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Unit 2 What should I do?Period 1 Section A (1a-2c). Background information1. Time:Mar.3 2. Class: Class 2, Grade 8 3. Place: Media Room 4. Teacher: Zhang Yuanyuan . Teaching aimsBy the end of the class, students should be able to:1. master the usage of “could ”and “should”;2. understand the listening material, and finish the exercises;3. talk about problems and give advice. Teaching contents1. Vocabulary: out of style,on the phone, call sb. up2. -What should I do?-Maybe you should. Teaching aids: PPT. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in(3minutes)T: Everyone has his own problems in his daily life. It means 人生不如意之事十之八九. So do you have your own problems? Me , too. Recently, I always get up late. What should I do? So lets study Unit 2 What should I do?Step 2 Showing learning aims (2minutes)Ask Ss to read it together.Step 3 Oral English(13minutes)a) Look at the picture, and ask some Ss to answer my question :Whats the matter? What should I do?b) Based on the practice above, do pair work.Step 4 Listening (6minutes)a) T: Sometimes there are some problems in our life. Some are serious,but others are not serious. For example, (1as 5 problems) I think 3 and 4 are serious. Do you think so?b) Listen to the player, and finish 1b.c) Check the answers.Peter argued with his friend. He dont know what he should do. So he asks his friend for help. Lets look at the advice first.Step 5 Listening (10minutes)a) Read the advice and find students to translate them;b) Listen to the player, and finish 2a.c) Based on the 2a, sum up the usage of should and could.d) Do 2b, and check the answers.e) Read after the player, and read it freely.When Peter has a problem, he will ask his friend for help. Then when you have a problem, will you ask your friend for help? . So friends are important for us .Now I will give you 2 proverbs.Step 6 proverbs (3minutes)A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Step 7 Exercises (3minutes)Correction: Ask some Ss to do them.Step 8 HomeworkWriting: I always get up late, and I dont know what to do. Please -give me some advice.VI. ReflectionIn a whole, it is good, although Pair work is not arranged well. Unit 2 What should I do ?Teaching goals :1.Words 死去35. prepare for=get ready for 为做准备36. after-school clubs(activities)课外俱乐部(活动)be/get used to doing 习惯做某事used to do过去经常/常常做某事be used for doing=be used to do sth.被用于做某事37. fill up填补;装满 be full of 装满38. return sth. to sb.=give sth. back to sb.把某物归还给某人39. get on /along well with与相处很好40. all kinds of 各种各样41. as much as possible=as much as you can 尽可能多42. take part in=join in 参加(某种活动/集会)43. a bit =a little一点儿(当修饰形容词或比较级时)44. a bit of =a little一点儿/一些(当修饰不可数名词时)45. be angry with 生的气46. by oneself=on ones own某人自己/独自地47. on the one hand一方面48. on the other hand 另一方面49. I find/feel/think it difficult to do.我发现/感到/认为做某事很难.50. see/hear/watch sb. doing sth.看到/听见/注视某人正在做51. notuntil 直到才(谓语动词一般是非延续动词)52. radio advice program电台提建议的节目53. be original新颖的54. leave something somewhere把某物忘在某处55. sports clothes运动服56. the same age as=as old as和- 年龄一样57. the tired children疲惫不堪的孩子58. complain about (doing sth)抱怨、 、 、59. take their children from activity to activity 带着孩子参加一个接一个的活动60. try to do sth,尽量干某事try doing sth试着干某事61. be under too much pressure压力太大62. a mother of three三个孩子的妈妈63. take part in after-school clubs参加课后俱乐部64. compepition starts from a very young age竞争从很小年纪就开始了65. comparewith和-比较66. organized activities 有组织的活动67. 表示某人情绪有关的形容词用法:be/become+upset/tired/excited/interested/worried/surprised/amazed/annoyed说明:当主语是某人时,注意后面的形容词一般是-ed 结尾的单词,而当主语是某物时或修饰名词时,注意后面形容词一般是-ing 结尾单词.例如:I was surprised/interested/amazed when I heard the surprising/interesting/amazing news.
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