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1全新版听说教程全新版听说教程 4 答案答案Unit 1Part B Exercise 1 1.A radio or TV program. 2.Birthday celebrations around the world. 3.They run a weekly column in the Toronto Daily Star. 4.Because they cant afford the cost. 5.Because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote,buy wines and drive a car. 6.Because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age. 7.Egypt,turkey,insomnia, and Senegal.Exercise 2 1.F. 2.F. 3.T. 4.F. 5.F. 6.F. 7.F. 8.T Part C 1.unique 2.globe 3.simultaneously 4.terrorist 5.remembrance 6.appropriate 7.sharing 8.the material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland 9.It will allow a voice to all regardless of nationality,religion,race,political viewpoint,gender or age. 10.Contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries.Unit 2Part B Exercise 1 dcbaaExercise 2 1.smoking is banned Public placesTheaters and airportsAll workplaces 2.have banned smoking Parks and recreation centersSmoke-free park Smoke-free zones2375 January 1,2002 Harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke Dangerous tobacco wastePart C ddaaUnit 3Part B Exercise 1 dcacExercise 2 1.were born with better memories 2.In different parts of the brain 3.Ideas 4.Words 5.Numbers 6.Left-hand side 7.Images 8.Sounds 9.Smells 10.Right-hand side 11.Chemicals such as adrenaline 12.Boost memory 13.Context 14.Recall 15.To remember it 16.Lose itPart C adbUnit 4Part B Exercise 1 dbdcdaExercise 2 1.go round everyone individually3Hello everyone sat down 2.everyone in the groupGoodbye left 3.firmly quite gently 4.Your left hand your pocket her left hand in her pocket 5.first invited to titlesFirst name invited to 6.own name a strangerHow do you doPart C cdbUnit 5Part B Exercise 1 bcaExercise 2 1.F. 2.T. 3.F 4.F. 5.F. 6.F. 7.T. 8.F 9.T 10.TPart C cdcabUnit 6Part B Exercise 1 addbcdExercise 2 business economics had years of experience in stuff they wanted to get rid of $110,000 construction materials old couches metals and electronics over 60 percent charities $3 million 130 16 80 20124Part C bcbaUnit 7Part B Exercise 1 dcbbabExercise 2 With a fortune easier and freer glittering baggage attended to The more snow it collects Comfort enters the house a guest becomes a host a master And ride mankind dabcPart C cabbUnit 8Part B Exercise 1 BcbadExercise 2 1.He was only 20 years old. 2.There are 75 British cemeteries. 3.The names of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls. 4.There are no headstones,no flowers,only slabs in the grass.The whole place is dark and dank. 5.It was created by an explosion. 6.It dates from medieval times.Part C bdcdcbUnit 9Part B Exercise 15ccdcdExercise 2 Diana Female Alzheimers disease 53 four Memory 1.Recognize familiar buildings husbands workplace 2.No idea how to get home 3.Recognize her cousin 4.Her way round her office building made mistakesPart C 1.opportunities 2.services 3.longevity 4.specialty 5.structure 6.existences 7.complicated 8.the elderly must rely on a fixed income 9.While some live with their children,many more live by themselves,with a friend or in a nursing home. 10.They have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local,state and federal agencies.Unit 10Part B Exercise 1 BdacExercise 2 1.41-foot sailing boat 2.dining table 3.devised their own curriculum 4.a shuttle launch the Kennedy Space Center museums 5.Use a library 6.Writing science experiments artwork project 7.The world around them 8.A rain forest a coral reef historic ruins foreign markets local festivals6Part C abccUnit 11Part B Exercise 1 AcbbcExercise 2 1.They are too high 2.So that people can be discouraged from using cars. 3.She suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city center. 4.Because they pollute the city center. 5.Use the bus or tram service.Part C acca Unit 12Part B Exercise 1 CbddddExercise 2 1.In Sweden in 1997. 2.on a South Pacific island in May 2000, 3.they had to find and cook their own food.Sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms. 4.Nine volunteers.They were filmed 24 hours a day for 100 days. 5.On New Years Eve 1999. 6.$1million for the winner of Survivor and $500,000 for the winner of Big Brother. 7.Big Brother.Part C abbdd Unit 137Part B Exercise 1 1.In an expensive restaurant in London. 2.No,he was brought up in England but now lives in South Africa. 3.With his sister and brother-in-law. 4.That he would be left holding a restaurant bill bothers him,because for someone who earns South Africa rand,a meal in London is just too expensive. 5.Because even if he had ordered lobster,a very expensive dish,it would have cost him nothing,as the owner of the restaurant was a business partner of his sister and brother- in-laws and they ate there for free.Exercise caccaaPart C dcbdUnit 14Part B Exercise 1 BddccExercis
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