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学校代码:10491 研究生学号:硕2001007中国地质大学 硕士学位论文湘鄂西花岗岩体磷灰石裂变径迹年龄 及隆升剥露史研究硕 士 生: 龚松林学科专业: 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学导 师: 陈能松 教 授二四年五月A Dissertation Submitted to China Universityof Geosciences for the Degree of MasterUplift and denudation history of the granitoid pluton from the western Hunan-Hubei province as revealed by apatite fission-track thermochronologyMaster Candidate:Gong SonglinMajor:Mineralogy, Petrology, Deposit GeologySupervisor: Prof. Chen NengsongChina University of GeosciencesWuhan 430074 P. R. China研究生学位论文原创性声明我以诚信声明:本人呈交的硕士学位论文是在陈能松教授指导下开展工作而取得的研究成果。文中关于“湘鄂西花岗岩体磷灰石裂变径迹年龄及隆升剥露史研究”的成果系本人独立研究得出,不包含他人研究成果。所引用他人之思路、理论、方法、观点、认识均已在参考文献中明确标注,所引用他人之数据、图件、资料均已征得所有者同意,同时也明确标注,对论文的完成提供过帮助指导的有关人员也在文中说明并致以谢意。学位论文作者: 签字日期:作者简介龚松林,男,汉族,党员,1979 年 1 月出生,湖北省随州市人1997 年就读于中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院。2001 年进入中国地质大学(武汉)研究生院,攻读矿物学、岩石学、矿床学硕士学位。期间共修课程 14 门,计 45 个学分,其中学位课 6 门,计 22 个学分,平均成绩82.5。参加的科研项目:1.青海省海西州都兰幅 1:25 万区域地质调查。2.中石化重大基础项目(编号:P02009) ,名称为“鄂西渝东海相油气的构造控制与保存条件研究”发表论文情况:龚松林.角闪石全铝压力计对黄陵岩体古隆升速率的研究.华东地质学院学报,2004, 27(1): 52-58.湘鄂西花岗岩体磷灰石裂变径迹年龄及隆升剥露史研究硕士生:龚松林 导师:陈能松 教授摘 要隆升速率研究历来是造山带构造发展演化研究的一个重要内容,但在油气盆地构造研 究中的应用较为少见。前人研究表明,快速隆升和明显的差异隆升都不利于油气藏的形成 与保存,而缓慢隆升则对油气藏的保存无破坏作用。因此,研究沉积盆地基底的隆升剥露 史可以为揭示盆地形成后可能受到的破坏或保存程度提供重要的基础地质资料。 本课题针对区内基底变质岩变质程度低和破坏事件主要发生在印支期以来的特点,采 用矿物地质压力计法、磷灰石裂变径迹年龄高程法和钾长石多重扩散域(MDD)氩同 位素热年代计法,主要通过对湘鄂西一带近南北向分布的花岗岩体自印支期以来的冷却抬 升剥露史进行研究,以查明构造非平稳运动的期次和作用时间,为鄂西渝东盆地石炭系及 其稍晚以来成烃层的可能的破坏事件分析提供一个方面的约束。 结果表明, 黄陵岩体自晋宁期侵位结晶至剥露出地表接受震旦系地层沉积以来,剥露 幅度达 15km 左右,平均古剥露速率为 0.23mm/a;白马山岩体从侵位(416Ma)到中泥盆世 (391Ma)接受沉积的 25Ma 之间共剥露了约 5.8km,平均古剥露速率约 0.23mm/a。 黄陵岩体样品的径迹年龄范围位于 113.853.3Ma 之间,表明黄陵岩体的隆升始于晚 白垩世,并一直延续到始新世末。白马山岩体样品的径迹年龄范围在 79.85.6Ma 之间, 表明白马山岩体的隆升开始于古新世,一直延续到第四纪早更新世。黄陵岩体和白马山岩 体的磷灰石裂变径迹同位素热年代计揭示鄂西渝东盆地东缘在 80-60Ma 间存在较快速的 构造抬升过程,剥露速率0.025mm/a,其中 80Ma 和 60Ma 左右可能分别是该过程中的两 个快速隆升幕。 钾长石多重扩散域(MDD)氩同位素热年代计揭示中华山岩体结晶后的冷却历史可 分为 4 个阶段,其中第一次发生在 240-200 Ma,其冷却速率为 3.56/Ma;200-140Ma 之 间,存在一段相对静止的缓慢冷却过程,冷却速度仅为 0.07/Ma;140-130 Ma 之间,存 在一次快速冷却过程,冷却速率可达 13.6/Ma;130-100Ma 之间,存在较慢的冷却过程, 冷却速率为 0.65/Ma。 综合区域地质资料和同位素热年代计得出的结果,本文认为,自印支期以来,湘鄂西 岩体及其基底经历了 240-200Ma、140-130 Ma、80-60 Ma 三个阶段的快速隆升过程。据唐 俊红博士对川西南震旦系储集层研究表明在 220Ma、135Ma 和 70Ma 分别存在三个重要的 油气运移期,其中以 70Ma 时的运移规模最大。由此看来,本研究区岩体自印支期以来的 构造抬升对成烃层的成油条件产生了重要影响,既可能产生破坏作用,也可以使上覆生烃 层形成可观的微裂隙,从而成为油气运移的重要通道。关键词:磷灰石裂变径迹年龄,MDD,地质压力计,隆升剥露,湘鄂西花岗岩体ABSTRACTThe research of uplift rate is always considered as a important part in the tectonic evolution of the orogenic belt, but it is not often familiar to use it in the tectonic evolvement of oil-gas basin. According to the former research, the formation and preservation of the oil-gas deposits can be destroyed for the rapid-uplift and distinct differential-uplift, but the slow-uplift has no destruction to the oil-gas basis preservation reversely. So we can consider that it can provide important basic geological information to reveal whether the oil-gas basin was destructed or not, from the research of uplift and denudation history of the sediment basin . Because of the low metamorphism of the rocks from the basement and the destruction in the Indo-China period, we can get the tectonic movement periods and phases, and provide a geological information for the proper destruction analysis on the sediment basin from Carboniferous or even later in the area from the west of Hubei province to the east of the Chongqing city, through the research of the cooling, uplift and denudation history of the granites from the western Hunan-Hubei province in the Indo-China period, which is used the way of geobarometers, fission track dating of apatite and 40Ar/39Ar age of K-feldspar multiple diffusion domain(MDD). As a result, our research indicated that the huangling plutons depth of denudation was about 15 km ,and the mean rate of ancient denudation was calculated as nearly 0.23mm/a from its crytallization to denudating to the ground level. Baimashan plutons depth of denudation was about 5.8 km, and the mean rate of ancient denudation was calculated as nearly 0.23mm/a from its intrusion to denudating to ground. The fission track age of the Huangling pluton varies from 113.8 to 53.3 Ma, indicates that the uplift of the Huangling pluton started from the late Cretaceous and lasted to the late Eocene. The fission track age of the Baimashan pluton varies from 79.8 to 5.6 Ma, indicates the uplift of the Baimashan pluton started from Paleocene, lasted to Pleistocene of Quaternary. Apatite fission track analysis of Huangling and Baimashan pluton indicates that there was a rapid tectonic uplift process during 80 to 60 Ma, and its denudation rate is more than 0.025 mm per year, the 60Ma and 80 Ma properly represent two rapid-uplift curtains in the process. The 40Ar/39Ar age of K-feldspar Multiple Diffusion Domain indicates that the cooling history of the Zhonghua pluton can be divided into 4 phases. The first phase occurred between 240 and 200Ma, and its cooling rate was 3.56/Ma. The second phase occurred from 200 to 140Ma and the cooling rate was only 0.07/
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