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XX 大学毕业论文(设计) 摘要摘要 随着 Internet 的普及,管理信息系统在各领域的应用越来越广泛。高 校毕业设计是在教学过程的最后阶段采用的一种总结性的实践教学环节, 以往毕业设计的组织工作繁琐,并且可靠性差 。使用计算机实现毕业设计管 理,具有手工所无法比拟的优点。毕业设计管理系统能够很好地完成毕业设 计的各项工作,满足高校毕业设计网络管理的要求,为高校毕业设计的管理 提供了一种新方法。 本系统是针对现代高校计算机技术的发展,为了应对以 往毕业生毕业设计中遇到的工作效率低,交互性差等问题而采用软件工程的 设计思想设计的。 本论文重点介绍了毕业设计管理系统的实现过程:包括 可行性研究、系统分析、 功能分析与设计、数据库设计 、系统实现、系统 测试等。系统主要功能有用户注册、用户管理、用户批量注册、系统设置、 毕业设计课题信息录入、文件上传与下载、学生成绩评定等功能,最根本 的目的是让学生可以在线选题,教师可以在线进行课题信息录入、信息查询等, 具有操作方便,响应快捷等优点。该系统在架构上采用了当前流行的 B/S 结构, 采用 ASP.NET 技术,利用 C#语言在 Visual Studio 2005 平台上借助 SQL Server 2005 进行开发。 关键词关键词 毕业设计管理系统;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2005;Visual Studio 2008XX 大学毕业论文(设计) Abstract: With the popularity of the Internet, the informational management systems have been used in many fields more and more widely. Graduation design at university is the final stage of the teaching plan,And it is also a summary of the practical teaching method at university.It is known to us that the organization of graduation design is trival and lack of security before. But now using computer to realize graduation design management has great advantages comparing with by hands. Graduation design management system is able to complete the work of students graduation design. At the same time it allows universities to manage their graduation designs though networks.We have to say the management system provides a new method for the management of graduation design. The system is based on the development of computer technology in universities, and it also can cope with the problems such as low efficiency ,lack of interactivity which are encountered in the design of former graduates. So the system is designed in the thought of software engineering.This paper mainly introduced the realization of graduation design management system.It includs the processing of feasibility study, system analysis, functional analysis and design, database design, system realization, system test, etc. The main functions of the system are user registeration, user management, system configure, input of graduation design information, file upload and download,evalutaing students performance etc. The purpose of the system is to let students choose the subject they interested in online,and teachers can input the information of subject online.The system has two advantages.The first is convenient to operation,and the second is its quick response.This system is adopted in the framework of the structure of B/S.It uses asp.net technology and its programming language is c # .At the same time it uses visual studio 2005 as the platform and SQL Server 2005 as database. Key words:Management Information System for Graduation Project; ASP.NET;SQL Server 2005;Visual Studio 2008
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