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盐城工学院本科毕业设计说明书(2016)一种纯电动汽车电池绝缘检测系统的设计摘摘 要:要:电能是一种清洁能源,电动汽车则是一种清洁的代步工具。在许多 城市,纯电动汽车已经非常普及。纯电动汽车不会排放尾气,产生噪音。诚然, 纯电动汽车具有便捷环保的特性。不过,纯电动汽车也存在一些弊端。它的车 载电瓶由多节小电池串联而成,电瓶电压非常高。这种非常大的工作电压需要 车子车底盘和车子电瓶之间具有非常优良的绝缘性能。不过由于车子使用时间 的上升,乘客的不正确使用,以及水汽的侵蚀、车体本身的逐步老化等各因素 都可能引发电气事故。如果绝缘电阻降低到一个临界值,就很可能使得电瓶正、 负极母线和车底盘构造出一个通过漏电流的回路。这不单单会干扰车子电器系 统的正常运行,甚至可能对乘客造成人身伤害。因此必须研究出一种可以实现 实时在线监测车子本身的电瓶对车子底部的绝缘性能监测装置。这对于及时发 现电气故障,保障车子的正常运行和保障乘客的人身安全意义非凡。本文的设 计灵感来源于当下普及快速的传感技术和物联网思想。本检测系统主要采用的 是 STC 公司制做的低功耗微处理器。通过该处理器控制继电器的开断实现分别 检测电瓶正负极的漏电流,把信号滤波后,放大,送至处理器,同时使用液晶 LCD1602 进行数据的显示,再将采集到数据记录使用 CAN 无线模块进行传讯。 由于电源供电的需要,本设计使用 TI 公司的专门的稳压芯片。在主控功能上,采用超低功耗的 STC15F2K60S2_PLCC44 实现环保节能。关键词关键词:绝缘检测;纯电动汽车;漏电流;超低能耗一种纯电动汽车电池绝缘检测系统的设计An design of electric vehicle battery insulation detection system Abstract: Electric energy is a very good clean energy. Electric car is a very convenient means of transportation. . In many places, the use of electric cars is very wide, and the speed of penetration is increasing.Although, the use of electric cars is not only convenient and environmentally friendly. But there are some disadvantages of the electric car itself. Safety problems of electric vehicles may affect the safety of passengers. The car battery of the electric vehicle is connected in series through a lot of lead batteries, which cause the voltage of the battery is very high. Due to this high voltage, the insulation of the battery and the chassis of the vehicle must be kept well. But with the aging of the car, the wrong operation of passengers, as well as the erosion of water vapor and other factors can lead to insulation failure. When the insulation performance is reduced to a threshold, it will make a point on the battery damage. May also cause serious consequences such as fire and explosion. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a kind of insulation detection system that can detect the 盐城工学院本科毕业设计说明书(2016)leakage current. The system needs to be online monitoring, and can be found in a timely manner. This research is of great significance to ensure the safety of passengers.The design inspiration of this paper comes from the rapid development of sensor technology and Internet of things. The detection system is mainly used STC company to do the low power processor. The leakage current of the positive and negative electrode of the battery are respectively detected by the on-off of the single chip microcomputer control relay. The signal filtered amplified and sent to the processor processing. At the same time using liquid crystal LCD1602 display data. The collected data is recorded using CAN wireless module for communication. The laying of the line is very simple and easy to implement. Due to the need of power supply, this design uses TI companys specialized voltage regulator chip. In the main control function, the use of ultra low power consumption of STC15F2K60S2_PLCC44. This can achieve environmental protection and energy saving.Key Words: Insulation detection;Electric vehicle;leakage current;Ultra-low power consumption盐城工学院本科毕业设计说明书(2016)目目 录录1.概述.11.1 引言.11.2 研究现状.21.3 目前常用的绝缘检测方法 .21.3 本设计研究的内容.62. 整体方案设计.72.1 方案比较 .72.2 方案选择.72.3 总体概述.72.4 检测硬件设计.83.系统硬件电路的设计.83.1 处理器选择.83.2 通信设备选择.113.3 信号处理电路的设计.123.4 模数转换电路的设计.133.5 显示器部分介绍 .133.6 电流取样电路的设计.143.7 电源的设计.144.系统软件设计.154.1 软件简介.155.系统调试.16结束语.18一种纯电动汽车电池绝缘检测系统的设计致 谢.19参考文献.20附录 1 .21附录 2 .22附录 3 .23盐城工学院本科毕业设计说明书(2016)11.1.概述概述1.11.1 引言引言纯电动汽车在上个世纪初具模型。电动汽车在行驶过程中不会排放尾气,噪 声低,有利于生态自然。所以在当时纯电动汽车也初是兴盛一时。然而纯电动 汽车也有它的弊端。相比传统汽车,它行驶的距离很短,并且充电时间长。电 池寿命也不高,需要不停的更换电池。所以纯电动汽车目前不可用于长途,只 能在本地短距离行驶。在这点上不是很
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