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I. Analysis of sentencesi. Main Structure of English Sentences Unlike Chinese, English has sentence variation, i.e. combining short sentences and long sentences. We have simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences in English. A complicated long sentence contains not only main clause, but also subordinate clause, which may be followed by other subordinate clauses such as attributive clause, adverbial clause, or by other subordinate elements such as infinitive phrase, ing-participle and ed-participle. However complex English long sentences, the core elements of the basic sentence patterns are SV, SVP, SVO, etc. Long sentences are developed by means of subordinate clause or modified phrase, which can reflects the grammatical relation in English. Example 1: Meanwhile, Priceline.com, a patented e-commerce service that lets you name your price for airline tickets, hotel rooms, cars and home mortgages and then goes out to find sellers willing to match it, went public last week, and Wall Street treated the company like a rare gemstone.As we see, the main structure of the sentence is Priceline.com went to public last week, and Wall Street treated the company life a rare gemstone. A patented e-commerce service is the appositive phrase of the subject Priceline.com. And that-clause is an attributive clause, which modify a patented e-commerce service. Then a reference translation would be like that:同时,Priceline.com 上周上市了。 这是一个有专利地电子商务服务网站, 可以让你提 出机票,旅馆客房,汽车与房屋分期付款地价格,然后帮你寻求接受该价格地买主。华尔 街视这家公司为稀世之宝。Example 2: Struggling independent booksellers, who had charged, along with the Federal Trade Commission, that the consolidation would create an unstoppable monopoly, have reason to be relieved.The main clause is Struggling independent booksellers have reason to be relieved. The middle part of the sentence is an attributive clause, modifying the subject struggling independent booksellers. Along with the Federal Trade commission is a parenthesis. That-clause is the object of the verb charge. We may have a translation like that:努力生存地个体书商们曾与联邦贸易委员会一道,指控该项兼并将会产生势不可挡地垄断, 现在这些书商有理由松口气了。Exercises: John, who was becoming more and more ill at ease and embarrassed, told Mary, who was busily engaged in giving her opinion of what was wrong with the people sitting at the next table, that if she went on talking like that he was going to leave the restaurant.From the above examples, we can find some points or skills of long sentence translation. a. main structure of a long sentence; b. modifying elements, i.e. relative pronouns (that, which, who), relative adverbs (where, when, why, how), prepositional phrases, ing-participle, ed-participle, infinitive phrases, etc. c. after proper understanding about the logic of long sentences, translating in an Chinese way.ii. Factors Causing Complexity of English Sentences 1).Relative Structure (关系结构关系结构) Relative pronouns (that, which, who), relative adverbs (where, when, why, how), ing-participle, ed-participle, etc. may lead to complexity of sentences.Example 3: If Americans curtail their buying, that will kill the main engine of recent of U. S. economic growth, which will in turn stunt other economies, particularly Asian and Latin American countries that aim to build their recoveries around pumping up exports to the U. S.First, we can look at the sentence structure. If-clause is an adverbial clause of condition. The main clause is that will kill the main engine. That here refers the whole sentence of if-clause. Which the U. S. modified the main clause instead of economic growth, the object of the main sentence. That-clause is an attributive clause, modifying Asian and Latin American countries. Now, the sentence can be divided into three parts. a.Americans curtailing their buying will kill the main engine of recent U. S. economic growth. b.Killing the main engine of recent U. S. economic growth will stunt other economics, particularly Asian and Latin American countries. c.Some Asian and Latin American countries aim to build their recoveries around pumping up exports to the U. S.A reference version: 如果美国削减其购买,那将扼杀美国进来经济增长的主要动力,而这又会阻碍其他国家经 济的发展,尤其是那些旨在通过增加对美国出口来恢复经济的亚洲和拉美国家经济的发展。Example 4: Two months ago, when Aegon, a Dutch Life insurer known for taking care of its shareholders, bought Transamerica, a San Francisco-based insurer, Aegon said it was expecting a return of only 9% from the deal, well below the 11% “hurdle rate” it once proclaimed as its benchmark.The main clause is Aegon said it was expecting a return of only 9% from the deal. When-clause is an adverbial clause of time, whose main structure is Aegon bought Transamerica. Aegon and Transamerica are followed respectively by their appositives-a Dutch life insurer and a San Francisco-based insurer. Known for taking care of its shareholders is an ed-participle, the postposition of Life insurer. Well belowits benchmark is a prepositional phrase, complementing 9%. It once proclaimed as its benchma
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