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10308 托福试题托福试题听力听力: 1 (a)She has completed her project (b)She needs some help finishing the project (c)Her economics class no longer meets (d)The man should not touch the project until it is finished2 (a) He disagrees with the woman (b)He has a lot of experience listening to others (c ) He can keep a secret (d) He has several younger brothers and sisters3 (a) She has already seen the movie(b) She doesnt like to go to the movies(c )She hasnt seen Mary recently(d) Mary didnt ask her to go to the movies4 (a) Use cream on her rash(b)See if her rash improves in a few days(c) Check out a medical book from the library(d) See a doctor about her rash5 (a) Hes usually a good dancer(b) Hes embarrassed about the photograph(c ) He didnt enjoy the party(d) He hasnt seen the photograph6 (a) She prefers to stay indoors during the summer (b) She doesnt agree with the man (c) Too much hot weather can be unpleasant (d) The weather is supposed to get even hotter7 (a) Dry his clothes for another fifteen minutes (b)Inspect the dryer for damage (c ) Take this clothes out of the dryer (d) Wash his clothes again8 (a) He likes the music class(b) The woman missed the deadline(c )It may still be possible to drop the class (d) He doesnt plan to take music9 (a)She has decided not to go to Florida(b)Her plans arent definite(c) Her friend just returned from Florida(d)She prefers to travel without her friend10 (a)The costumes werent as good as the s scenery (b) The scenery could have been more realistic (c ) She wishes she had seen the play (d) The actors in the play werent students11 (a) He didnt know the book was a best-seller (b) Hes becoming more interested in the book (c ) Hes on his way to the bookstore2(d) He has just finished the book12 (a) Shed rather do another puzzle (b)She doesnt have time for puzzles (c ) Shed like a chance to solve the puzzle (d) Shes not as good at puzzles as the man13 (a)Revise the report(b)Go to another copy machine(c )Ask his classmates to make their own copies(d) Get more paler14 (a) The woman is a better mechanic than he is(b) He cant go for a ride with the woman(c ) He doesnt know a lot about newer cars(d)The woman shouldnt buy a used car15 (a)Start studying with the man(b) Continue watching television(c ) Take a nap(d) Turn down the volume on the television16 (a)Store the bicycle inside the dormitory(b) Ask someone to repair the bicycle(c ) Ride the bicycle on campus(d) Try to find the bicycles owner17 (a)He lives with a first-year student(b)He wanted to live in an apartment(c)He isnt a new student(d) He was assigned space in a dorm18 (a) He has to pick up some groceries(b)He hasnt had any tea for a long time(c )Hed like to walk a little further(d)Hell pay for the drinks19 (a)The boss will probably discipline the woman(b)The boss may disregard the womans lateness(c ) The boss wont know the woman was late(d) The boss is often late for work20 (a) She may change her mind about the college(b)He doesnt know what time she arrived (c )He wishes he had met her yesterday(d)She should visit the campus again soon21 (a) She cant help the man(b)She doesnt want to lend the man any money(c )She owes the man some money(d) She sometimes asks the man to drive her places22 (a)A lot of students entered the talent show(b)The talent show was canceled (c )Not many students enjoy talent shows(d)The speakers are judges for the talent show323 (a)The tour guide will be late(b)The appointment for the tour will be changed (c The tour will begin before she and the man arrive(d)The museum will open earlier than usual24 (a)She doesnt need a pay raise(b)She got a pay raise last year(c )She hasnt yet received a pay raise(d) She will give the man a pay raise25 (a)He recently injured his hand(b)He can carry some books for the woman(c)He needs to borrow some of the womans books(d)He cant help the woman until noon26 (a)He enjoys talking about pets(b)He agrees that the woman is quite knowledgeable(c )He dislikes people who think they know everything (d)He hates standing in line27 (a)The professor might give an exam in class(b)The man might not be able to leave campus early(c )The class might not finish their oral presentation(d)This weeks class might be longer than expected28 (a) Invite his roommate to a party(b)Ask his roommate to go to the housing office(c )Stop complaining about his roommate(d)Arrange to get a different roommate29 (a)Hes improved the way he looks(b)He manages his time well(c )He looks happier lately(d)He follows directions more carefully now30 (a)He doesnt have any paper towels (b)They dont need any more paper bags(c )The food is ruined(d )He thinks a mop would work better31 (a)Causes of illness(b)The discovery of antibiotics (c )The history of prescription drugs(d)Characteristics of antibiotics32 (a)Her lab notes(b)A medical reference book(c )A homework assignment(d) The name of her doctor33 (a)To give an example of a bad reaction to penicillin(b)To show how penicillin has change
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