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LessonLesson 1313 DannysDannys BigBig ScareScare 教案教案 TeachingTeaching content:content:Mastery words and expressions: scare, doorbell, scream, tiny, sofa, vacation, gentle, loyal Oral words and expressions: amazing, imaginationLearningLearning importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points:points: 1) yet 的用法2) ask sb. to do sth. 的用法TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult points:points:The imaginary pets.TeachingTeaching preparation:preparation: picturesTeachingTeaching aids:aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesTeachingTeaching type:type: new lessonTeachingTeaching procedures:procedures:StepStep 1.1. ComeCome toto “THINK“THINK ABOUTABOUT IT”IT” Whats your favorite animal? Why? Do you have a pet? What is its name? What kind of pets would you like to have?StepStep 2.2. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questions:questions:StepStep 3.3. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again. Play the tape again and let the students read after it. Play the tape for several times until they can read it correctly and fluently.StepStep 4.4. LetLet somesome studentsstudents leadlead thethe classclass toto readread thethe texttext sentencesentence byby sentence.sentence.StepStep 5.5. PracticePractice Work in pairs. Practice the similar dialogue according to the text.StepStep 6.6. ComeCome toto “PROJECT”“PROJECT”Do you have a pet? Do many animals live with your family? Some people have dogs. Some people have cats. Some people have fish. Some people even have snakes! Do you have a pet?StepStep 7.7. HomeworkHomework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the next lesson.
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