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西安科技大学硕士学位论文新型农作物秸秆复合墙体的应用研究姓名:戢娇申请学位级别:硕士专业:结构工程指导教师:邸芃2011论文题目:新型农作物秸秆复合墙体的应用研究 专 业:结构工程 硕 士 生:戢 娇 (签名) 指导教师:邸 芃 (签名) 摘 要 为了贯彻可持续发展战略、实现国家节能减排的目标,推行绿色建筑材料已经迫在眉睫。 农作物秸秆墙体材料有效地利用了秸秆资源, 减少了秸秆焚烧所引起的环境污染,显著降低了建筑能耗,有效地改善了室内热环境。秸秆墙体材料的研究,对缓解我国能源紧缺局面,推动低碳经济和可持续发展有着重大的现实意义。 本文针对农作物秸秆墙体材料的力学性、热工性、防火性等方面进行了全面系统的分析研究。结合陕西杨凌示范样板房对秸秆墙体的应用形式和构造措施进行了深入细致的实地调研,采用现场实测和理论计算相结合的方法,初步得出了秸秆复合墙体材料的热工性能参数指标,提出了构造措施和连接方法,说明轻钢-秸秆复合墙体结构比传统砖混结构热传导效率低,抵御室外热环境效果更好。为了验证秸秆复合墙体材料热工性能的可靠度,本课题组利用 ANSYS 有限元结构分析软件对其进行了周期性稳态热分析。针对不同种类板材、不同保温材料、不同龙骨厚度的复合墙体进行了对比模拟分析,提出了改进作物秸秆复合墙体的技术方法。 为了进一步掌握秸秆复合墙体在抗震地区的适应性,本文根据轻钢-秸秆复合墙体的构造特性将其归属为典型蒙皮效应的一种常规结构,对它的受力性能的结构计算公式进行了优化和理论计算验证。并结合四川绵竹地区灾后重建工程中实际运用的秸秆复合墙体项目,对项目中复合墙体结构的力学性能进行 ANSYS 有限元模拟分析,得出应力应变关系图,并将模拟结果与理论计算值进行对比分析,结果证明轻钢-秸秆复合墙体的抗侧性能完全满足建筑抗震规范设计要求,具有良好的抗震性能。 综上所述,秸秆复合墙体材料是一种轻质、高强、可持续利用的绿色墙体材料,秸秆复合墙体建筑具有优良的热物理特性和抗震性能,可为人们提供良好的居住环境,适用于我国广大地区推广使用,具有一定的工程应用价值,它的研究成果也为推进绿色住宅和可持续建筑的发展提供了新的思路。 关 键 词:秸秆;新型复合墙;热工分析;构造措施;抗震性能 研究类型:应用基础研究 Subject :Application of New Crop Straw Composite Wall Specialty :Structural Engineering Name :Ji Jiao (Signature) Instructor :Di Peng (Signature) ABSTRACT In order to implement sustainable development strategies, to realize the national energy conservation, it is very imminent to carrying out green building materials. Straw wall materials use the straw resources effectively, reduce the pollution of buring and building energy consumption significantlystraw, improve the indoor thermal environment effectively. The research of Straw wall materials has great practical significance to ease the energy shortage situation, promote low carbon economy and sustainable development. This paper made a systematic study of straw wall mechanical properties, thermal properties and fire performance. Combined with Yangling Demonstration model room, the application form and the structure measure of the straw wall has carried on the thorough careful investigation. This paper takes method which combines the method of actual measurement with theoretical analysis, has obtained a preliminary straw composite wall material thermal performance parameter index and proposed the structure measure and the connection method. It shows that the light steel straw wall structure heat transfer efficiency is low, better to resist the outdoor thermal environment. Periodic steady-state thermal analysis has completed with finite element analysis softwareANSYS to Confirmation the reliability of the straw wall thermal properties. For different types of sheet, different insulation materials and different keel wall thickness of the composite were compared with simulation analysis, to propose the improved techniques method of the crop straw wall. In order to further grasp the straw wall adaptation in the earthquake region, and according to the light steel - straw wall structure be attributed to the typical characteristics of skin effect of a conventional structure, the performance of its force structure has been optimized formula and theoretical verification. Combined with the straw wall project of the post-disaster reconstruction in Sichuan Mianzhu region, the mechanical properties of the straw wall structure is analysied by ANSYS finite element, obtained stress-strain diagram, contrasted the values of the simulation results and theoretic calculation, shows that light steel straw wall Lateral performance fully meet seismic design requirements specification and has a good seismic performance. In summary, the straw composite wall material is a lightweight, high strength, and sustainable use of the green wall materials, straw composite wall construction has excellent thermal properties and seismic performance, It is suitable for promoting the use of large areas of China, has a certain value engineering, and the results of the straw composite wall material provide new ideas of promoting the building of green homes and sustainable development. Key words: Straw; New composite wall; Thermal analysis; Structural measures; Seismic performance Thesis : Application fundamental study1 绪论 1 1 绪论 1.1 选题背景 节能减排是人类共同的责任,在 2009 年哥本哈根气候变化大会上,主要国家提出了中近期减排目标和行动安排。到 2020 年,欧盟比 1990 年减排 2030,美国和加拿大比 2005 年减排 17,日本比 1990 年减排 25,中国和印度 GDP 碳强度比 2005 年分别下降 40-45和 20-251。在我国,建筑能耗约占社会总能耗的 1/3,而且建筑能耗增长的速度远远超过我国能源生产可能增长的速度,为了贯彻可持续发展战略、实现国家减排温室气体、节能规划的目标,推行可持续建筑迫在眉睫。 可持续建筑以人、建筑和自然环境的协调发展为目标,在利用天然条件和人工手段创造良好、健康的居住环境的同时,尽可能地控制和减少对自然环境的使用和破坏,充分体现向大自然的索取和回报之间的平衡。它不仅局限于建筑环境是否舒适、健康,在建筑材料的选择上更应体现建筑的可持续性。充分利用大自然简单可取,造价低廉,可循环再生的资源,大量使用农业或工业固体废弃物生产的无毒害、无污染、无放射性、有利于环境保护和人体健康的建筑材料,把对资源的索取和自然的破坏降至最低2。 2010 年上海世博会期间, 七个独立的筒状建筑物构成的万科馆引起人们的共鸣 (图1.11.2)。展馆从建筑材料的选择和设计理念上,都显示了节能环保、回归自然、尊重和顺应自然的可持续建筑概念。建筑外墙材料采用天然麦秸秆压制而成的板材,而在中庭的地板则使用了以竹子为原料制造的板材。展馆从视觉上给人留下接近自然的印象,像七个巨大的麦垛屹立在浦江西岸,成为钢筋水泥的天际线上一道独特的风景。 图 1.1 万科馆一角 图 1.2 万科馆全景 1.1.1 作物秸秆资源利用 秸秆是指谷物或纤维植物的茎,通常指小麦、水稻、玉米、薯
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