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红河学院本科论文(设计)2011 年度本科生毕业论文(设计)枇杷外包装成型机系统设计枇杷外包装成型机系统设计院 系: 工学院 机械系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 年 级: 2007 级 学生姓名: 孙 林 学 号: 200703050657 导师及职称: 张文斌 (讲师) 2011 年 5 月红河学院本科论文(设计)2011 Annual Graduation Thesis (Project) of the College Undergraduate Design of loquat outer package form machine systemDepartment: Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering College Major: Mechanical Engineering and Automation Grade: 2007Students Name: Sun JilinStudent No.: 200703050657Tutor: Lecturer Zhang WenbinFinished by May, 2011红河学院本科论文(设计)摘摘 要要枇杷外包装成型机系统设计基于枇杷外包装设计,其采用环保类纸浆通过本系统来进行压制成型。本机构根据枇杷外包装的要求来进行相应的设计和达到其预期的要求。枇杷外包装成型机系统具有环保和可更换模具来完成不同产品的压制。这在我国九五规划中能加速我国以纸代塑工程的进程,枇杷外包装成型机系统将是未来纸浆行业里的更好的辅助机构。本机构采用液压系统和 PLC 控制来共同完成压制工作。根据枇杷包装成型机所需的负载来拟定液压系统图,经过计算来确定液压系统的参数。液压技术在我国各领域得到了广泛的运用,且以其他传动控制技术相比,液压系统具有能量密度高,配置灵活,调速范围大,工作稳定,运动性能好,容易过载保护,容易实现自动化机电液一体整合。关键词关键词:压板设计;液压系统 ;机电一体化;PLC 控制红河学院本科论文(设计)ABSTRACTDesign packaging machine loquat loquat-based packaging design, the use of environmentally friendly type of pulp through the system for pressing.The agencies, according to the requirements of Loquat corresponding packaging design and to achieve its intended requirements. Loquat packaging machine system is environmentally friendly and can replace the mold to complete the suppression of different products.The body hydraulic system and plc control to work together to complete suppression. The hydraulic technology in China has been widely use, and compared to other transmission control technology, the hydraulic system with high energy density, configuration flexibility, speed range, stable, exercise performance, easy to overload protection, easy to automate Integration of electro-hydraulic one. The agencies, according to loquat packaging machine according to the required load, the development of the hydraulic system diagram, has been calculated to determine the parameters of the hydraulic system.Keywords: piece design;hydraulic system;mechatronics;PLC control linking红河学院本科论文(设计)目录第一章 绪论.11.1 选题的目的和意义.11.2 国内外发展状况.11.3 枇杷外包装成型机总体布局概况.21.4 运动方案设计.31.4.1 设计要求及枇杷包装模型参数.31.4.2 压板设计.61.4.3 液压系统的设计. 机构及液压系统的基本组成. 枇杷外包装成型机的基本结构描述.81.5 本设计的主要框架结构.9第二章 系统分析及传动部分设计.102.1 工况分析.102.2 拟定液压系统原理图.132.2.1 确定供油方式.152.2.2 自动补油保压回路的设计.162.2.3 释压回路的设计.162.3 液压缸的计算和确定.172.3.1 确定液压缸主要参数.172.3.2 液压缸实际所需流量计算.192.3.3 液压缸主要尺寸的确定.192.3.4 液压缸的其他设计.212.4 确定液压泵规格和驱动电动机功率及其选择.232.4.1 液压泵规格分析和选择.232.4.2 驱动电动机功率及其选择.252.5 阀类元件及辅助元件的选择.272.6 管道尺寸的确定.28红河学院本科论文(设计)2.7 液压站结构设计.312.8 液压油箱的设计.312.8.1 液压油箱有效容积的确定.312.8.2.液压油箱的结构设计.
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