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WereWere tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earthearth学 习 目 标一、掌握本节所学新单词。二、.掌握重要句子:1.The river was dirty . Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish .2.It used to be so clean .3. People are throwing litter into the river .4. I used to be able to see stars in the sky .学 习 流 程二次备课一、明标导入学生感知学习目标(朗读或默读)二、自主学习二、自主学习任务一:预习课文,会读写本课的重点单词1、读一读 记一记本节课新单词2、小组互相检查单词读写情况。任务二:1、 找一找 根据生活常识把与 1 a 中图片 有关的单词写在书中横线上。2、.阅读 1b,翻译下列短语(1)在建的房屋 (2) 噪音污染 (3)空气污染 (4)河底 (5)把扔进 (6) cut down air pollution . (7) take away food 三、听说活动1.试一试 同桌两人一组利用 1a 中的信息编对话2认真阅读 1b 要求,听录音完成表格。3、听录音完成 2a、2b。4、分组活动编对话(把 1c 和 2c 进行融合)四、展示点拨1、跟读对话 2d,模仿语音、语调。2、小组编对话(仿照 2d),台前展示,师生点评。3、难点导学 辨析:turn , get 与 become turn 指在颜色和性质方面与以前的完全不同,强调变化的结果。如: Leaves turned brown in the mountains. get 多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后常接形容词的 比较级形式。如:In winter the days get shorter. become 多指身份、职位等的变化,强调变化的过程已完成,后接名词和形容词。 如:He becomes a teacher .五、达标测评单项选择1. Her mother_ angry when she heard the news . A . turn B . get C . gets D . become 2. -Did you tell it to Jack ?-Yes. but we were _ in the middle our telephone conversation. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut up D. cut into 3. -Do you take exercise every day ?- Yes . I always _ thirty minutes after supper . A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay 4. I _ 300 yuan for the bike . A. spent B. cost C. took D paid 学习小结:学习小结: 本节课你还有哪些知识点没有掌握住,请把它们写出来_ _
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