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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料一起学托福阅读之生命科学类“朋克”青蛙-智课教育旗下智课教育本文和大家一起学托福阅读之生命科学类“朋克”青蛙,这篇托 福阅读材料供考生参考使用,希望考生能够认真备考,预祝考生能够考 出好成绩。 说起青蛙,想必大家都不会太陌生,但是这么“任性”的青蛙你见 过吗?今天准备的托福阅读材料就带大家来关注这个奇怪的发现,到底 科学家们在研究中发现了什么样的青蛙物种,它们的独特之处以及被发 现的过程。 在学习这篇托福阅读 文章之前,先整理一下疑难词: indecisive adj. 犹豫不决的;非决定性的 Camouflage n. 伪装,掩饰vt. 伪装,掩饰 Spine n. 脊柱,脊椎;刺 slimy adj. 黏滑的;泥泞的;谄媚的,虚伪的 Amphibian adj. 两栖类的 Tuck vt. 卷起;挤进 moss n. 苔藓;泥沼 Vertebrate n. 脊椎动物 physique n. 体格,体形mutable adj. 易变的,不定的 thorny adj. 多刺的;痛苦的 dub vt. 配音;授予称号 blend into融入.;与.融合 开始阅读吧! Shape-Shifting Frog Found, Goes From Spiky to Smooth in Minutes “变形蛙”:分分钟从尖突变平滑 Deep in the rain forest of Ecuador lives a very indecisive frog. 厄瓜多尔的雨林深处住着一种非常任性的青蛙。 On a nighttime walk in 2009, scientist Katherine Krynak spotted a well-camouflaged, marble-size amphibian that wascovered in spines. But when she brought it inside, suspecting it was a new species, Krynak found a rather smooth and slimy critter. 09年一次夜行途中,科学家凯瑟琳克瑞纳克发现了一种弹珠大小 、身上布满了棘状突起善于伪装的两栖动物。因为怀疑这是一个新物种 ,她把这种动物带了回去,但是发现这东西的皮肤又变得相当平顺、粘 滑。 “I was so mad at myself! I thought I had brought back the wrong frog,“ said Krynak, who was surveying amphibian species in the Reserva Las Gralarias. 克瑞纳克说:“我当时真的生我自己的气,我以为自己抓错了。” 她当时正在拉斯维加斯Reserva Las Gralarias调查两栖动物的物种。 She hadnt. When she tucked a small piece of moss in the frogs container to make it more comfortable before releasing it back into the forest, the spines slowly reappeared. 其实她没有抓错。当她把一小片苔藓放进装青蛙的容器中,想要在 放生之前让青蛙舒服一点,却发现,青蛙身上的棘状突起又出现了。 “It was shocking. Vertebrates dont do that,“ she said. Inspired by its spiky physique, she dubbed it the “punk rocker“ frog.她说:“太令人震惊了!脊椎动物不该这样的。”受到这种青蛙尖突 体征的启发,她将其称为“朋克”青蛙。 But it took Krynak and colleagues nearly nine years to gather enough data to prove it was a new speciesand the first vertebrate known to change its skin texture. 然而,克瑞纳克和同事用了将近9年的时间才收集到足够证明这是 一个新物种的证据,而且是已知的第一个能改变肌肤纹理的脊椎动物。 Now the frog finally has a formal name: the mutable rainfrog, or Pristimantis mutabilis, according to a study published March 24 in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 根据3月24日发表在林奈学会动物学期刊上一项研究成果,这 种青蛙现在的正式的名是变形雨蛙或者Pristimantis Mutabilis。Krynak, a Ph.D. student studying amphibians at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, didnt find another punk rocker frog until 2009, three years after the first sighting. 克瑞纳克当时是美国凯斯西储大学一名研究两栖动物的博士研究生 。她再次发现这种朋克青蛙是距离第一次看到时三年的2009年。 The second animal was covered in thorny spines, like the first, but they had disappeared when she took a closer look. It was only after seeing the spines reappear that Krynak realized the uniqueness of her discovery. 第二次发现的这种动物跟第一只一样,浑身布满了棘状突起,不过 ,当她想近距离观察一下时,突起又消失了。当看到棘状突起再次出现 时,她才意识到她的发现是多么独特。 The team then took photos of the shape-shifting frog every ten seconds for several minutes, watching the spines form and then slowly disappear. Its unclear how the frog forms these spines so quickly, or what theyre actually made of. 之后,研究团队在几分钟时间内每隔10秒给这种变形青蛙拍照,随 时关注青蛙身上的突起出现、消失。目前尚不清楚这种青蛙是如何如此 快速地形成这些突起的,也不知道这些突起是由什么构成的。The scientists suspect the shifting skin texture functions as a form of camouflagefor instance, spikier skin might help the animal blend into mossy environments. 科学家们推断这种能皮肤纹理的功能是伪装的一种形式-比如说, 尖突的皮肤有助于这种青蛙混入长满苔藓的环境之中。 During their research, Krynak and colleagues also discovered that a closely related species, the Sobetes robber frog, can also shape-shift. 研究期间,他们还发现一种近亲物种Sobetes robber frog也会变形。 All they need now is a bass guitarist for their punk rock band. 看来组成摇滚乐队只需要再来一个贝斯吉他手就够了! 来分析一下文章中的长难句:1.Deep in the rain forest of Ecuador lives a very indecisive frog. 句子类型:这是地点状语前置的例子。(可以在托福写作中参照此用 法,增加句子灵活性哦!) 翻译:厄瓜多尔的雨林深处住着一种非常任性的青蛙。 2.When she tucked a small piece of moss in the frogs container (to make it more comfortable)(before releasing it back into the forest), the spines slowly reappeared. 句子类型:时间状语从句 句子拆分: 主干: The spines slowly reappeared. When引导的时间状语从句:When she tucked a small piece of moss in the frogs container(to make it more comfortable) (before releasing it back into the forest). to make it more comfortable不定式作目的状语 before releasing it back into the forest before用作连词 翻译:其实她没有抓错。当她把一小片苔藓放进装青蛙的容器中, 想要在放生之前让青蛙舒服一点,却发现,青蛙身上的棘状突起又出现 了。3.Inspired by its spiky physique, she dubbed it the “punk rocker“ frog. 句子类型:原因状语从句 翻译:受到这种青蛙尖突体征的启发,她将其称为“朋克”青蛙。 以上就是我们今天的托福阅读内容了,是不是很有趣呢?希望大家 学到了相关的背景知识。更多托福考试资讯请关注智课教育。
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