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h t t p : / / j o e ml s . t k u . e d u . t w教育資料與圖書館學教育資料與圖書館學 Journal of Educational Media Metadata; Online course; Instructional design; Blended learningSUMMARYDigital archives use modern technology to digitalize some valuable rel- ics or natural resources into records with precise descriptions or annotations, which is called metadata, so that they are convenient for maintenance, retriev-*Principal author for all correspondence.h t t p : / / j o e ml s . t k u . e d u . t wDavid Tawei Ku, Chia-Chi Chang, (2) explaining the standard and speci?cations of digital archives; (3) process- ing and producing digital contents by multimedia software. The animations are designed to trigger learners motivation by integrating past experiences so that they are able to move forward to the next learning activity. In addition, learners are able to control their own learning speed by using a multimedia learning program. “The introduction of metadata of digital archive” provides the basic ideas of Metadata, including terminology, definitions, names, applications, types, and standardized norms. Learners are guided to learn the contents progres- sively from easy to hard ones. “The introduction of metadata of digital archive” also has three objec- tives: (1) providing a clear and concrete description about the basic ideas of Metadata; (2) analyzing the relationship between Metadata and digital ar- chives and online learning respectively; (3) establishing a preliminary concepth t t p : / / j o e ml s . t k u . e d u . t w116Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 47:1 (Fall 2009)of the standard of Metadata. The courses are designed based on Gagns nine teaching principles. The courses were shown in a learning platform that provides interactive learning to make the courses more complete. The platform used was eSchool learning platform, creating an online interactive learning environment for learners. The content of the substantial courses corresponded to that of the online courses. The instructors not only reviewed the essential concepts, but also provided examples for learners and led in-depth discussions. A questionnaire was conducted after implementing the courses and some suggestions were provided as following based on the results. Online courses: 1. The learners expressed that the interaction provided was slightly in- sufficient, and more issues could be added to trigger interaction and discussion. Consequently, teachers and teaching assistants should post more issues for learners to exchange opinions and encourage them by giving some feedbacks. This is a suf?cient element for online course arrangement. 2. Actively sending information about the online courses to the learners via different communication media lest the learners should miss any learning opportunity. 3. lthough it was a 2-hour course each time, most of the learners did not ?nish all the assignments and had insuf?cient learning hours. How- ever, the courses belong to extension education which makes it hard to control their learning conditions. Substantial courses: 1. Substantial courses were arranged after the online courses, but most learners did not ?nish their online courses, which may lead to a prob- lem on absorbing the content of substantial courses. Before arranging the content of the integrated courses, the instructor and the learners should have some discussion in avoidance with bringing pressure or burden to the learners. 2. As the instructor taught mainly through lectures and was lack for in- teraction, some time for Q&A or discussion could be added into the courses so they can share their experiences. 3. Some rewards could be provided for learners in order to stimulate their motivation to ?nish the whole integrated learning courses.h t t p : / / j o e ml s . t k u . e d u . t wDavid Tawei Ku, Chia-Chi Chang, & Yung-Hsin Huang: Design and Development of ProfessionalTraining.117ROMANIZED & TRANSLANTED REFERENCES FOR ORIGINAL TEXTLee, W. W., & D. L. Owens(2003)。 多媒體教學設計 : 數位學習與企業訓練Multimedia-based instructional design: Computer-based training, Web- based training, distance broadcast training ( 徐新逸、施郁芬譯 Shyu, Hsin-Yih, & Shih, Yu-fen, trans.)。台北市:高等 教育 Taipei: Higher Education。( 原作 2000 年出版 Original work published 2000) 中國視聽教育學會、中國視聽教育基金會 Taiwan Associations for Education Communica- tions and Technology (2001)。系統化教學設計 Xitonghua jiaoxue sheji。台北市:師 大書苑 Taipei: Shtabook。 吳美美 Wu, Mei-Mei (2004)。數位學習現況與未來發展 On e-learning and future devel- opment。圖書館學與資訊科學 Journal of Library and Information Science,30(2), 92-106。 徐新逸 Shyu, Hsin-Yih (2003)。數位學習課程發展模式初探 Shuwei xuexi kecheng fa- zhan moshi chutan。教育研究月刊 Journal of Education Research,116,15-30。 陳年興、楊錦潭 Chen, Nian-Xin, & Yang, Jin-Tan (2006)。數位學習理論與實務 Shuwei xuexi yu shiwu。台北市:博碩文化 Taipei: DrMaster。 陳和琴 Chen, Ho-Chin (2001)。Metadata 與數位典藏之探討 The research on metadata and digital preservation。大學圖書館 University Library Quarterly,5(2),2-11。 陳昭珍 Chen, Chao-Chen
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