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1 保单号:- 国内短期贸易信用保险单国内短期贸易信用保险单 TRADE CREDIT INSURANCE POLICY 保单号码: Policy No. 本保险单内容主要包括明细表、保险条款、投保单及其附件,以及太平财产保险有限公司(以下简称“本公司” )今后以批单方式增加的内容。 This insurance policy contains the schedule, insurance terms and conditions, insurance application form and its appendices, other written agreements, and stipulations between the insured and the insurer, as well as additional content in the form of endorsement issued in the future by Taiping General Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company“). 鉴于本保险单明细表中列明的投保人向本公司提出书面投保申请和有关资料(该投保申请及资料被视作本保险单的有效组成部分) ,并同意向本公司按约定缴付本保险单明细表中列明的保险费,本公司同意按本保险单的规定承担在本保险期限内的保险赔偿责任,并特立本保险单为凭。鉴于本保险单明细表中列明的投保人向本公司提出书面投保申请和有关资料(该投保申请及资料被视作本保险单的有效组成部分) ,并同意向本公司按约定缴付本保险单明细表中列明的保险费,本公司同意按本保险单的规定承担在本保险期限内的保险赔偿责任,并特立本保险单为凭。 This insurance policy has been reviewed, approved, and issued by the insurer in accordance with the application filed by the insured with the Company. The insurance policy shall become effective from the date stipulated in writing upon its establishment, following the insurance application submitted by the insured and agreement of the insurer to underwrite the insurance coverage. After the policyholder has paid the insurance premium specified in the schedule of the policy to the insurer, the insurer shall then undertake insurance liabilities in accordance with the stipulated terms and conditions under this policy. The payment of the insurance premium by the insured on the date stipulated in this insurance policy shall be a prerequisite to the insurance contract going into effect; if the insured fails to make the premium payment in a timely manner as required by the provisions of the contract, the insurer shall not assume the insurance coverage. 被保险人在收到本保险单后请即核对,如有异议请在 72 小时内通知本公司。 The policyholder or insured shall verify the contents of this insurance policy immediately upon receipt. In the event of errors or omissions, please notify the Company within 72 hours so that proper corrections may be made. 签发日期:2014 年*月*日 Date of Issue: 签发地点: 电话 Telephone: 传真 Fax: 全国统一客户服务热线:95589 全国统一客户服务热线:95589 太平财产保险有限公司深圳分公司太平财产保险有限公司深圳分公司 Taiping General Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 泓 基 珠 宝保单号:- 2国内短期贸易信用保险国内短期贸易信用保险 SHORT-TERM DOMESTIC TRADE CREDIT INSURANCE 承保明细表承保明细表 THE SCHEDULE 保单号码保单号码Policy No.: 部分部分 Section 1 投保人/被保险人名称 Name of the Insured 地址 Address 联名被保险人名称 Name of Joint Insured Nil 地址 Address Nil 保险人名称/ 保单签发单位 Name of the Insurer /Policy Issue Office 太平财产保险有限公司深圳分公司 Taiping General Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 保单签发国家 Country of Issue 中华人民共和国(不含港澳台地区) The People Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) 司法管辖 Jurisdiction 中华人民共和国(不含港澳台地区) The People Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) 经纪人/代理人 Broker/Agent 达信(北京)保险经纪有限公司上海分公司 2 保单货币 Policy Currency 保费计算方法 Premium Calculation Method 保险费率 Rate for Calculation of Premium 预计保费总额 Total Estimated Premium 最低应缴保费 Minimum Premium 预付期限 Deposit Period 申报期间 Declaration Period 人民币 CNY(本文件中显示的所有金额均以保单货币计价 All amounts shown in this document are denominated in the Policy Currency) 保费-交易营业额申报 (批单 3) Premium - Turnover Declaring (Endorsement 3) CNY CNY 每年 Annually 每年 Annually 保险期间 Period of Insurance From * /* /2014 to */*2015 (at Midnight) 泓 基 珠 宝保单号:- 3预计年交易营业额 Estimated Annual Insurable Turnover CNY 预付保险费 Deposit Premium CNY 限额管理费 Limit Management Charge CNY0.00 3 保险类型 Type of Cover 国内短期贸易信用保险 贸易业务描述 Description of Trade 保险事故 Claimable Events Insured Percentage 承保比例 免赔额 Deductibles 无偿付能力 Insolvency 拖欠货款 (延迟付款期间: 180 天) Protracted Default (Protracted Default Period: _180_ days) * (or as varied in the Approved Countries and b. the Minimum Premium as specified in the Schedule. Declarations The Insured must declare its Turnover of Transactions (as defined below) for the Policy Period in accordance with the Declaration Period Frequency noted in the Schedule. These Declarations are to be made on the form provided by the Insurer within fourteen (14) days after each declaration period unless otherwise required in this Policy. At the expiry of the Policy Period and on submission of all Declarations the Insurer will calculate the total premium payable and notify the Insured in writing of the amount due to or from the Insured (after taking into account the total of premium instalments paid and the Minimum Premium). In each case payment in full is due within seven (7) days of notification. Turnover of Transactions means the aggregate invoice value of all Shipments made by the Insured to Insured Buyers at any time during the Policy Period, but excluding the invoice value of any indebtedness which is not covered in this Policy by Exclusions. 4、Establishing Permitted Credit Limits 确定核准信用限额确定核准信用限额 保险人必须出具限额审批单确定每个投保买方的核准信用限额。 被保险人必须根据保单规定向保险人提供每个投保买方的信息,另有约定除外。 A Permitted Credit Limit must be established in respect of each Insured Buyer by the Insurer issuin
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