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芹池中学芹池中学“1234”课堂教学模式学案课堂教学模式学案 九九 年级年级 英语英语 科科 主备:主备: 柴丽娟柴丽娟 备课时间:备课时间: 2012 年年 09 月月 09 日日 上课时间:上课时间: 年年 月月 日日课题: chapter2 computers (lesson1)个性备课组长签字: 总第 课时学习目标:1). 学习新单词并能够熟练的拼读2). 看图写单词并知道电脑各个部分的用途3). 学习课文第一段并掌握固定短语重点、难点:单词的掌握,短语一 目标导引Read words about computers : monitor , speakers , keyboard , mouse , main unit , drives , floppy disk , CD-ROM , electronics , unimportant , program , at present , unaware , depend on 等。Look at the pictures and complete the sentences . ( complete A ) Read and remember the main phrases :1) use sth for doing sth = use sth to do sth 2) type in information 3) store information 4) help sb (to) do sth 5) control the computer6) put into eg: I can hardly put my feelings into words . 二合作探究Read the article about computers ( page 18 ) Work in groups . translate the article and find out the words , phrases , 6) As students , we shouldnt always depend_our parents . A. in B. at C. for D. on 7) They got much _on the Internet . A. photo B. ideas C.messageD.information 课后反思sentences that you cant understand . 三 展示点拨Ask students to translate the article Read and remember the main phrases and sentences :1) plan to do sth 2) hidden helpers (hide-hid-hidden) 3) not so many years ago 4) hardly ever 5) there may be 6) be unaware of sth 7) washing machine 8) So maybe you depend on computers more than you realize . 四 巩固提升1) Though there are many hidden computers in the electrical appliances , we are _ ( aware ) of them . 2) Linda is thought to be one of the _( clever ) girls in our class .3) There may be tiny , _ ( hide ) computers in your home . 4) We use _ ( wash ) machine to wash clothes . 5) We put disks into the _ in the main unit . A. mouse B. monitor C. drives D. speakers 芹池中学芹池中学“1234”课堂教学模式学案课堂教学模式学案 九九 年级年级 英语英语 科科 主备:主备: 柴丽娟柴丽娟 备课时间:备课时间: 2012 年年 09 月月 10 日日 上课时间:上课时间: 年年 月月 日日课题: chapter2 computers (lesson2)个性备课组长签字: 总第 课时学习目标:1). 学习新单词并能够熟练的拼读Ask students to translate the article .2). 翻译课文并了解其大意3). 学习课文中的重点短语和句型重点、难点:main phrases and sentences Warm-up Review the last lesson ,concluding the words , phrases and sentences .一 目标导引Learn the news words : common knowledge , rarely , diagram , importantly , essential , make a mistake , for the time being , meaning, judge , raise , spend , over , writing , thus , bring to ones attention and so on . Read and remember these new words . 二 合作探究Read the article ( part 2-3 ) Work in groups . translate the article and find out the words , phrases and sentences that you cant understand . 三 展示点拨before the car . He _ the danger . A. unaware of B. was unaware of C. aware of D. was aware of 5) I like reading the books w_ by Lu Xun . 6) We can get much k_ from books . 7) Do you know the m_of this word?课后反思Read and remember the main phrases and sentences :1) what kind of 2) it is common knowledge that 3) calculator 4)It is common knowledgd that computers are super calculate calculators . answers.calculation 5) they can calculate very fast and rarely give wrong6) play games with sb 7) more importantly 8) operate railways 9) fly aeroplanes and spaceships 10) for these reasons 11) electronic brains 12) give a computer instructions 13) by doing sth 14) be done by 15) human being 16) it is essential that the human does not make a mistake . 17) have to do sth 四 巩固提升1) It is common _ (know) that smoking is _ (harm) to our health .2) More _ ( important ) , computers are used in many scientific areas .3) A computer is also a super _ ( calculate ) .芹池中学芹池中学“1234”课堂教学模式学案课堂教学模式学案 九九 年级年级 英语英语 科科 主备:主备: 柴丽娟柴丽娟 备课时间:备课时间: 2012 年年 09 月月 11 日日 上课时间:上课时间: 年年 月月 日日课题: chapter2 computers (lesson3)个性备课组长签字: 总第 课时学习目标:1). 复习上节课学过的内容2). 翻译课文四五部分并掌握其大意A. like it B. such as C. for example D. such4) understand better 5) the meaning of 6) create news ideas7) One day computers may be able to do most things that a human 3). 记忆重点词组并完成巩固提升重点、难点:课文四五部分的词组和句型一 目标导引Review the last lesson ,concluding the words , phrases and sentences .Learn by yourselves . ( understand the meaning of the part four and five )二 合作探究Work in pairs . translate the article and find out the main knowledge . ( words , phrases , sentences ) 三 展示点拨Students : translate the article in class Teacher : show the main knowledge to students Read and remember the main phrases and sentences :1) clevercleverercleverest 2) the answer to the question3) for the time being = at present 4) My cousin wants to keep slim . She does exercise every morning and _ eats meat . A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often 5) Speak aloud , please! I can _ hear you . A. almost B. hardly C. usually 6) My sister is a _ girl.She always makes mistakes whate
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