasnt turned up yet.73. The staff soon found the new manager easy to (接近).74. There is nothing thereyou are just (想象) things!75. The little girl walked (自信地) onto the stage, ready for her first speech.2011 陕西省高考英语单词拼写陕西省高考英语单词拼写66. The smell of-(新鲜的)bread and frying eggs filled the kitchen.67. He has devoted his whole life to world -(和平).68. Alexander Graham Bell became famous overnight by -(发明)the telephone.69. Several companies have announced their intention to - (竞争)for the construction project.70. Both my parents were born in -(十月),but five years apart.71. The symptoms of flu may be unpleasant, but they- (消失) within a few days.72. Christophe Pires was born and brought up in France, but he speaks English - (流利地).73. Among the many - (业余爱好) of his are reading, music and tennis.74. Sue Wood was only nine when her first short story was -.(出版).375. I have an-(道歉) to make to youIm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.2010 陕西省高考英语单词拼写陕西省高考英语单词拼写66.The car is running at a -(速度)of eighty kilometers an hour.67.The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is-(渴望的)to learn.68.Jeff has the -(习惯)of listening to music while reading.69.Mr. White has been-(缺席的)from work for days, so he knows nothing about our new plan.70.He tried to-(解释),but she wouldnt listen.71.The local government is-(讨论)how to help the poor in the countryside.72.When things arent going well, my parents always -(鼓励)me, telling me not to give up.73.Miss Harper closed her eyes and -(假装)to be asleep.74.We sat chatting for a few -(分钟)after finishing our meal.75.I have been -(深深地)impressed by a number of experiences in her life.2009 陕西省高考英语单词拼写陕西省高考英语单词拼
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