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辽宁省抚顺市第二十六中学七年级英语下册辽宁省抚顺市第二十六中学七年级英语下册 UnitUnit 5 5 ImIm watchingwatching TVTV(第四课时)教案(第四课时)教案 人教新目标版人教新目标版教学目标:知识与技能:Vocabulary : 2 new words . Ss can talk about what people are doing.过程与方法:Task based language teaching methods.情感态度价值观:Help our parents to do housework. 重点:Ss can talk about what people are doing. 难点: Present progressive tense . Yes/No questions and short answers. 教学过程: 一.复习导入: (一)复习现在进行时: 1.现在进行时表示: 2.现在进行时的结构: 3.现在进行时的关键词: 4.动词如何变现在分词:(1)(2)(3) (二)看 P29:3a 的图片,用现在进行时谈论它们二.新课呈现: (一)大声朗读 P29:3a:用横线画出活动,用圆圈圈出地点 (二)再读一遍:将四幅图片排序 (三)回答以下问题:1.What is Mike doing in the second picture? 2.Is Mike eating lunch in the third picture? 3.Is Gina doing her homework? 4.Who is the letter to? (四)四人为一组,将短文中有用的词组找出并写在下面:三.有效训练: 根据 P29:3b 的图片,完成短文。四。任务达成: 自由谈论:将自己的家庭照拿到学校来,以小组为单位谈论它们。 注意时态。 五。能力提升:(一)单选:1.Whos in the room? -Mr. Smith is. He_ a letter.A: is writingB: writtingC: writing2. - -Is Alice writing? -_. She is listening to the music.A: Yes, she is B: Yes, she does C: No, she doesnt D: No, she isnt3.What _Mary and Kate talking? A: about B: is C: is D: do4.- -Where are the boys? -They _soccer at school.A: play B: are playing the C: are playing D: play the 5.Whats the man_A: ta lk B: talkingC: talking about D: say (二)汉译英1. 他们正在和谁谈话? _ are they _ _?2.我妈妈正在车站等我。 My mother _ _ _me _the station 3. 看!王先生正在公元拍照。Look! Mr. Wang _ _ photos in the park. 4. 这里有我的一些照片。 Here _ some of _ _ _.5. 人们正在跳舞。 The people _ _.6. 你们在谈论什么? What are you _ _?六。作业1。全面复习现在进行时2.完成 P30:3:看图写作 3. 写作:谈论完家庭照片后,将你谈论的内容写下来。写在下面空白处:七反思:
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