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苏州科技学院天平学院本科生毕业设计(论文)- I -基于单片机的蓄电池自动监测系统设计摘 要蓄电池作为电力系统的后备电源,其维护工作对保证电力系统的安全运行具有重要的意义,对蓄电池实施在线监测并及时发现失效电池,是蓄电池维护工作的重中之重,本课题的主要任务就是重新设计一种新型蓄电池在线智能监测仪,能实现对蓄电池无论在浮充状态还是在充放电过程中的状态监测。该监测系统是以AT89C52单片机为核心,其芯片是采用CMOS工艺以及面向寄存器结构的单片机。它含有8K字节快檫写可编程/檫除只读存储器(EEPROM),具有256字节的内部RAM;3个16位定时记数器;32个可编成程的I/O口线;6个中断源;可编程的串行编口,还具有空闲和掉电方式,它的集成度高、速度快、功耗低,特别适合于多路数据采集的控制系统中。本系统可以测量10路或20路蓄电池端电压、电池端电压、电池温度、充放电电流等,数据采集电路采用模块化设计,可根据蓄电池个数确定模块数量,每个模块可测量一组,对测量的值采用惯性滤波法和积分、微分等控制理论进行滤波和校准。该系统采用了大连东台电子有限公司生产的EDMl2864-09图形点阵液晶显示模块,能直观了解失效的电池信息。该系统利用集抗外干扰复位热启动的看门狗、电源监测电路和串行存储于一身的XICOR公司生产的可编程看门狗定时器X25043,为整个系统提供了安全保障,同时,通讯电路可进行RS-485的通讯,通过单片机串行通讯接口,可以执行与上位机或PC机进行数据传输,供维护人员对检测参数做进一步的分析。新的蓄电池监测系统自动化程度高、人机界面友好,又易于操作,并且整体结构可靠性好,精度高,具有很高的推广使用价值。关键词 蓄电池;监测系统;单片机;看门狗苏州科技学院天平学院本科生毕业设计(论文)- II -The Automatic Monitor System of Storage BatteryBased on Single ChipAbstractThe storage battery is the spare power supply of the power systemIt is meaningful to carry out the on-line monitorThe main mission of this topic is to re-design a new kind of storage battery with on-line intelligent monitorIt can monitor whether in the float position or during discharge the appearanceThe monitor system is to take AT89C52 as the core, its chip adopts the craft of CMOS and faces to monolithic machine with memory structureIt implies the quick cleaning of the 8K word EEPROM,256 word stanza three 16 settle recorders,32 programmable I/O port,6 inside the break source, The programmable string goes to weave, still having the spare time and dropping to give or get an electric shock the wayIts integrated degree is high, the speed is quick, the power consumed is low specially suitable for the control system of many methods data collectionThis system can measure 1 0 roads or 20 roads the electric voltage of storage batteries, battery electric voltage, battery temperature and refresh and discharge electric current etcThe data collection electric circuit adopts mold designThat system adopts the sketches EDMl2864-09 with a LCD manifestation mold produced by the electronic limited company of Dalian Tong taiIt can keep the battery information of understanding expirationThat system makes use of the watchdog X25043,providing the safety guarantee for the whole system, at the same time, the communication electric circuit can carry on the communication of the RS-485It can carry out datas delivery with the interface of upper machine or PC machine, in order to support the personnel to do the further analysis to the examination parameterThe automation degree of new storage battery monitor system is high, man-machine 苏州科技学院天平学院本科生毕业设计(论文)- III -interface amity, and then be easy to the operation, and the whole structure credibility good, the accuracy is highIt can raise the production efficiency greatlyKeyword Storage battery;Monitor system;Single chip ofAT89C52;Watchdog苏州科技学院天平学院本科生毕业设计(论文)- IV -目 录第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 课题背景.1 1.1.1 电池的主要性能指标.1 1.1.2 国内蓄电池监测系统现状.3 1.1.3 国外蓄电池监测系统研究现状.3 1.2 蓄电池技术的发展与方向.5 1.3 本课题来源及技术指标.6 1.4 本文所做的主要工作.6 第 2 章 系统总体设计与算法确定.8 2.1 监测系统总体设计原理.8 2.2 主控芯片的选择.9 2.2.1 AT89C52 单片机的概述.10 2.2.2 AT89C52 单片机的主要特性.10 2.2.3 AT89C52 单片机的引脚功能.10 2.3 本系统控制算法的确定.13 2.3.1 内阻与电动势的测量.14 2.3.2 电池温度的测量.16 2.3.3 电池组端电压的测量.
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