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认识认识 阿斯麦阿斯麦-睿初科技睿初科技 ASML-Brion 随着半导体制造技术进入深亚微米时代,作为半导体制造核心部分的光刻技术迫 切需要在物理和光学方面有所突破、创新,以超越制造更小尺寸的限制,从而制造出 更快更小的 CPU、Flash 等集成电路器件。作为创造性提出“计算光刻”概念的领导 者,Brion 不仅成功地利用“计算光刻”解决了深亚微米和纳米级半导体制造中所面临的 各种难题,包括高精度建模、器件设计的检查与修正等,还通过与 ASML 这样的光刻 机设备制造商的技术衔接与创新,极大地扩展了光刻制造的容许度及对应的市场,与 ASML 一起携手实现半导体制造技术的跨越式发展。 ASML-Brion 视创新为企业生命力之本,以尖端技术的研发为企业发展之路。目 前 Brion 的系列产品广泛的涵盖和嵌入在半导体制造工艺的各个节点的重要生产过 程,尤其是为 ASML 制造的世界最先进的 EUV 光刻机,同步开发了相应的计算光刻 产品。 Brion总部位于美国加州的圣克拉拉市,并在中国深圳设有研发中心。为继续提 升公司在光刻领域的领导地位,Brion正广募英才,进一步壮大公司的技术和商业团 队,为客户提供更先进的设计和制造解决方案。 优秀的员工创造卓越优秀的员工创造卓越 如果您拥有物理、光学、数学、计算机、软件、电子、自动化、信息科学等领域 的硕士学位,我们希望收到您的简历。一经录取您将获得如下待遇: 具有竞争力的薪酬及奖金计划 员工购股计划 国际水准的专业培训 国际差旅及外派机会 轻松的工作氛围 扁平式的组织结构 对个人成长与发展的重视 观念开放的文化 来自不同国家和背景的同事 了解更多信息,请访问网址: www.brion.com 总部总部 阿斯麦阿斯麦 ASML 简介简介 总部位于荷兰的 ASML 公司是全球光刻设备市场的领导者,在全球 15 个国家设 有 60 个办事处。先进的集成电路芯片制造商均使用 ASML 光刻设备。许多时尚电子 产品,如 iPhone、Galaxy、电视及导航仪等,均采用 ASML 设备生产的芯片。自 1984 年以来,由于我们不断的技术突破,使电子设备功能更强大、体积更小巧、价格 更便宜和使用更节能。 我们每年的人均研发经费名列欧洲第二,从而吸引了大量在物理、电子、机电、 软件以及精密技术等领域最富有创造性的人才。我们公司国际化的组织管理、坦诚、 开放的工作氛围所创造的技术和设备,成就了智能电子产品的普及,从而促进了全球 保健、环境、商业、娱乐及交通等领域的发展。 我们才华横溢的工程师们每天都在技术前沿进行突破性探索。如果您有一腔热 情,向往解决复杂的技术难题,敢于挑战数学物理极限,那么 ASML 适合您。我们的 激励机制提供各种发展机会,鼓励持续学习,并提供优厚的待遇。 ASML 基本资料及数据基本资料及数据 创立于 1984 年,在阿姆斯特丹泛欧交易所及纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“ASML”。 全球员工超过 7,000 人,亚洲员工近 1,500 人;在 15 个国家有 60 多个分支机构。 全球十大集成电路生产商均为 ASML 的用户。 ASML 每年有 5 亿欧元以上强劲而稳定的研发计划,数倍于竞争对手,从而支持芯 片产业的持续进步及创新。 ASML 设计、制造光刻设备系统,并拥有自己的服务机构,以确保所有系统保持纳 米级精度;29 年来,ASML 采用独特的价值链商务模式,将 600 多个供应商组成 网络,以速度、技术和灵活性帮助我们在全球市场的竞争中取胜。 了解更多信息,请访问网址: www.asml.com 职位描述及要求职位描述及要求 工作地点:深圳市南山区高新科技园 General requirements for all job openings MS, or PhD, in any engineering or science field, e.g. mathematics, EE, computer engineering, computer science, Optics, and physics. Strong analytical skills and solid background in one or more areas of mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, and/or physics. Willing to learn and explore new technologies. Self-motivated and good team player. Job BC-001, Software Quality Assurance Engineer(软件软件测试测试工程师工程师) As a software quality assurance engineer, you will be responsible for designing, creating, and executing software test plan, test cases and automation tools, leading the way in assuring high quality of Brions world-class product. You will be challenged with systematic QA testing methodologies in concurrent computing software architecture environment. Roles and Responsibilities: Play a major role to improve quality, functionality, reliability and usability of software products Creation and execution of test cases and automated test scripts Identify/work with development/analysts on the creation of test data needed for execution Analyze test results to assure quality of existing and new functionalities Work with development team to resolve defect and any environment issues Develop automation testing tools Job requirements: Excellent trouble shooting and analytical skills, Pro-active, result and quality oriented, team player Skillful with one programming language(C, perl, shell etc.) OR solid knowledge in mathematics and physics Familiarity with software testing processes and testing methodologies Attention to detail, positive attitude under stress Good written and verbal communication skills in English Desired but not required: Familiarity with automated testing tools, automation framework Familiarity with UNIX/Linux and a DBMS Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design Contact Email: jobs_bcasml.com Job BC-002, Application Software Engineer(应用软件应用软件开发开发工程师工程师) As an application software engineer (ASE), you will be responsible for designing, developing and testing software programs including graphic user interface (GUI), database mapping/connectivity, network protocols, and other wide range of applications. You will communicate and collaborate with other development team members in developing new products and functions while complying with Brions software development processes and procedures. You will be challenged with identifying problems and developing robust solutions that are based on state of the software technologies. Roles and Responsibilities: Perform design and code development for general applications such as GUI, script, system management software. Job requirements: Proficiency in C/C+ or Java, familiarity with UNIX/Linux or Windows environments programming Solid knowledge on data structure and algorithm Problem analyzing and solving skills, enjoy computer software programming as a profession Excellent teamwork and good communication skills Desired but not required: Familiarity with Scripting languages (sh, perl, python, lua, etc.) Familiarity with network programming, graphics programming, or DB programming Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design Knowledge about agile programming practices Contact Email: jobs_bcasml.com Job BC- 003, Product Engineer(产品工
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