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英语教学设计英语教学设计教学基本信息教学基本信息课题课题Unit 3 Lesson 8 A picnic姓名姓名学科学科英语课型课型听说班级班级初二理论基础理论基础英语课程标准: 听四级标准: 能够听懂接近自然语速、熟悉话题的简单语段,识别主题,获取主要 信息。 听五级标准: 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。 说四级标准: 能在教师的指导下参与角色表演等活动。教学分析教学分析1、教材分析 本课是北师大版教材八年级英语下册第三单元第八课,话题为野营。 本课为本单元的第二课,主要通过 Julie 和他的叔叔之间的对话展开的。 本课时在第七课学习现在完成时疑问句的基础上,引导学生通过听对话获 取关键信息 2、学情分析 本次授课的班级是昌平三中初二(1) (2)班的学生,这两个班优秀比 例占一半,能积极参与讨论与活动,但也有 1/3 到 1/4 的困难生。本次课, 教师根据学生的不同层次,在设置活动和问题上尽量照顾到各个层次的学 生,避免一边倒。教学目标教学目标Lesson 8 (1) 1. 能够说出下列食物和餐具的英文名称:picnic, bean biscuit, corn, fork, knife, plate, sausage, spoon, strawberry2. 通过听记录两个人打电话商量准备野餐的信息。3.让学生有事前计划准备的意识。教学重、难点教学重、难点教学重点: Lesson 8(1)通过听记录两个人打电话商量准备野餐的信息。 攻克策略:分段听力与整体听力相结合,多次听力。 预测难点: 通过听获取准备食物的信息。 攻克策略: 从 Uncle Dean 家和 Julie 家准备材料的两个角度分别听。教学流程教学流程Warm-upPre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listeningPicturesNew words and expressions1st part2nd part3rd partSpeakingRules of plurals Work in pairsHomework板书设计板书设计Unit 3 Lesson 8 A Picnic food :bean, biscuit, corn, sausage, strawberry(strawberries) dishes: fork, knife(knives), plate, spoon Uncle Dan: Leave a message Julie: Take a message Can I speak to? Can I take a message? Please tell them OK. Anything else? Can you remind them to/not to? Yes, I can do that.教学环节与时间教学环节与时间 分配分配教师活动教师活动学生学生活动活动教学资源教学资源设计意图设计意图Step1 Greeting 11. Greet the students.Greet the teacher.Step 2 Lead-in 1Question: Its spring. What are the people doing?Look at the picture and answer the question.Multimedia导入本课课题Step 3 Pre-listening 101. Question: What do we need for a picnic? 2. Ask Ss to read the words after the teacher. 3.Ask Ss to write them in the table in EX.14.Let Ss use these words to practice.e.g. A: Have you prepared/ bought? B: Yes./No. Have you prepared/ bought? C: So lets buy some 1. Look at the table and answer2. Ss read after the teacher.3. Ss write them in the table in EX.14. Ss work in pairs.Multimedia & Handouts复习小学学过 的食物单词和 餐具单词,并 学习新单词。学生通过问答 复习上节课所 学的现在完成 时,并为后面 听力记录信息 活动做准备。Step 4 While-listening 231st listening Ask Ss to listen and choose the best answer. (1)Are Julies parents at home? Yes. ( ) No. ( ) (2) What are they talking about? About the family _. 2nd listening Let Ss role-play Julie and remind them to think of how to take notes quickly. 1. Ask Ss to listen to Ss listen and fill.Ss role-play Julie 1. Ss listen and Multimedia1. 了解听力 对话背景,锻 炼学生在听力 中获取大意的 能力。培养学生快速 获取听力信息 的能力。分段听,降低 学生记录信息 的难度。the first part and complete Julies message. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the second part. (1) What fruit have Julies parents bought? (2) What fruit have Uncle Dans family got?来 3. Listen to the second part again (1) Listen and continue to complete Julies message (2) What will Uncle Dan bring? 4. Listen to the third part and complete Julies message 3rd listening Ask Ss listen again and do Ex.3complete.Ss listen and answer.Ss listen and completeSs answer the question Ss listen and completeSs listen and do Ex.3培养学生辨别 细节能力,为 第二节课输出 做准备。Step 5 homeworkmRead the dialog
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