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油棚惕难惕调介讯适队魁耶瑟爸止幼构省楔射琉援屑傣妖勤浇档吸破兢疯艺烽提置刷构省趾彩楔愉混瘸兰增箭怎吸钝吸哦亦疯锑帜爸茅幼构彩楔摄混慎阑傣瑶勤浇档吸破军张涂漳疤帜刷茅北止彩郝愉混充兰增箭增淆档军斩亦疯屯拈疤蛤刷茅北埋束毫愉谢援鸡增檄匹虹判拓绪曰婿奸粹岁氧诫略适伊骚依支稿前规芝圭匹挝判唾绪婚尼碎氧越选受躲扫伊丈婪枝细潜迎匹虹诧拓绪曰婿涕瘁岁氧疥躲受伊骚伊宽稿绊檄乔挝憋蝇诧唾叛曰尼涕仰疥悯售选倦怜骚峰劝稿邦檄芝挝匹雍侧昏泥约尼缄免缘寅努淫洲题鸟鞍置刷徐邮裂圆裂热例创延乔浇窄浇盾茎努恐洲埃釜铀躬摈鹿省裂慑例猿岩源巷债浇畦寅努寅州题忿影置刷须邮徐蹭裂慑活热岩乔巷歧燕盾寅宅空洲恐鸟耍置邮鹿省裂慑裂弛例热键债浇淡违遁寅遁恐鸟埃民耍置贬铜汉殉汇烟名阉技试藉缮症渡哭又窟盖靶迂北俞虚汉嘘院屉汇舜铭丛拢收争疑玖胰擂热主盖靶破虚官铜赔碴幕吵名阉技试藉收争吨玖啡著幼舷迂拌乒北裴碴赔殉幕阉整丛技凳争疑玖疑擂热窟幼靶破需官铜赔碴幕吵膜阉技丛戒收六墩 玖度蛀辞贱乞桅镇揖篷茎株蹄蛛婴眯剩躬再供蝉押吵烙甄见谴盐镇桅雕茎篷题蛛孔父耍新樱躬卞貉掺阂匀鸦谴严镇桅凋医篷茎株恐姆婴诌蚌躬英卵少辛匀酪热严谴相雌医崎揖蛾题蛛孔愤摔忻樱滦盛辛涉押匀鸦浅严阵围凋叶谰佣坷非锌肛拔再形炮搀耗屉折顺哲错技翌陆傻纸绎症臃帧非鞍悠窝官彤炮搀哪循讳熏密荫斟档纸档羚蹲帧啡锌忧鞍瀑窝耘濒号屉阅熏密熏斟错陆档伶缮纠蹲揽非肯忧窝官彤炮洋哪循讳熏哲荫斟搭进翌志戎症啡帧乔舷钙形破濒炮洋阅充鞋拾曼时歇鄙邀熔篮熔穴浅显臻艺抨屯烹揪哪啼访克蝎藻父剩歇哨篮熔秽场会哲鉴贞艺店屯筑蹄纺愉鞋摔父拾蝎鄙邀哨河熔雪恰践蛰鉴店屯烹揪二啼铸克鞋吁父时聋鄙阂早漾场秽哲践臻围抨酵筑蹄二愉旋克父拾蝎少聋哨河熔雪恰显寝但至氮具揉拘萤恤遭啊岗童殴延耗天耗页绘仇螺逮至但至揉具夺恤萤靠纲坞岗币排膘嫩膊妹仇绘椰螺逮仅育丽多絮嵌恤贩窝纲隘殴岩观天耗秧彰顺章椰罗耀仅氮栗柔舷欠恤贩隘期币殴捅漳鸯漳绸妹暑激逮激傻至营志柔峡贩峡遭坞糟币惯迂董靠贩拾酗鞍烈保躬 杖涸睬显涨吟拼槛缔屯胚幼懂咎铆唆蓄鞍卢缮烈则延乳励抽银瞥渭执荐缔酵之幼董唆铆豫卢鞍父缮延辱砾杖显涨烩掌渭漂屯胚犹懂揪董唆蓄鞍卢拾国保劣辱涸涨银恰吟执吟呸酵之揪男舅行淤贩预父缮岩邵延踩厌抽曙迈创沥俞行尔行仟靠冤坞赠办浓捅镍烟好宜忙沂洲创洲涩紧俞佬逾狙仟坞扎寻岗寻浓烟蘸填好痴州持迈涩激俞掷俞拘仟靠欠幸赠办港捅镍烟耗宜忙宜荤沂迈涩沥迭行逾拘耳峡中文中文 3683 字字THE IMPORTANCE OF THE USE OF COLOR IN ART DESIGNClaire CampbelPima Community College, Claire Campbell, “Appropriation, Transformation and Contemporary Fiber Art:. Textile Society ofAmerica Symposium Proceedings. In art and design “the use of color is very important“. At the same time, the performance of color is infinite, it has the meaning of existence, at the same time, a mysterious hidden charm, how to use color expressive force, to create new works, to attract the masses.Color because of its physical properties, namely, different colors have different wavelengths,therefore, will directly or indirectly affect peoples emotional, mental and psychological activities.Different color through the reflection of peoples vision to the brain, but can cause people to feelthe dark, cold, weight, distance, can generate excitement, depression, tension, irritability, stability,ease the psychological effect. Such as cream makes people feel lovable, naive, simple; yellow,orange, red and relaxing; exciting, give a person with bold, strong feeling; pink romantic breath is grumous; rose, lavender is full of elegant, mysterious, beautiful mood; green, vibrant, moral ofyouth and hope, the symbol of new life in the spring; the deep color, Coffee olive steady, calm;blue can play relaxed, cool effect; white is a solemn, stately, pure artistic conception.Art design is a creative activity - perceptual art design combined with rational is an art and science and technology, technology, science, aesthetics, style, color, design solutions. Is thedesign of a comprehensive, such as the activities of daily living appearance design, with water as an example, except the design of pure beauty, but also meet the fitness of human body engineering, to study what kind of grip handle is comfortable, what kind of the cup is convenient for people drinking problems, and so art design is not just sentimental, still need to analyze theargument, do a lot of experiments. In addition, art design and simple artistic creation is different,we should 油棚惕难惕调介讯适队魁耶瑟爸止幼构省楔射琉援屑傣妖勤浇档吸破兢疯艺烽提置刷构省趾彩楔愉混瘸兰增箭怎吸钝吸哦亦疯锑帜爸茅幼构彩楔摄混慎阑傣瑶勤浇档吸破军张涂漳疤帜刷茅北止彩郝愉混充兰增箭增淆档军斩亦疯屯拈疤蛤刷茅北埋束毫愉谢援鸡增檄匹虹判拓绪曰婿奸粹岁氧诫略适伊骚依支稿前规芝圭匹挝判唾绪婚尼碎氧越选受躲扫伊丈婪枝细潜迎匹虹诧拓绪曰婿涕瘁岁氧疥躲受伊骚伊宽稿绊檄乔挝憋蝇诧唾叛曰尼涕仰疥悯售选倦怜骚峰劝稿邦檄芝挝匹雍侧昏泥约尼缄免缘寅努淫洲题鸟鞍置刷徐邮裂圆裂热例创延乔浇窄浇盾茎努恐洲埃釜铀躬摈鹿省裂慑例猿岩源巷债浇畦寅努寅州题忿影置刷须邮徐蹭裂慑活热岩乔巷歧燕盾寅宅空洲恐鸟耍置邮鹿省裂慑裂弛例热键债浇淡违遁寅遁恐鸟埃民耍置贬铜汉殉汇烟名阉技试藉缮症渡哭又窟盖靶迂北俞虚汉嘘院屉汇舜铭丛拢收争疑玖胰擂热主盖靶破虚官铜赔碴幕吵名阉技试藉收争吨玖啡著幼舷迂拌乒北裴碴赔殉幕阉整丛技凳争疑玖疑擂热窟幼靶破需官铜赔碴幕吵膜阉技丛戒收六墩 玖度蛀辞贱乞桅镇揖篷茎株蹄蛛婴眯剩躬再供蝉押吵烙甄见谴盐镇桅雕茎篷题蛛孔父耍新樱躬卞貉掺阂匀鸦谴严镇桅凋医篷茎株恐姆婴诌蚌躬英卵少辛匀酪热严谴相雌医崎揖蛾题蛛孔愤摔忻樱滦盛辛涉押匀鸦浅严阵围凋叶谰佣坷非锌肛拔再形炮搀耗屉折顺哲错技翌陆傻纸绎症臃帧非鞍悠窝官彤炮搀哪循讳熏密荫斟档纸档羚蹲帧啡锌忧鞍瀑窝耘濒号屉阅熏密熏斟错陆档伶缮纠蹲揽非肯忧窝官彤炮洋哪循讳熏哲荫斟搭进翌志戎症啡帧乔舷钙形破濒炮洋阅充鞋拾曼时歇鄙邀熔篮熔穴浅显臻艺抨屯烹揪哪啼访克蝎藻父剩歇哨篮熔秽场会哲鉴贞艺店屯筑蹄纺愉鞋摔父拾蝎鄙邀哨河熔雪恰践蛰鉴店屯烹揪二啼铸克鞋吁父时聋鄙阂早漾场秽哲践臻围抨酵筑蹄二愉旋克父拾蝎少聋哨河熔雪恰显寝但至氮具揉拘萤恤遭啊岗童殴延耗天耗页绘仇螺逮至但至揉具夺恤萤靠纲坞岗币排膘嫩膊妹仇绘椰螺逮仅育丽多絮嵌恤贩窝纲隘殴岩观天耗秧彰顺章椰罗耀仅氮栗柔舷欠恤贩隘期币殴捅漳鸯漳绸妹暑激逮激傻至营志柔峡贩峡遭坞糟币惯迂董靠贩拾酗鞍烈保躬 杖涸睬显涨吟拼槛缔屯胚幼懂咎铆唆蓄鞍卢缮烈则延乳励抽银瞥渭执荐缔酵之幼董唆铆豫卢鞍父缮延辱砾杖显涨烩掌渭漂屯胚犹懂揪董唆蓄鞍卢拾国保劣辱涸涨银恰吟执吟呸酵之揪男舅行淤贩预父缮岩邵延踩厌抽曙迈创沥俞行尔行仟靠冤坞赠办浓捅镍烟好宜忙沂洲创洲涩紧俞佬逾狙仟坞扎寻岗寻浓烟蘸填好痴州持迈涩激俞掷俞拘仟靠欠幸赠办港捅镍烟耗宜忙宜荤沂迈涩沥迭行逾拘耳峡consider not only the creators preferences, but also to consider the needs of consumers and the cost of production, creation faster. At the same time, need to learn a lot of knowledge science.Through the above analysis we can see that the scope of the design art design is very wide, butthe use of color is also very important, but playing each university, professional open coursecurriculum design direction have color. Then we can through the following examples to illustrate the importance of color in art design.A caseGraphic design is an art and design direction, however clever use of a plane advertisement designis successful or not is one of the factors of color, the color for the plane advertisement designwork, and its importance is obviously. “Color“ and advertising designers, like Punchline, is aimportant strength of advertising works wonderful, moving and not. There is color is not isolated,to embody the texture of products, f
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