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The information given and the recommendations made herein are based on our experience and are believed to be accurate. No guarantee as to, or responsibility for, their accuracy can be given or accepted and no statement made herein is to be treated as a representation or warranty. In every case we urge and recommend that purchasers before using any product make their own tests to determine, to their own satisfaction, its suitability for their particular purposes under their own operating conditions. Such as evaluation should be repeated if materials are changed in any way or bought from a different source. No agent or representative of our has any authority to vary, omit or otherwise alter these terms. ADHESIVES DIVISION Product Data Sheet DURO-TAK 180-1197 National Starch & Chemical Ltd Wexham Road Slough Berkshire SL2 5DS Tel: (0)1753 533494, Fax: (0)1753 501241 0504ZN5.0 类型类型类型类型 外观外观外观外观 可自架桥的溶剂型丙烯酸酯压敏胶 无色液体 技术参数技术参数技术参数技术参数 典型数据典型数据典型数据典型数据 粘度(厘泊) 1300 - 2200 (Brookfield SSA, #21/speed 20/25C) 固含量(%) 47.0 50.0 (150C, 60 分钟) 相对粘度 2.0 2.6 比重(克/毫升) 0.88 溶剂系统(%) 乙酸乙酯 24 异丙醇 27 庚烷 44 甲苯 4 2,4-戊二酮 0.4 典型应用典型应用典型应用典型应用 * 水白产品,初粘、剥离和剪切性能均衡,适合多种应用的通用型粘合剂。 * 可用作单面与双面薄膜、泡绵胶带、转移胶带、高性能标签、服装袋、气雾剂、复合以 及窗膜等。 典型性能指标典型性能指标典型性能指标典型性能指标 剥离力 (20 分钟,不锈钢板): 16 牛顿/25 毫米 剥离力 (24 小时,不锈钢板): 24 牛顿/25 毫米 环型初粘性 (不锈钢板): 16 牛顿/25 毫米 剪切力(25 毫米 x 12.5 毫米,1 公斤负荷,23C,不锈钢板) 168 小时 剪切力(25 毫米 x 12.5 毫米,1 公斤负荷,70C,不锈钢板) 0.8 小时 (依据 FINAT 方法,涂胶 30 克/平米到 50 微米的聚酯膜上(PET),以上典型数据仅供参考之用,不应用于产品规格的设定) The information given and the recommendations made herein are based on our experience and are believed to be accurate. No guarantee as to, or responsibility for, their accuracy can be given or accepted and no statement made herein is to be treated as a representation or warranty. In every case we urge and recommend that purchasers before using any product make their own tests to determine, to their own satisfaction, its suitability for their particular purposes under their own operating conditions. Such as evaluation should be repeated if materials are changed in any way or bought from a different source. No agent or representative of our has any authority to vary, omit or otherwise alter these terms. DURO-TAK 180-135A 0504ZN5.0 FDAFDAFDAFDA 食品接触状态食品接触状态食品接触状态食品接触状态 DURO-TAK 180-1197 完全干燥或交联后的干膜成分,符合美国食品及药物监督局的条规: FDA 21 CFR 175.105“粘合剂”。 特性特性特性特性 益处益处益处益处 *涂层无色高透明 *适合复合与窗膜(非聚氯乙烯) *耐气候性(UV和水)强 *适合长期室外应用,聚酯贴膜可抗海水盐蚀。 *高固含量 *易于达到高涂布量 *皮肤刺激指数=0.6 *刺激性弱。可适用于皮肤接触应用。 应用指导应用指导应用指导应用指导 可以用任何适合产品粘度的一般涂布方式作业,包括辊轮及刮刀式涂布机。视所用基材,可选 用直接与间接涂布方式。通过调整溶剂,可直接涂布与很多基材,而不产生变形。 +大量商业应用之前,建议顾客进行详尽的测试。 #适合医学与皮肤接触应用,但本表没有背书或认证效力。厂家必须寻求最终解释和正式批准。 包装包装包装包装 候选包装方式,可联系本公司当地代理。 储存及处理储存及处理储存及处理储存及处理 - 把握“先进先用”原则,消化库存。 - 使用前注意清洗混合容器,将粘合剂搅拌均匀,不要和其它粘合剂混合使用。 - 建议储存环境为温度 5-35C,干燥、阴凉的地方,远离各种火种火源,防止高温。 - 若已开桶,则装有粘合剂的容器必须盖紧,以防止溶剂挥发及受污染。 - 原封桶的储存有效期为自生产日起 12 个月。 健康与安全健康与安全健康与安全健康与安全 The information given and the recommendations made herein are based on our experience and are believed to be accurate. No guarantee as to, or responsibility for, their accuracy can be given or accepted and no statement made herein is to be treated as a representation or warranty. In every case we urge and recommend that purchasers before using any product make their own tests to determine, to their own satisfaction, its suitability for their particular purposes under their own operating conditions. Such as evaluation should be repeated if materials are changed in any way or bought from a different source. No agent or representative of our has any authority to vary, omit or otherwise alter these terms. 使用本产品前,请先阅读化学品安全数据说明书(MSDS),以了解有害物质,燃烧性,废弃 物,及其相关处理的有关信息和建议。
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