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郑郑州州雨雨辰辰学学院院 本科生毕业设计说明书本科生毕业设计说明书题 目: HXD3 型机车柴油机检修液压升降台 指导教师: 职称: 一级中教 学生姓名: 孙 学号: 1334095854 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 院 (系): 机电工程学院 答辩日期: 20 年 6 月 23 日 郑州雨辰学院毕业设计说明书 HXD3 型机车柴油机检修液压升降台I摘摘 要要液压升降平台具有载重量大,结构坚固,升降平稳,操作简单,维护方便等特点。适用于工厂,仓库,车站等需要高空作业,搬运的场所。中国的液压技术正在一点点的崛起,同时不得不承认我们与具有国际水平的主机行业的要求相比,在液压产品品种、技术和数量上,还存在很大的差距。我们在很多液压元件上的生产必须要进口大量的液压元件。本文介绍了剪叉式液压升降平台的液压系统和工作特性。设计的大致流程是:收集和液压传动有关的资料、了解液压传动的工作原理、绘制原理图、对液压站相关参数的计算、液压缸的计算、集成块的设计以及同步技术的设计等内容。液压系统采用液压阀集成配置,可以显需要请咨询学号数字企鹅著减少管路联接和接头,降低系统的复杂性,增加现场添加和更改回路的柔性,具有结构紧凑、安装维护方便、泄漏少、振动小、利于实现典型液压系统的集成化和标准化等优点。其次,文中介绍了同步阀在双缸同步系统中的应用,剖析了其工作原理。柴油机检修升降台的升降机构采用剪叉机构。该机构具有载重量大,结构坚固,升降平稳,操作简单,维护方便等特点。采用剪叉结构免去了卷扬式升降必需的几个高立导柱对天车调运工件的障碍。并且由于制造中偏差的存在,而安装铰链销时须铰孔配装,因此不存在因活动构件多、各间隙累加而产生的台面侧向晃动问题。这次毕业设计是理论转向实际操作的过度,为我们能够尽快走向工作岗位奠定了基础。关键词:关键词:液压升降平台 液压系统 液压集成块 同步阀 同步技术郑州雨辰学院毕业设计说明书 HXD3 型机车柴油机检修液压升降台IIAbstractAbstractHydraulic lift platform has the characteristics of large load,strong structure,stable operation,easy operation,etc.Suitable for factories,warehouses,stations,etc.need to work at high altitude,transportation places.Rise of Chinas hydraulic technology is a little bit,also have to admit that we compared with the level of host industry requirements,in quantity and varieties of hydraulic products,the technology,there are still a big gap.We have to import a lot of hydraulic components in the production of a lot of hydraulic components.This paper introduces the hydraulic pressure system and working characteristic of the hydraulic lift platform of the shear fork.The design process is roughly:hydraulic transmission and collection of related data,to understand the hydraulic working principle and schematic drawing,the hydraulic station computation to the relevant parameters of the calculation,hydraulic cylinder,an integrated block design and design of synchronization technology content.Hydraulic system adopts hydraulic integrated valve configuration,can significantly reduce the pipeline connection and joint,reduce the system complexity, increase on-site add and change the loop flexibility,has compact structure,convenient installation and maintenance,low leakage,small vibration,to achieve the advantages of typical hydraulic system integration and standardization.Secondly,the paper introduces the application of the synchronous valve in the dual cylinder synchronous system,and analyzes its working principle.The lifting mechanism of the diesel engine maintenance lift table adopts the shear mechanism.This mechanism has the characteristics of large load,strong structure,stable lifting,easy operation and maintenance.The scissor structure eliminates several necessary hoist lifting high vertical guide column of workpiece transporting crane obstacles.And because of the existence of deviation in manufacturing,and the installation of the hinge pin must be reaming assembled,so there is no arising as a result of the activities of the component and the space accumulate mesa lateral sloshing problem.This graduation design is the theory turn to the actual operation over,for us to work as soon as possible to lay the foundation. Keywords:Keywords: Hydraulic lift table Hydraulic system Hydraulic manifold block Synchronous value Synchronization value郑州雨辰学院毕业设计说明书 HXD3 型机车柴油机检修液压升降台III目录目录1 绪论.11.1 选题背景及目的.11.2 选题意义.11.3 液压传动的特点.21.4 液压传动的现状.22 设计任务及总体设计方案. 42.1 设计任务 .42.2 结构简介及总体设计方案 .42.3 本章小结 .53 主要参数设计计算.63.1 确定臂架组有关结构参数 .63.1.1 臂长.63.1.2 臂架组的级数和剪数.63.1.3 臂架组的起始角和中止角.73.1.4 剪叉活动绞位移 S .73.1.5 平台的最低位置和最高位置.83.2 计算液压缸行程 .83.3 计算液压缸推力 .103.4 计算平台升降速度 .123.5 计算起升液压缸 .133.5.1 确定液压缸内径 D 和活塞杆直径 d .133.5.2 核算液压缸推力.133.5.3 液压缸所需流量.133.5.4 液压缸导向距离、活塞宽度、外径及壁厚.133.5.5 验算液压缸强度.
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