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DontDont eateat inin classclass学习内容: Unit 4 Dont eat in class. (4th)教学设计学习目标:1、学习谈论家规。2、学会使用句型:“ I must” , “ I have to” , “ I can /cant”重点和难点:能阅读有关谈论规章的文章并完成练习。教学反思Learning by yourself(Well begun is half done!) Task1:Listen to the tape and read the new words on P23-24.Task2:Read the sentences and understand them on P23-24 .Task3: Check self-learning. ( Believe in yourself).1.Write down the words.放松_阅读_感受,觉得_记住_遵循,跟随_保持,保留_学习,学会_脏的_吵闹的_可怕的_严格的_更多(的)_厨房_幸运,运气_头发_2. Write down the phrases.铺床_对某人要求严格_遵守规则_在厨房里_迟到_在十点之前_ 制定规则来帮助我们_考虑_把某物落在某地_祝你好运_学习做某事_太多规则_读书_吵闹的_保持我的头发短的_玩得高兴_在家_3.Write down the sentences.1.不要留脏盘子在厨房里。_2.晚饭后,我也不能放松。_3.看电视之前,我必须读书。_4.我知道,你感觉怎么样?_5.有大量你会做得事情。_ 6.你读了书后,才能看电视。_Work in groups.Task1. Free talkWhen you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to?Task2.Read the letters and underline the rules for Molly.Task3.Read the letters again and finish 2c.Task4. Read and answer the questions.1. Is Molly Brown happy? Why or why not?_2. Can she play basketball after school? Why?_3. Why does she have to run to school?4. When must she read a book?Task5.Finish 3a and1, 2 in Self Check.Language checking(相信自己一定能行) I、精挑细选: ( )1. I cant relax,_.A. too B. also C. either( )2. There are too many _ in the kitchen.A. vegetables B. milk C. rice( )3. On school nights, I have to go to bed_ 9:00. A. on B. in C. before( ) 4. Can we speak Chinese? _.A. Yes, you can B. OK, you speak C. No, you dont( ) 5. _. Your father is sleeping in the room. Oh, sorry.A. Not talk B. Not talking C. No talking ( ) 6. Dont eat _class.A. at B. in C. to( )7. Our teacher is strict_ us. A. to B with C in。
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