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.介、副词填空介、副词填空1Could you glance this letter and see if its alright?来源来源:www.shulihua.net答案:答案:through2The heights of the plants vary 8 cm 20 cm.答案:答案:from to3The Rockies are home bears and mountain lions.答案:答案:to4It was the study of history that gave birth the social sciences.答案:答案:to5The team have worked hard and their efforts have been rewarded success.答案:答案:with来源来源:www.shulihua.net6The heavy snowfall had taken us all surprise.答案:答案:by来源来源:www.shulihua.net.单项填空单项填空1 How much will I pay for a night? Prices _ from room to room.Avary BincreaseCdivide Drange来源来源:www.shulihua.net解析:解析:选选 A。vary“使不同;变化” ;increase“增加” ;divide“划分” ;range“( 在范围内)变化” 。句意:“住一晚我需要付多少钱?” “价格因房间不同而不同” 。2Chen Ming didnt even _ his paper before he handed it in, so there were many mistakes in his paper.Aglance through Blook upCwatch over Dcome across解析:解析:选选 A。考查短语意义辨析。句意:陈明在交论文之前甚至都没有粗略地看一遍,因此他的论文中有很多错误。glance through“浏览;粗略地看” ,符合语境。look up“查找” ;watch over“照顾;监督” ;come across“偶然遇见” 。
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