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Unit 6 School Life【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 6 School Life (2) Lesson 23 Open your book. Lesson 24 She goes to football practice.二. 重点、难点: 1. 在实际生活中运用祈使句表达命令或要求 2. 一般现在时的疑问句和回答Lesson 23 Open your book. I. Words Study 单词学习:lend wrong sharpener notebook backpack passII. Expression Patterns 常用的表达方式: 1. 祈使句 祈使语气动词开头,通常没有主语,用于发出命令,表示建议或鼓励人们做事情。否 定意义的祈使句在语气动词前加 do not(或 dont)Have a drink. Come here. Dont sit down. Dont touch it. 2. In turns, a player from one team writes three instructions on a piece of paper and gives it to a player from the other team. 一个组里的队员在一张纸上写出三条指令,然后把它传给另一组的一个队员,轮流去 做。 One the other 一个,另一个I have two sisters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. There are two beds in my bedroom. One is for Jerry, the other is for me.Lesson 24 She goes to football practice. I. Words Study 单词学习:activity captain craft clay usually ownon ones own match against wear uniformexcursion try take part in timeII. Expression Patterns 常用的表达方式:1. There is a teacher who supervises but basically the students organize everything on their own. on ones own 独自地,依靠自己力量地I am on my own today. Can you do it on your own?2. Do you play on the team? on 为工作,是的队员She is on the school volleyball team. Which side is he on the game? 3. I always try to take part in different activities. take part in 参与,参加Peter often takes part in the games. Does he take part in t he sports meeting? 4. We practice two times a week. time 次I have Englis h class three times a week. They swim four times a month.
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