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126The nerve going through infraorbital foramen is A. frontal N. B. ophthalmic N. C. infraorbital N. D. maxillary N. E. mandibular N. 27 Concerning the apex of lung, which is true A. extends about 2.5cm above the medial one-third of clavicle B. extends about 2.5cm above the middlel one-third of clavicle C. extends about 2.5cm above the lateral one-third ofclavicle D. extends about 2.5cm above the medial half of clavicle E. not extends above the clavicle 28The parotid duct Open into A. Cheek mucosaB. Cheek mucosa near second molar of upper jawC. root of tongueD. nasopharynx E. isthmus of fauces 29 The nerve controlling sternocleidomastoid muscle is A. hypoglossal nerve. B. glossopharyngeal nerve. C. accessory nerve. D. great auricular nerve. E. transverse nerve of neck 30The structure passing through scalene fissure is A. internal carotid A. B. internal jugular V. C. brachial plexus D. cervical plexus E. subclavian V. 31Which description about phrenic nerve is wrong A. come from brachial plexus B. run between subclavian A. and subclavian V. C. go down the anterior surface of anterior scalene muscle D. control diaphragm E. right phrenic n.comes to liver and gallbladder 32. The carotid triangle contains A. common carotid A. B. cervical superficial lymph nodes C. lingual A. D. phrenic N. E. facial A. 33The strucure related to inferior thyroid artery is A. superior laryngeal N. B. vagus N. C. phrenic N.2D. hypoglossal N. E. recurrent laryngeal N. 34The superior laryngeal neve comes from A. hypoglossal N. B. cervical plexus C. lingual N. D. vagus N. E. glossopharyngeal N. 35. Which nerve conducts pain of posterior 1/3 of the tongue A. Submandibular nerve B.Hypoglossal nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Vagus nerve E. Facial nerve 36. Which gland is innervated by facial nerve A.Lacrimal gland B.Parathyroid gland C.Suprarenal gland D.Parotid gland E.Thyroid gland 37. Injuries of right hypoglossal nerve will cause A. the tongue can not be protruded B. the tongue can not be retracted C.the apex of tongue tend to right side when the tongue protrude D.the apex of tongue tend to left side when the tongue protrude E.supranuclear paralysis 38. Which ganglion belongs to the parasympathetic ganglion A. spinal ganglionB. celiac ganglionC. ciliary ganglionD. aorticorenal ganglionE. superior mesenteric ganglion 39. In action, the parasympathetic nerve tends to produce A. the wider opening of the pupil B. decreasing the rate of heart beating C. dilatation of bronchi D. increasing the rate of respiration E. elevation of the blood pressure 40. Which nerve conducts taste of anterior 2/3 of the tongue A. Submandibular nerve B. Hypoglossal nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Vagus nerve E. Facial nerve 41. Which gland is innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve A. Lacrimal gland3B. Sublingual gland C. Submandibular gland D. Parotid gland E. Thyroid gland 42. The recurrent (or inferior) laryngeal nerve innervates all the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, EXCEPT: A. lateral cricoarytenoid B. posterior cricoarytenoid C. cricothyroid D. vocalis E. transverse arytenoid 43. Which ganglion belongs to the sympathetic ganglion A. spinal ganglionB. superior cervical ganglionC. ciliary ganglionD. submandibular ganglionE. pterygopalatine ganglion 44. In action, the sympathetic nerve tends to produce A. the wider opening of the pupil B. decreasing the rate of heart beating C. constriction of bronchi D.decreasing the rate of respiration E. decreasing the blood pressure 45.The carotid sheath contains all of the following structures, EXCEPT A. internal carotid A. B. common carotid A. C. sympathetic trunk D. internal jugular V. E. vagus N. 46.The following statements about the phrenic nerve are correct, EXCEPT A. it passes anterior to the hilum of the lung B. it controls the movement of the diaphragm C. it is a branch of the brachial plexus D. it gives sensory supply to the pericardium E. it gives sensory supply to the diaphragm 47.Which of the following arteries is not a branch of the external carotid artery A. superior thyroid a. B. facial a. C. lingual a. D.inferior thyroid a. E.superficial temporal a. 48 Which nerve may be easily damaged when the superior thyroid artery is ligated A.The external branch of superior laryngeal nerve B.The internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve C.The recurrent laryngeal nerve D.The vagus nerve4E.The cervical sympathetic trunk 49. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve usually loops around A. aortic arch B. axillary A C. ligamentum arteriosum D. subclavian A E. ansa cervicalis 50.Which of the following is not a branch of the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve? A. zygomatic N. B. superior alveolar N. C. lacrimal N. D. infraorbital N. E. nasopalatine N.Multiple choice questions 1.The structures passing through the parotid gland transversely include (ABC) A.facial n. B.transverse facial a.and v. C.maxillary a. D.superficial temporal a. E. retromandibular v. 2.The following descriptions ab
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