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30:20-33:25一菲 (H Yfi):1 怎么回事 ,我请的摇滚乐队呢2 Zn m hu sh,w qng d yo gn yu du n 3 Whats the matter? Where is the rock band I asked for .4Whats wrong? Where is the rock band?曾 (Cng Xioxin): 1 各位乡亲父老,各位兄弟姐妹,我是你们的朋友曾小贤。 欢迎大家今天来参加我的朋友王铁柱和田二妞的婚礼。2G we f la xing qn g we xing d ji me,w sh n mn d png yo zng xao xan. Hun yng d ji la cn ji wng ti zh h tin r ni d hn l 3 Dear folks, dear brothers and sisters, I am your friend Xiaoxian Zeng. Everybody is welcome to participate in my friend Wang andTians wedding today.4 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your friend Xiaoxian Zeng. Welcome to my friends Wang and Tians wedding.女:1 哇塞,这么劲爆的名字,我能猜到就出轨了。2 W sa ,du m jng ba d mng z w nng ca da ji ch gu l .3Wow,What a ridiculous name it is ,it is hard for me to guess it rather than derailed.4 Wow, what ridiculous names, it is really hard to guess it.曾:1 我也很荣幸能担当今天的主持人,我要告诉大家,我们的新郎新娘马上 就要到了,请大家屏气凝神,期待一会这充满温情的一刻。2w y hn rng xng nng dn dng jn tan d zh ch rn, w xing yo go s d ji ,w mn d xn lng xn ning m shng ji ya da l , qng d ji bng q nng shn ,q da y hu zh chng mn wn qng d y k.3 I am very honored to act as the host of the wedding today. I want to tell you, our bride and groom is coming soon. Please hold your breath, looking forward to the moment which is full of warmth .4Its my pleasure to be your host today. The bride and groom are coming soon. Please hold your breath and waiting for the exciting moment.一菲:1 小样,竟敢抢我的台词。2Xia yng jng gn qing w d ti c.3 You are a little brat, How dare you rob my lines!4Little brat, How dare you steal my lines!曾:1 在这期间,我还为大家准备了点心,请大家随意享用,一会我们将有。 。 。2za zh q jin, w ha we d ji zhn be l din xn, qng d ji su y xing yng .y hu w mn jing yo 3 During the time we waiting here, I have prepared some snacks for everyone, please enjoy them. After a minute,we will4 During this time, you can help yourselves to some snacks. After a minute or so,we will曾:1 你别搞错了,我是主持人2n bi ga cu l , w sh zh ch rn 3 Im afraid you are mistaken., Im the host.4 Dont make a mistake , Im the host.一菲:1 我是导演2W sh da yn 3I am the director of this wedding.4Im the director!曾:1 我还是街道办事处下属委员会的副主席呢2w hi sh ji da bn sh ch xi sh we yun hu d f zh x n3 I am a street agency vice chairman of the affiliate committee.4 I am a street agency vice chairman of the affiliate committee.一菲:1 各部门注意,新郎新娘到了。奏乐!2g b mn zh y l, xn lng xn ning do l. zo yu!3 All departments ,please pay a attention. The bride and groom are coming. Playing music!4 All departments attention! The bride and groom are coming. Music!婉瑜 (Ln Wny):1 哇,好隆重啊!2w , ha lng zhng 3wow,This is a grand welcome ceremony.4 Wow,what a grandios welcome !展博 (L Zhnb):1 为什么大家都看着我们?2we shn m d ji do kn zh w mn3 Why is everyone staring at us?4 Why are they looking at us?一菲:1 展博?你怎么会在婚车里?2zhn b ? n zn m hu za hn ch l?3zhanbo? Why are you staying in the wedding car?4 Zhanbo? Why are you here ?展博:1 姐,说来话长,一会再说,这是我的朋友婉瑜。2ji, shu la hu chng ,y hu za shu , zh sh w d png yo wn y.3Sister, Its a long story. After a while ,Ill tell you in a short while. This is my friend wan yu.4 Sister, Ill tell you in a bit. This is my friend Wan yu.一菲:1 你好,这是我弟弟。2n ho ,zh sh w d d.3Hello,this is my brother.4 Hello, this is my brother.曾:1 你好,我是曾小贤。2n ha w sh zng xio xin3Hello,Im xiao xian zeng.4 Hello,Im Xiao xian zeng.一菲:1 这是我仇人。2zh sh w cho rn.3This is my enemy.4This is my enemy .婉瑜:1 你们好2n mn ho3Hello every one.4 Hello every one.一菲:1 你们是怎么过来的?2n mn sh zn m gu la d?3What traffic tools did you took to come here?4 How did you get here?婉瑜:1 我们先是做了大巴然后是卡丁车然后是拖车最后是婚车才到了这里。2w mn xin sh zu l d b rn ho sh k dng ch rn ho sh tu ch zu ho sh hn ch ca da l zh l.3Fristly,We took a bus.Then we took a karting.Nextly,we drive a trailer. Finally,we took a wedding car to come to here.4.We took a bus, a go-kart, a tractor and the wedding car to here.一菲:1 是够长的2sh go chng d3This is a long journey4 What a long trip! 婉瑜:1 婚礼开始了吗2hn l ka sh l m3Is the wedding starting now? 4 Has the wedding started?曾:1 应该算开始了2yng ga sun ka sh l3In general ,it is starting.4 For the most part! 一菲:1 全是你,把我精心策划的都给毁了2qun sh n, b w jng xn c hu d do ge hu l .3 It is all because of you,destroyed the wedding that I elaborated.4 This is your fault! You destroyed my plans.曾:1 各位,刚才只是跟大家开了一个小小的玩笑。新郎新娘马上就要到了。2g we, gng ca zh sh gn d ji ka l y g xio xio d wn xio.xn lng xn ning m shng ji ya da l.3 Ladies and Gentlemen, just now. Im having a little joke on you. The bride and groom is coming.4 Ladies and Gentlemen, just kidding. The bride and groom are coming.曾:1 在这共襄盛举的美好时刻,我可以感受到大家给予这对新人的浓浓祝福。2Za zh gng xing shng j d me ha sh k , w k y gn sho da d ji j y zh du xn rn nng nng
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