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摘 要近代以来耕地减少的趋势都与受农耕水平影响的生态环境密切相关。南雄山地的土层本来很薄,土质容易受气候的影响而风化,雨季来时由于地面径流的作用而受到冲刷。农民耕作的强度以及不良的耕作方式、灾害的发生,加快了水土流失的速度。对山地的不良耕作习惯是长期以来造成水土流失的原因。同时南雄的水利建设受到自然生态以及社会生态的严重制约。即使南雄山区的农耕水平有了较大的提高,但是恶劣的生态环境条件制约了经济发展的水平,也制约了人们应对环境的能力,使南雄山区经济发展长期处于一个较低水平。本文分析了南雄山区耕地减少的农田和农耕技术要求标准的演变,以及与生态环境之间的关系。探讨了实施高标准基本农田建设与规划测量相关工作,为建立农田水利工程、田间道路工程、农田防护林工程以及土地平整等一系列的工程建设规划设施提供了技术保障。关键词:高标准基本农田; 规划测量; 技术设计东华理工大学长江学院毕业设计 ABSTRACTABSTRACTIn modern times the decline in arable farming are affected by the level of influence with the ecological environment are closely related. Originally thin mountains soil of Nanxiong, the soil vulnerable to the effects of climate weathering, the rainy season due to the action of surface runoff by erosion. Peasant farming intensity and poor farming methods, disasters, accelerated soil erosion rate. Poor farming practices on the mountain is a long lead to soil erosion causes. Meanwhile Nanxiong by natural ecological water conservancy construction and social ecology severely constrained. Even mountains farming of Nanxiong has been greatly improved, the adverse environment conditions restricted the level of economic development, but also restricts the ability of people to cope with the environment, so that the long-term economic development in mountainous areas Nanxiong at a lower level. This paper analyzes the reduction of arable land mountainous of Nanxiong farmland and farming techniques required standards have evolved, as well as the relationship between the environment and ecology. Discusses the implementation of high standards of basic farmland construction and planning survey related work, to build water conservancy projects, field engineering, construction and land leveling farmland shelterbelt project construction plan and a series of facilities to provide technical support.Key words: High Standards of Basic Farmland; Planning Measure; Technical Design东华理工大学长江学院毕业设计 目录目 录1 绪 论.1 1.1 研究背景条件和目的.1 1.2 高标准基本农田概述.2 1.2.1 农田的概念.2 1.2.2 高标准基本农田概念和意义.2 1.3 测区概况.3 1.3.1 测区自然地理概述.3 1.3.2 测绘基准.4 1.3.3 已有资料情况.4 2 控制测量.5 2.1 平面控制测量.5 2.1.1 选点和埋石.5 2.1.2 控制网编号.6 2.1.3 控制网布设.7 2.1.4 精度要求.7 2.1.5 施测方法.8 2.1.6 数据处理.9 2.2 高程控制测量.10 2.2.1 选点和埋石.10 2.2.2 水准路线控制点编号.11 2.2.3 控制网布设.12 2.2.4 精度要求.12 2.2.5 施测方法.13 2.2.6 数据处理.13 3 数字化成图.13 3.1 外业数据采集.15 3.1.1 外业数据采集要求.15 3.1.2 外业数据采集综合取舍的原则.16 3.2 内业数据处理.16 3.2.1 内业数据处理步骤.
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