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初三英语二模试卷(10-1)2007-2008 学年度门头沟区初三年级第二次模拟考试学年度门头沟区初三年级第二次模拟考试英 语 试 卷第 I 卷 (机读卷 共 70 分)考考 生生 须须 知知1、第 I 卷包括听力、语言知识运用和阅读三部分,共五道大题。各题均 在机读答题卡上作答,小题号要对应,填涂要规范;每小题只准选择 一个答案,多选不得分。 2、考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。听力部分听力部分(共 18 分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。 (每段对话朗读两遍) (共 6 分, 每小题 1 分)请看第一组的四幅图片。听三段对话,完成第 13 小题。 A.B.C. D.1.2. 3. 请看第二组的四幅图片。听三段对话,完成第 46 小题。 A.B.C.D.4.5.6. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下列各题所给的二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下列各题所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个三个 选选项项中中,选选择择最最佳佳选选项项。 (每段对话或独白朗读两遍)(共12 分,每小题1.5 分)听第一段对话,回答第 78 小题。 7. What was Tom doing when Jack called him? A. He was out for lunch. B. He was working at his office.初三英语二模试卷(10-2)C. He was answering the phone. 8.When would Tom go to see Jack? A. At one oclock.B. At four oclock C. At half past four.听第二段对话,回答第 910 小题。 9. Where are the speakers?A. In a hospital.B. In a store.C. In a factory. 10. How much is the yellow toy car? A. 160 yuan.B. 100 yuan. C. 80 yuan.听一段独白,回答第 1114 小题 11. How far is the West Garden from the school?A. 6 kilometers. B. 16 kilometers. C. 60 kilometers. 12. What will they do in the afternoon?A. Play ping-pong and volleyball.B. Go fishing and swimming.C. Walk in the garden. 13. When will they return?A. At 8:30 pm B. At 8:30 am C. At 5 pm 14. What will the weather be like next Sunday?A. Sunny and hot. B. Rainy and cool. C. Cold.请同学们将试卷翻到第 8 页,看第一大题的听力试题。根据试题要求在相应位置上作答。 语言知识运用部分语言知识运用部分 (共 30 分) 三、单项填空三、单项填空(共 18 分,每小题 1 分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 15.Whos the girl over there? Miss Gao. She teaches _ English. A. ourB. usC. oursD. we 16.What time did you get to school this morning?_seven thirty. A. InB. On C. At D. From 17.Excuse me. Read the text louder, please. I _hear you.A. cant B. wouldnt C. neednt D. may not 18.Can I help you, sir?Yes, Id like five _and some peas.A. potatoB. tomatoesC. meat D. banana 19._ book is this? Its Toms.初三英语二模试卷(10-3)A. WhenB. Where C. What D. Whose 20.Which is river in China?The Changjiang River.A. longerB. the longestC. longestD. the longer 21.Would you like to watch TV or listen to the music?_.Im busy with my work. Thank you.A. BothB. NoneC. EitherD. Neither 22. you TV at the moment?No, you can turn it off.A. Did; watch B. Are; watching C. Do; watch D. Have; watched 23.Listen! Can you hear a baby _?A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cries 24.Isnt Jack back yet?No, but I think he _in half an hour.A. returnedB. will returnC. has returnedD. returns 25.There goes the bell. Hurry up, _youll be late for class.A. andB. thatC. butD. or 26.Sorry, Miss Gao. My mother cant come to the parents meeting. She _to Shanghai.A. goes to B. has been to C. has gone toD. went to 27. Im thirsty. Would you bring me some_, please? A. water B. cakes C. bread D. eggs 28. I will tell you the news as soon as I back.A. came B. will come C. have come D. come 29.May I use your bike? Im afraid you cant. It must _ now. A. repairB. be repaired C. repaired D. is repaired 30.Where is your mother?She is busy_in the kitchenA. cook B. cooking C. cooks D.to cook 31.He is an honest man. I believe_at the meeting yesterday.A. what did he say B. what he saidC. what does he say D. what he says 32.Would you mind if I use your bike? . A. Yes, do please B. Of course 初三英语二模试卷(10-4)C. Of course not D. All right 四、完形填空四、完形填空 (共 12 分,每小题 1 分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能 填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Two teachers were sitting in the teachers room. For a moment there was silence. Then one of them, Miss Smith, said, “Im afraid Id have to fail him!“Now Alice,“ said her friend, Mrs Jackson, “is he so 33 a student?“Thats just the trouble!“ the other woman answered. “Tom was ever my 34 student. The 35 is that he is so lazy that he never gets his work done. He hasnt 36 me a piece of homework for three weeks.“Mrs Jackson had never seen Miss Smith so 37 before. “Have you had a word with him about it?“ she asked. “Why should I? He 38 he has to get ready for his lessons and do his homework. I made that very clear on the first day for class. I dont know what has happened. When the lessons started he did so well that I 39 thought about asking the school to give him a scholarship (奖学金). But he has changed. He even sleeps in class! Ive never seen such a 40 in a student.“You 41 have a talk with him. Give him a chance to tell his idea about the story.“Miss Smith spoke to Tom and 42 all about it. He was studying all day and working most of the night in a factory to pay for his schooling. Of course he was 43 in class and sometimes could hardly 44 awake. Miss Smith soon made the school give a scholarship and he was able to work hard at his lessons. 33. A. terrible B. clever C. good D. different 3
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