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资料来源:3A 备课网 www.3abeike.comTopic3 SectionC 参考教案参考教案. Material analysis本节课建议用 1 课时上完。主要活动为 1a, 谈论了一些事物对情感的影响,如月亮、环境、天气、颜色等,呈现了重点词汇:environment, especially, fill 和trouble, 重点短语:be filled with sth.和 have trouble doing sth.的用法。1c 为 1a 的拓展延伸,要求学生掌握并运用 noise 和 loud 两个重点词汇,在学生提前进行了信息的搜集整理的基础上,列举出更多影响情感的事物。最后在 2 的写作练习中收获本节课的学习成果。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词 environment, especially, fill,trouble, choose, loud 和 noise。3. 学生能正确运用以下短语造句:be filled with sth., have trouble doing sth. 和 make sb +adj./ v. 4. 学生能自如地谈论不同的事物对情感的影响。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关谈论不同的事物对情感的影响的简单对话和陈述。2. 能正确地运用本课的交际功能用语进行交流。3. 能正确朗读课本的有关不同的事物对情感的影响的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4. 能正确地运用本课的重点短语造句,写出关于不同的事物对情感的影响的短文。Emotional aims: 1. 通过对 Section C 的学习,了解情感与外界事物的联系,学会如何保持健康的心理。2. 遇到问题时,能主动向老师和同学请教,取得帮助。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points: 1. 学生在交流中能自如地运用描述情绪和情感的形容词。2. 谈论不同的事物对情感的影响。Difficult points:将本课的重点词汇和短语运用到交谈和写作之中。. Learning strategies1. 课前收集信息有助于对短文的深入理解,拓宽视野。2. 在学习中积极思考,主动探究,善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector, the flash of the song, If you are happy. Teaching proceduresIntroduction(8 minutes)1. Greet the students and make them ready for learning. Play the flash, If you are happy.2. The teacher asks the students to report the homework. 3. The teacher asks the students to report the information which they collected in advance. Praise the students who finish the task well.4. The teacher tells the students that there are many things that can affect our moods. We should take some useful measures to fight against the bad moods.5. The teacher guides the students to tick the things that can affect their feelings and moods in 1a. Teach the word environment.6. The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of 1a and predict what will be mentioned in the text. Check the answers.Presentation (10 minutes) 1. The teacher asks the students to read the first paragraph, and then answer the question: Why does the moon make the girl sad?2. The teacher asks two students to tell the answer. Teach the new words especially and fill. 3. The teacher asks the students to read the second paragraph, the third paragraph, the fourth paragraph and the last paragraph one by one, and then answer the following questions:(1) Why does the man have trouble sleeping at night?(2) How will the boy feel when it rains?(3) How can colors affect our feelings and moods?(4) How can big events affect our feelings and moods?4. The teacher asks some students to tell the answers. Teach the new words crowded and trouble.Consolidation (10 minutes) 1. The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence.2. The teacher plays the recording without stopping.3. Let the students read 1a, then learn in groups to find out the difficult points andsum up the main points of the passage.4. The teacher makes a summary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students:(1) get together with sb.(2) fill withbe filled with(3) have trouble doing sth.(4) make + object + adj. / v.5. The teacher asks the students to read 1a again and find out the words expressing the feelings.Practice (10 minutes) 1. The teacher asks the students to read 1a by themselves and complete the table of 1b.2. The teacher asks two students to write down the answers on the blackboard. Teach the new word choose. Check the answers.3. The teacher asks the students to retell 1a according to the key words in 1b and thepictures in groups of six. Member B, C, D, E, and F just retell one paragraph each, and member A retells the whole passage.4. The teacher asks the students to discuss in groups to find more things that can affect our feelings and moods. Ask them to add their own opinions. Teach the words noise and loud.5. The teacher organizes the students to have a competition. Divide them into four groups, and ask them to make as many sentences as possible after the examples of 1c. The group which makes the most and correct sentences wins. Finish 1cProduction (7 minutes) 1. The teacher organizes the students to discuss the following questions in groups of six:What can affect your feelings? How do they affect your feelings?2. The teacher guides the students to finish the passage of 2.(1) The teacher asks the students to make a survey. Let them interview people around them (the other five people). (2) The teacher asks the students to finish the survey table.(3) The teacher asks the students to give a report to the whole class.(4) The teacher sums up the students reports. 3. The teacher shows the summary to the students.4. The teacher assigns homework:(1) Ask the students to review the summary after class.(2) Ask the students to prepare the results in the written form of the survey. (3) Ask the students to prepare Section D after class. Search some information about How to stay in good spirits?Teaching ReflectionThe students know many things that can affect the feelings, and they are very interested in them. And there are many things that can help them keep away
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