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法律硕士理论性研究论文评阅参考标准法律硕士调研报告、案例分析报告、应用性专题研究论文评阅参考标准一、论文的选题意义一、论题是否具有现实意义与司法实践价 值二、对文献资料掌握的程度二、所选案例及调研数据是否紧扣论题三、论文所反映出的基础理论和专门 知识水平三、论述及论证方法是否反映了对基础理 论和专门知识的掌握与运用四、论文的创造性四、是否针对特定的问题做出了独立思 考,或提出了切实可行的解决方案、方法五、写作的规范性和逻辑性等方面五、不拘泥于理论性研究论文格式,具有 与论文类型相适应的写作规范与逻辑六、论文的不足六、论文的不足论文所反映出的基础理论和专门知识 水平优( )良( )中( )差( )论文所反映的分析问题、解决问题的能力优( )良( )中( )差( )论文写作水平优( )良( )中( )差( )论文写作水平优( )良( )中( )差( )该论文是否达到硕士学位论文水平该论文是否达到硕士学位论文水平是否同意该硕士生参加论文答辩是否同意该硕士生参加论文答辩法律硕士学位论文评阅参考标准西南政法大学在职攻读法律硕士学位论文论经营者对服务场所的安全保障义务导师:张力副教授作专者:刘春花业:法律硕士(民商法方向)中国重庆 二八年九月摘 要近年来,因宾馆、酒店、娱乐歌厅、银行等服务经营场所不安全导致消费者人身,财产权益受侵害的案件时有发生,在社会上引起了强烈反响。法院在审判实践中亦经常碰到这类案件,有的是受害人直接因经营者的过失遭受人身或财产损害,还有的是经营者并未直接侵害受害人的人身或财产,但却找不到作为直接侵害人的第三人,或虽找到了但缺乏偿付能力。从而受害人对经营者提起诉讼,要求赔偿损害。经营者的安全保障义务问题也相应成为学者们探讨的新问题。虽然最高人民法院在关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释(以下简称解释)中对经营者的安全保障义务作了集中的规定,但该制度无论在理论上还是在实践中都存在不少问题。本文对经营者安全保障义务的产生原因、性质、范围以及归责原则和构成要件等四个部分进行了探讨,以期对司法实践有所裨益。第一部分:概念与产生原因。经营者的安全保障义务是指从事住宿、餐饮、娱乐等经营活动的经营者在经营场所对消费者、潜在的消费者、其他进入经营场所的人以及虽未进入经营场所但可能受经营场所经营活动影响的人依法承担的保护其人身财产安全的义务。经营者安全保障义务的出现是各种原因综合起作用的结果。现代社会危险源的日益增加、国家力量以及传统法律制度供给的不足是经营者安全保障义务出现的现实基础。危险控制理论,收益与风险相一致理论,保障人的安全权理论,公司的社会责任理论,这些都为经营者安全保障义务的出现提供了法理依据。第二部分:经营者安全保障义务的性质。在参考国内外多种学说的基础上,笔者认为,安全保障义务宜确定为侵权法上的法定义务,但并不排除其具有约定义务的性质。第三部分:经营者对服务场所承担安全保障义务的范围。经营者安全保障义务的义务主体是经营者。经营者负有安全保障义务的时间一般为营业时间,但不限于营业时间,经营者在营业外的时间是否负有安全保障义务要做具体分析。经营者负有该义务的空间范围不限于营业场所,经营扩大到的经营场所之外的场所亦包括在内。经营者安全保障义务的对象范围不仅包括消费者、潜在的消费者及其他进入经营场所的人,还包括虽未进入经营场所但可能受到经营场所经营活动影响的人。经营者安全保障义务1的内容包括危险发生前的防范义务、不安全因素的警告说明劝告义务、消除危险义务、救助义务、保全证据义务。经营者的安全保障义务应限定在合理限度内。对于合理限度的确定可以参考法定标准、行业惯例标准、理性人标准、可预见性标准、信赖标准、可控性标准、成本效益标准、对儿童尽较高义务标准。第四部分:经营者安全保障义务的归责原则及构成要件。笔者认为,为了保护受害人的利益,应实行过错推定,由经营者对其没有过错负举证责任。由于过失客观化的发展,违法性和过错的认定逐渐都以违反特定义务为标准。相应的,经营者违反了安全保障义务就可认为其行为既具有违法性又存在过失。所以本文认为,经营者违反安全保障义务之侵权责任的构成要件包括经营者负有安全保障义务、经营者违反了安全保障义务、安全保障义务的相对人受有损害、经营者违反安全保障义务与受害人受损害之间具有因果关系。在因果关系的证明上,原告只需证明经营者违反安全保障义务与其受损害之间存在高度盖然性即可。本文的结束语在前面论述的基础上,对如何完善我国经营者安全保障义务制度的立法提出了若干建议。关键词:安全保障义务 产生原因 性质 范围 侵权责任2ABSTRACTThe cases of personal safety damage and property damage in hotel,entertainment and bank have occurred in recent years,which attaches attention ofthe society. The courts oftenly touch such cases which result from operators faultwhile damage in some cases is not directly caused by operators but directinfringers could not be found or direct infringers are not able compensate fordamages and aggrieved parties file lawsuit for damage compensation withoperators as defendant. So, the problem of operators safety guarantee obligationhas become a new one need to be researched. Although the Supreme Courtconfirms the operators safety guarantee obligation in Explanation of problemsin personal safety damage trial , but this system still has some issues both intheory and judicial practice. The essay focuses on development, substances,limits , Imputatio principle and the components of operators safety guaranteeobligation. Hope the research will be helpful for judicial practice.Chapter one wants to discuss the exist reason of operators safety guaranteeobligation and refer to its concept: the operator of a service business has the dutyto safeguard the personal and property security of consumers, potentialconsumers, other persons in its place of business operation or influenced by itsbusiness. operators safety guarantee obligation s existence is the result of manyreasons. In modern sociaty, the sourses of danger have increased daily,meanwhile, the country power and traditonal law system cant provide enoughprotection. In another side, danger control theory, profit theory, the right ofsecurity, and so on, provide theoretical basis for the exist of operators safetyguarantee obligation.Chapter two analyzes the legal substances of operators safety guaranteeobligation. On the basis of vary theories, the author think that, operators safetyguarantee obligation which usually shall be a duty confirmed by law of Torts canbe a date duty only in some speacial cases.Chapter three dicusses the limits of operators safety guarantee obligation.The main body to undertake this duty shall be the operator. The time frame inwhich the perators undertake the obligation should within the business time, but1not be limited. Whether the operators should undertake the obligation base onanalyzeing. The spatial extent of the operators undertake the obligation shouldnot be limited in its place of business operation, the extension of the place ofbusiness operation should be include. The object of the operators safetyguarantee obligation includes consumers, potential consumers, other persons inits place of business operation and the person who although dont enterbut influenced by its business. The componant of operators safety guaranteeobligation includes the duty of preventing danger, the duty of warning of unsafeaspect, the duty of sweeping danger, the duty of helping, the duty of protectingevidence. The operators safety guarantee obligation should has a reasonablelimit. The defining of reasonabl extent can think about vary standards.Chapter four elaborates t
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