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牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案 主备:主备: 审核:审核:2011 级高一英语备课组级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20Module3 unit2 Welcome to the unit (period 1) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_课前预习案课前预习案 一.预习 21 页课文,完成以下题目 中译英 单词 各种各样的 adj. _表情符号 n. _符号,标志 n. _圆圈 n. _通知 v. _交流 v. _ 短语 从广义上说 _代表 _手语 _全世界 _与分享 _网络语言 _二. 观察下面的图画,说出所表达的意思_ _ _ _课内探究案课内探究案 仔细观察课本 21 页的五幅图,回答下面的问题 1. picture one What language do you speak? _ Can you speak any other language? _2. picture two1. What is an emoticon? _2. When do people usually use emoticons? _3. What does each of the following pictures stand for?:-) _ :-( _ :-O _ :-D _ :-P _ (-.-)Zzz _ d(-)b _ (?_?) _3. picture three Can you use your body language to express the following meanings? A: NO.1 B: VERY BAD C: VICTORY D: OK E: GIVE ME A CALL F: HELLO G: COME HERE H: IM FULL I: KEEP SILENT! J: I DONT KNOW4. picture fourWhat is Braille? _Who invented Braille? _ Read the passage to find more about Braille. How can we say “English” in Braille? _ 5. picture five Do animals have their own language to communicate? _ Can you give some examples? _ _课堂检测案课堂检测案 1. Do you think English is important? Why or why not? 2. What are some good methods for studying English that you can share with your classmates? _ _3. Do the listening on page 104【自我总结和反思自我总结和反思】 1. What have you learned in this text? _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. 2.Whats your plan for learning English in future? _ _ _ _ _ _ _.牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案 主备:主备: 审核:审核:2011 级高一英语备课组级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20Module3 unit2 Reading(1) (period 2) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_课前预习案课前预习案 一预习 22-23 页课文,完成以下题目 英汉互译 单词 如今 adv. _ 占据 v. _ 混合 n. _ 官方的 adj. _ 取代 v. _ 整个的 adj. _ 仆人 n. _ 过程 n. _ 词汇 n. _ 拼写 n._词组 由组成 _ 以命名 _ 除之外 _ 控制,取得对的控制_ 导致 _ mother tongue _ inform sb of sth _ make contributions to _ the official language _ go through _课内探究案课内探究案StepStepStep 1 1 1 Lead-inLead-inLead-inImagine one day if you talk with a person from ancient times, can you understand him easily? GodGodGod bebebe withwithwith ye!ye!ye!GodGodGod bwye!bwye!bwye!GodGodGod bebebe withwithwith you!you!you! Goodbye!StepStepStep 2 2 2 Reading-comprehensionReading-comprehensionReading-comprehension 1. 1. 1. SkimmingSkimmingSkimming Question:Question:Question:If If If wewewe dividedividedivide thethethe developmentdevelopmentdevelopment ofofof EnglishEnglishEnglish intointointo threethreethree parts,parts,parts, whatwhatwhat a
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