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消失的地平线字攻略()红锥与Tin组合,得到。将丢到下的板上。再次使滑轮。得到Knapsack。右键查看Knapsack。得到壶,指南针,电,和防毒具。组合胶与电。在将电与指南针组合。对着狗窝使组合好的电。组合壶与在缆车出得到的,袋Baking Powder。盖上盖。将组合好的壶,扔到左边房顶的积雪上。下来之后,点击右边桌上的发电机。开始解谜游戏。不难,细 就好。有两个难度,上的级,下的是初级。将右边的插头查到右侧正确的插槽内就好。成功后,右侧灯亮起。先右键查看右侧墙壁,之后对着右侧墙壁上三个圆形雕刻,依次使 Prayer Wheel。成功后,会打开个。点击打开的地,开始翻拼图游戏。的是拼出正确的图形。同样有2个难度,建议选难的,因为其实难度很低了。成功后,进打开的门。5成功进密室。右键查看下地上的图纹。之后于Kim对话,开始长篇剧情。结束这章,进第三章。以下部分为“头侠”汉化的攻略,基于对英原版的尊重,特地保 留了英部分。Chaptar 3 Race against time第三章 和时间赛跑Scene 1 Free Hayes1. Leave the alley(巷)and go to the bazaar(集市) .离开巷,进集市2. Take the north exit .从北边的出出去3. Enter the gendarmerie(宪兵看守所) .进宪兵看守所4. Pick up the crank(曲柄、井轱辘) by the well(井) .取井上的井轱辘5. Go back to the alley .回到巷6. Talk to the snake charmer(戏蛇者) about everything .与戏蛇者交谈切7. Talk to the jeweler about everything .与珠宝商交谈切8. Enter the antique shop and talk to Lacoste about the medication(药物、处) .进古董店,并和洛考斯特(Lacoste)谈论药物的事9. Leave the alley and go to the bazaar .离开巷,去集市10. Go right to the desert .向右进沙漠11. Pick up some hay(草) from the trough(饲料槽) .从饲料槽中拿起草12. Use the crank on the sparkling(闪光的) rocks(头) at the bottom(底部) of the screen(电脑屏幕) .晶轱辘在下的块间凿晶13. Inspect(检查) the large sign(警牌) and the tent(帐篷) .检查警牌和帐篷14. Go back to the alley返回巷15. Give the jeweler the crystal(晶) .把晶交给珠宝商16. Leave the alley and go back to the gendarmerie .离开巷,回到宪兵看守所17. Talk to the gendarme(宪兵) about the form(表单、形状) .和宪兵讲表单的事18. Go outside .离开19. Use the polished(打磨过的) quartz(英) on the crank holder(持) on top of the well .将打磨过的晶放在轱辘架上20. Use the hay on the ray(光线) of light .聚光点燃草21. Use the well crank with the cell window(铁窗) .将井轱辘递铁窗22. Use the stamp(邮票、图章) with the form .在表单上盖上章23. Go back to Lacoste and give him the form .回到Lacoste(洛考斯特)那,把表单给他24. Pick up the small case(盒) .取盒25. Go back to the front of the gendarmerie .回到宪兵看守所的铁窗前26. Use the small case with the cell window .向铁窗内递盒27. Use the well crank on the small case .组合井轱辘和盒,得到球28. Go back to the bazaar .回到集市29. Talk to the greengrocer(蔬果贩) .和蔬果贩交谈30. Buy half a melon(西) .买半个西31. Use the half crank on the melon .井轱辘掏空西32. Enter the dyers(染房) place .进染房33. Use the melon on the barrel(桶) of clean water by the entrance .西在处装34. Go back to the alley .回到巷35. Give the melon filled with water to the snake charmer .将交给戏蛇者36. Leave the alley and go to the bazaar .离开巷,到集市37. Inspect the poster(海报) by the exit to the desert .检查去沙漠门旁的海报38. Use the flute(横笛、凹槽) on the small camel(骆驼) in the distance .进沙漠,笛对着远处的骆驼吹39. Go to the desert .去沙漠40. Go to the Berbers(巴巴) fairgrounds(露天场) .到柏柏尔节的游乐场41. Go back to the city .回到城市42. Give the garment(服) ticket to the cloth merchant(服装商) .将租券交给服装商43. Take the white djellaba(长袍) .取长袍44. Go to the dyer and talk to him about everything .进染房,和主交谈切45. Go back to the desert and this time go to the oasis(绿洲) .回到沙漠,再进绿洲46. Talk to the nomad(游牧) about everything .和游牧交谈切47. Go back to the dyer , give him the indigo(靛蓝染料) and get your djellaba dyed blue .回到染房,交出靛蓝燃料,并将长袍染蓝48. Go to the Berbers fairgrounds .回到柏柏尔节的游乐场49. Enter the Shaman(萨满)s tent on the left side of the wrestler(摔跤)s tent .进摔跤帐篷左边的萨满帐篷50. Talk to the Shaman about everything .和萨满交谈切(定要讲完话,才可以在后采花)51. Go back to the oasis .回到绿洲52. Pick up some thorn(有刺的) apple blossoms(花) (white plants) .采摘有刺的花53. Go back to the Berbers fairgrounds .回到柏柏尔节的游乐场54. Enter the wrestlers tent .进摔跤帐篷55. Talk to the promoter(发起、推) .和主办交谈56. Tell him “Yes” .说“是的”57. Go back into the wrestlers tent .再次进摔跤帐篷58. Use the thorn apple blossoms on the bucket(容器、桶) .在桶放有刺的花59. Talk to the promoter .和主办交谈60. Tell him “Yes” .说“是的”61. Go back to the city .回到城市62. Go to the bazaar .回到集市63. Examine the thimblerigger(杂耍)s stand(位置) .检查杂耍的摊64. Tell him “Yes”.告诉他“是的”65. Use your ornamental(装饰的) gold ball with the thimbleriggers stand .利球,再次进杂耍的摊66. Use the gold detector(探测器) on the three cups .黄探测器逐探测,确定球的位置67. Choose the cup under which the gold detector detects gold .选择有球的杯68. Repeat 64 , 66 , 67 .第次赌200法郎时,依然黄探测器探测69. Go to the gendarmerie .回到宪兵看守所70. Give the 225 francs(法郎) to the Gendarme .将钱交给宪兵Chapter 4 Into the lions den(潜虎)第四章 潜虎Scene 1 Journalist(记者) Falcon1. Inspect the advertising pole(柱) .检查告柱2. Pick up the loose(松散的) poster .取松开的海报3. Use the museums entrance .进博物馆4. Talk to the cleaner about everything .和清洁交谈切5. Pick up the rubbish bin(箱) .从门边的垃圾桶拿出东西。6. Inspect the devil(恶毒的) sheep .检查恶魔之7. Use the broken bottle neck on the argali(盘)s whiskers(胡 ) .断瓶颈弄撮盘的胡8. Pick up the cardboard(硬纸板) box underneath the cleaner .检查清洁的硬纸板盒9. Use the sandpaper(砂纸) on the lid(盖) .砂纸打磨盖10. Inspect the info sheet(信息表单) .检查赛程表11. Exit the museum .离开博物馆12. Go to the city .前往城市13. Go to the Olympic Stadium .前往奥林匹克体育场14. Use the old rubber(橡胶制成的) glove(套) with the gas bottles .瓶给橡胶套充15. Go to the city.前往城市16. Go to the Pariser Platz .去巴黎场17. Pick up the napkin(餐) .拿起餐18. Use the napkin w
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