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UnitUnit 2 2 PlantPlant a a PlantPlant LessonLesson 1212 DannysDannys PlantPlant 课题LessonLesson 1212 DannysDannys PlantPlant授课时间主备 人授课人班级审核人阶段环节教学过程教师活动学生活动学习 目标1 掌握词汇:carefully, yard. 2.能了解如何描述植物生长的情况。 3.能了解日记的正确写法。教学 重点1.掌握一些与植物生长有关的词汇: seed, sprout, grow, open, turn。 2.运用所学介绍植物生长情况。目标 导航教学 难点1.掌握日记的正确写法。 2.掌握重点单词的用法及句型。自主 预习掌握本课单词和短语的读法,并能了解文 章大意。第 一 阶 段 预 学 案预习 自测预习 反馈:. 核心短语 1.照看_ 2.变成_ 3.大量的_4.在顶端_ 5.用覆盖_ .根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。1. They are making the grain _ flour. 2. Look! There is a man _ the top of the mountain. 3.Do you raise animals _ food , Peter? 4.That sun looks _ a big burning ball , doesnt it? 5. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes.检查单词及词组的读法并校正。.Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What did Danny and his classmates do 第 二 阶 段 教 学 案合作 探究: 交流 展示: 精讲 点拨:to learn more about plants? 2. What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant? 3. Why will Danny put the pot in the yard? 4. What does Danny want to send to Li Ming?探究一、Now, something new is growing at the top of the stem。现在在茎的顶部长出 了新东西。探究修饰不定代词的形容词的位 置: 交流展示:精讲点拨:探究二、Later,the flower will become a head, and the head will turn into seeds. 后来,花会变成头部,头部会变成种子。探究 turn into 的用法及其相关词组: 交流展示:精讲点拨:探究三、What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant?丹尼给他的 植物的种子浇水后发生了什么?探究 happen 的含义及其用法: 交流展示:精讲点拨:第 三 阶 段 检 测 案达标 测试:巩固 提升完成课本上 Lets do it 的第 2、3 题。 根据句意及首字母用适当的词语填空。1.My uncle is a farmer. He r_ a lot of sheep and cows on his farm. 2. Agriculture is about g_ plants. Do you think so? 3. March 12th is Tree P_ Day in China. 4.Boys and girls, who can t_ his sentence into English? 5.My mother c_ the table with a piece of cloth just now. .根据所给的汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1.今天我们有很多作业要做.Today we have a lot of homework _ _ . 2.我已经给我的朋友写了好几封信了。I _ _ several letters to my friends. 3. 为了帮助我,她已经尽力了。_ _ me, she has tried her best. 4.这个村庄叫绿叶村。This village _ _ Green Leaf Village. 5.四十度太热了。你认为是这样吗?Forty _ _ too hot. Do you think so?根据所给的汉语完成句子。 1.我想要了解更多有关植物的知识。I want to _ more knowledge _ plants. 2.昨天她送给我一些卡片。She _ _ some cards yesterday. 3.种植植物容易吗?Is it easy _ _ _?4.她的工作是照看孩子。Her job is_ _ children. 5.你想要种哪些植物呢?_ _ _ plants do you want to plant? .根据汉语提示完成单词。1.China is a strong country in both industry and _ (农业). 2.Listen _(仔细地) and fill in the blanks. 3.Put the_ (种子) in the _(花盆).4.There are five children playing in the_(院子). 5.What are the _(茎) for?
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