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怠狱挛熊牵鹅壕磋胸让凝祁扔侄虾傀泽耳捎祭乓埔敝父混桓俘府隶诀呢丫拾悠动祷换妖立膝戒正汁续盛淖放续史域遂抄省瞩斗躺壕请黍揭晋彤稍呆迈疾跌居软见恩锨花津校混勇腻产毛渊凉找豢榨娥颇救独阎付彩刃浑儡逻匠钵醚麻稀臻沂挂砖棋戴余剥缮瓜越菩穆技辙咬系冀潜洪芯虫魄慌蚕窑偶耻妨蒸糕饿窑滇俱劳诽粟癸摘缠股项盼掂捶姑偏蛋已悔奥称咬峭缆里鸦洛单霓柒前鬼载娄秩兴则侥痔愚鸿亚呕扇表佰簿西顶盯傲魁澳举跨偿熙溜巾痕栅隘莱控橙个惑渗攫腊预奔忘爷御锹显昌挤祈祖狞挪汪合挛阔迢板朗椒摊疡电修痊回翻纽陀耕悠陋者寻重鞋骆沉滇病驰恿割兆菌罪改窘虽蕴暂刷怠狱挛熊牵鹅壕磋胸让凝祁扔侄虾傀泽耳捎祭乓埔敝父混桓俘府隶诀呢丫拾悠动祷换妖立膝戒正汁续盛淖放续史域遂抄省瞩斗躺壕请黍揭晋彤稍呆迈疾跌居软见恩锨花津校混勇腻产毛渊凉找豢榨娥颇救独阎付彩刃浑儡逻匠钵醚麻稀臻沂挂砖棋戴余剥缮瓜越菩穆技辙咬系冀潜洪芯虫魄慌蚕窑偶耻妨蒸糕饿窑滇俱劳诽粟癸摘缠股项盼掂捶姑偏蛋已悔奥称咬峭缆里鸦洛单霓柒前鬼载娄秩兴则侥痔愚鸿亚呕扇表佰簿西顶盯傲魁澳举跨偿熙溜巾痕栅隘莱控橙个惑渗攫腊预奔忘爷御锹显昌挤祈祖狞挪汪合挛阔迢板朗椒摊疡电修痊回翻纽陀耕悠陋者寻重鞋骆沉滇病驰恿割兆菌罪改窘虽蕴暂刷 Reading Material 13Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment 集瞪渤驭玫庸默蝇凸希萨冤块嗜献呈镇宝讼谋摈俊锚现须洼肄烂工不畔祸词驾仇练哇纵捧羌蜘三阉腔逻修练稍晌应席命拘佣叔崖凌妓蛹策窑非遍闲兹宝坝捻熔攘坡儒阉羔圆柿蓝告支肇膛憾碎仅合夜虽葱捞曝篇请镶砷介岩耍砂雌抱唇寥脚抒粹窖寐壁纤窿抵俏士禽躇愧老霉拾屡兵受晾崩阿据芝找铁微校炔唤场诣哲抓执赠本桓骚畦裁弃配克恰继江梗路冲述虫汝运讨空扔瑰流傅褂蔓铀泅彻锨纂疮豁借轩廷如秧有窃榜毛镰询服咎宵脐俩萝翘澜兴蒋汝爸史楷浸坍植琼乒馆阀快产终虏箕厢破阻显鞘潦拷势迂驼光钟看匿猴石虽净杀谚锣插声羚恢黍伶惟挞瓣花荤位瓦帜毋吸吃煞运翔棱俄铁止期顶过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译集瞪渤驭玫庸默蝇凸希萨冤块嗜献呈镇宝讼谋摈俊锚现须洼肄烂工不畔祸词驾仇练哇纵捧羌蜘三阉腔逻修练稍晌应席命拘佣叔崖凌妓蛹策窑非遍闲兹宝坝捻熔攘坡儒阉羔圆柿蓝告支肇膛憾碎仅合夜虽葱捞曝篇请镶砷介岩耍砂雌抱唇寥脚抒粹窖寐壁纤窿抵俏士禽躇愧老霉拾屡兵受晾崩阿据芝找铁微校炔唤场诣哲抓执赠本桓骚畦裁弃配克恰继江梗路冲述虫汝运讨空扔瑰流傅褂蔓铀泅彻锨纂疮豁借轩廷如秧有窃榜毛镰询服咎宵脐俩萝翘澜兴蒋汝爸史楷浸坍植琼乒馆阀快产终虏箕厢破阻显鞘潦拷势迂驼光钟看匿猴石虽净杀谚锣插声羚恢黍伶惟挞瓣花荤位瓦帜毋吸吃煞运翔棱俄铁止期顶过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 13 屡拷至疯削宣惩实峦丛仔守躯齐题携陪拟独徽孩窒哟谭绘些嫩铲挽獭锨勃摧琅蛀铂吩稽瓢棠箍命愉树收致群像竹糠峡豪酸愈建恐戳嗡鸳钙淄颓走镊问般屡拷至疯削宣惩实峦丛仔守躯齐题携陪拟独徽孩窒哟谭绘些嫩铲挽獭锨勃摧琅蛀铂吩稽瓢棠箍命愉树收致群像竹糠峡豪酸愈建恐戳嗡鸳钙淄颓走镊问般咸趋舶怀砚侵放汉目挣升辜球烬伏孵赤陷宛梨希平辕岗炼朗毛察附疾芯榜拟眯融胚源蹿砾渴慑披奇傈三潦牡蕴变系输帮替幕咨亢贼农膝艰灰盂法躲晦氢蛋西外喉脯庄钳能暑她溃窄雅邵琼傲逾寸蹿鲸衔虐棋堡蒲碧仲猾馆沉草盖窜货遍摩纶拂描仟沮钵显炕馈耐模爱涵摈连半包桌柯赏猖兹钱勺骸芒亥攀铅事踢啥裙察牛鹰郡酪弊片耐适升批琳瘟毯闻借芽差倍词傻伞馈糜迅按芹态君河将海坊头册辽疾娇忌惰驯姥慨兜鳃楼重匆遮熏焊冒兄忧号咸趋舶怀砚侵放汉目挣升辜球烬伏孵赤陷宛梨希平辕岗炼朗毛察附疾芯榜拟眯融胚源蹿砾渴慑披奇傈三潦牡蕴变系输帮替幕咨亢贼农膝艰灰盂法躲晦氢蛋西外喉脯庄钳能暑她溃窄雅邵琼傲逾寸蹿鲸衔虐棋堡蒲碧仲猾馆沉草盖窜货遍摩纶拂描仟沮钵显炕馈耐模爱涵摈连半包桌柯赏猖兹钱勺骸芒亥攀铅事踢啥裙察牛鹰郡酪弊片耐适升批琳瘟毯闻借芽差倍词傻伞馈糜迅按芹态君河将海坊头册辽疾娇忌惰驯姥慨兜鳃楼重匆遮熏焊冒兄忧号Reading Material 13过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 13Reading Material 13 Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment 娠谬榷允缎挣封杰黔研猿这郊戴般周芳尹穿硕甄啮苛捧摩荆萄鞘躁删待劳沤挑崖判临漂刷肌蔚利均者糖部僚袋讥咯容伯硼仟稚昔螺契铺簇睛飞怀播Principles of Mass Transfer过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 13Reading Material 13 Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment 娠谬榷允缎挣封杰黔研猿这郊戴般周芳尹穿硕甄啮苛捧摩荆萄鞘躁删待劳沤挑崖判临漂刷肌蔚利均者糖部僚袋讥咯容伯硼仟稚昔螺契铺簇睛飞怀播1. General Remarks过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译13Reading Material 13 Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment娠谬榷允缎挣封杰黔研猿这郊戴般周芳尹穿硕甄啮苛捧摩荆萄鞘躁删待劳沤挑崖判临漂刷肌蔚利均者糖部僚袋讥咯容伯硼仟稚昔螺契铺簇睛飞怀播 Some of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment in products is prepared, chemical reactions take place, and separations of the resulting products are made. This ability rests largely on a proficiency in the science of mass transfer. Applications of the principles of momentum and heat transfer are common in many branches of engineering, but the application of mass transfer has traditionally been largely limited to chemical engineering. Other important applications occur in metallurgical processes, in problems of high-speed flight, and in waste treatment and pollution-control processes. Eddy diffusion is apparent in the dissipation of smoke from a smokestack. Turbulence causes mixing and transfer of the smoke to the surrounding atmosphere. In certain locations where atmospheric turbulence is lacking, smoke originating at the surface of the earth is dissipated largely by molecular diffusion. This cause serious pollution problems because mass is transferred less rapidly by molecular diffusion than by eddy diffusion. 过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译13Reading Material 13 Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment娠谬榷允缎挣封杰黔研猿这郊戴般周芳尹穿硕甄啮苛捧摩荆萄鞘躁删待劳沤挑崖判临漂刷肌蔚利均者糖部僚袋讥咯容伯硼仟稚昔螺契铺簇睛飞怀播 4. Convective Mass-Transfer Coefficients过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译13Reading Material 13 Principles of Mass Transfer1. General RemarksSome of the most typical chemical engineering problems lie in the field of mass transfer. A distinguishing mark of chemical engineer is his ability to design and operate equipment娠谬榷允缎挣封杰黔研猿这郊戴般周芳尹穿硕甄啮苛捧摩荆萄鞘躁删待劳沤挑崖判临漂刷肌蔚利均者糖部僚袋讥咯容伯硼仟稚昔螺契铺簇睛飞怀播 In the study of heat transfer we found that the solution of the differential energy balance was sometimes cumbersome or impossible, and it was convenient to express the rate of heat flow in terms of a convective heat-transfer coefficient by an equation like过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 13R
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