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2016 年人教版四年级语文数学英语上册期末试卷精选 3 套人教版四年级英语上册期末试卷听 力 部 分 (40%)一 、 选 出 你 所 听 到 的 选 项 。 (10%)( ) 1. A. kitchen B. vegetable C. parents( ) 2. A. AJHK B. HJKA C. HGKA( )3. A. bread B. red C.brown( )4. A. plate B. pencil C. phone( )5. A.milk B.music C.mouse( )6. A.Science B. Chinese C. English( )7. A.she B.shelf C.short( )8. A.driver B.doctor C.door( )9.A.bathroom B.bedroom C.classroom( )10. A.twenty B. thirty C. fifty三 、 听 录 音 , 选 出 你 所 听 到 句 子 的 答 语 。(10%)( )1.A . Shes a teacher. B . Yes, she is. C . Yes, shes my teacher.( )2.A . My name is Tom. B . Her name is Sarah.C .This is Sarah.( ) 3.A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they arent. C. No, they are.( ) 4.A. Its a schoolbag. B. Some books and pens. C. Its red.( )5. A. Help yourself. B. Sure. Here you are.C. Id like some beef and vegetables.四 .根 据 听 到 的 内 容 , 补 充 单 词 , 完 成 句 子 。(10%)1. This is my mother. Shes a _.2. This is my _. Its nice.3.Id like two _ and some bread.4.Can I have some _, please ? Sure. Here you are.5.My friend is a _. She is thin.笔 试 部 分 (60% )五 、 找 出 下 列 单 词 不 同 类 的 单 词 。 (10% )( ) 1. A. rice B. soup C. light( ) 2. A. thin B. long C. sports( ) 3. A. thirty B. pencil C. twenty( ) 4. A. bedroom B.door C. window( ) 5. A. spoon B. water C. fork六 、 选 择 , 将 序 号 填 入 题 前 的 括 号 里 。 (10%)( )1、 当 你 想 告 诉 别 人 Mike 有 大 眼 睛 小 鼻 子时 :A. Mike has big eyes and a small nose.B. Mike is big eyes and a small nose.C. Mike has small eyes and a big nose.( )2、 当 你 想 告 诉 大 家 我 们 的 新 老 师 又 高 又 瘦时 :A. Our new teacher is tall and thin.B. Our teacher is tall and strong.C. Our new teacher is tall and strong.( )3、 你 想 喝 点 茶 , 要 说 :A. Help yourself. B. Have some tea.C. Can I have some tea, please?( )4、 新 年 到 了 , 你 应 该 说 :A. Happy birthday to you! B. Happy New Year!C. Merry Christmas!( )5、 当 你 问 别 人 晚 餐 想 吃 点 什 么A. What would you like for dinner? B. What do you like?C. Would you like something to eat?七 、 选 词 填 空 , 将 正 确 答 案 的 序 号 写 在 题 前 括号 内 。 (10%)( ) 1. How many _ are there in your family? Three.A. apple B. seven cats C. people( ) 2. Give me _ apple.A. two B. an C. a( ) 3. Can I _ some noodles, please?A. like B. has C. have( ) 4. Let _ clean the blackboard.A. I B. me C. our( ) 5. Whats _ name? His name is Zhang Peng.A. his B. her C. your( ) 6. Is she in the study? _.A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. She is here.( ) 7. I have a good friend. She _ sports?A. like B. likes C. liking( ) 8.What would you like for lunch?A. Yes, I like. B. Id like some chicken.C. I dont like rice.( ) 9. What can you see in my room?A. I can see a bed and a desk. B. Its nice.C. I have two windows.( ) 10. Where are the keys?A. Its on the desk. B. theyre on the table.C. Theyre on the table.八 、 连 词 成 句 。 (10%)1. family, meet, Come, and, my (.)2. would, What, like, you (?)_3. English, How, books, do, many, you, have (?)_-4. I, see, can, some, chairs (.)5. this, Is, father, your (?)_九 、 找 朋 友 。 给 下 列 问 句 找 出 适 当 的 答 语 。(10%)A. Yes, it is. B. Chen Jie.C. My father is a doctor. D. All right.E. Sure. Here you are.( )1.Can I have some noodles,please?( )2.Whats your father?( )3.Is this your bedroom?( )4.Whos your best friend?( )5.Lets clean the desks and chairs.十 、 阅 读 短 文 , 判 断 对 错 , 对 的 打 “T”, 错的 打 “ F ”。 (10%)Hello! This is the photo of my family. Its on the wall. Look! This is my grandpa and grandma . They are farmers. My father is here. Hes a doctor. Hes strong. My mother is a teacher. Shes thin. Oh, this is my sister. Shes quiet. Shes 10. Shes a good student. Who is he? Guess! Yes, its me. I like music and books.( ) 1. I am a girl.( )2. My father is tall and strong.( ) 3. My sister is a good teacher.( ) 4. I like reading books and listening to music.( ) 5. There are 5 members in my family.听 力 录 音 稿一 、 选 出 你 所 听 到 的 选 项 。 (10%)1. vegetable 2. HGKA 3. bread4. plate 5.music 6.Science7.shelf 8.driver 9.bedroom 10. thirty二 、 画 哭 脸 或 笑 脸 , 符 合 的 用 , 不 符 合 的用 来 表 示 。 (6%)1. Answer the phone.2. Watch TV.3. Id like some fish and rice.4. Wheres my mother? -Shes in the living room.5. Sarah likes reading.三 、 听 录 音 , 选 出 你 所 听 到 句 子 的 答 语 。(10%)1. Whats your mother?2. Whats the girls name?3. Are they on the table?4.What can you see in the desk?5. What would you like?四 .根 据 听 到 的 内 容 , 补 充 单 词 , 完 成 句 子 。(10%)1. This is my mother. Shes a nurse.2. This is my room. Its nice.3.Id like two eggs and some bread.4.Can I have some rice, please ? Sure. Here you are.5.My friend is a girl. She is thin.2016 年四年级数学上册期末试卷人教版一 、 填 空 题 : (24 分 )1、 三 百 五 十 亿 零 八 百 万 写 作 ( ),改 成 用 “万 ”作 单 位 的 数 是 ( )万 ,省 略 ”亿 ”后 面 的 尾 数 约 是 ( )亿 。2、 一 个 数 由 8 个 千 万 , 8 个 万 , 8 个 十 组 成 ,这 个 数 写 作 ( ), 读 作 ( )。3、 3 时 整 , 时 针 和 分 针 的 夹 角 是 ( )度 ,5: 30 时 , 时 针 和 分 针 的 夹 角 是 ( )度 。4、 周 角 的 一 半 是 ( )角 , 平
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