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Biao Huang is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada, and currently a Professor in the University of Alberta, NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Control of Oil Sands Processes and Alberta Innovates Industry Chair in Process Control. 浙江大学控制学院浙江大学控制学院 浙江大学外事处浙江大学外事处 迈入学术殿堂,聆听大师之声。 时时 间:间:2012017 7年年6 6月月2 2日日9:309:3012:3012:30 地地 点:玉泉校区工控新楼点:玉泉校区工控新楼501501 校庆校庆120120周年周年 学术大师大讲堂系列学术大师大讲堂系列 海外名师大讲堂海外名师大讲堂 ( (七十四七十四) ) Bayesian Inference for Process Data Analytics Control Engineering Perspective 黄彪教授长期从事工业过程数据分析、系统辨识、控制系统性能 评价、故障检测与隔离以及软测量等方面的理论研究和工业实践,取 得了一系列原创性工作,累积出版著作5部,发表SCI 期刊论文300余 篇。他是德国洪堡学者和中国教育部,并担任控制领域著名 期刊Control Engineering Practice主编、Journal of the Franklin Institute Subject主编、 Journal of Process Control副主编和Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering副主编。 He obtained his PhD degree in Process Control from the University of Alberta, Canada, in 1997. He had MSc degree (1986) and BSc degree (1983) in Automatic Control from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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