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Unit 11 Lets Protect the Environment一、教学内容一、教学内容Unit 11 Lets Protect the Environment二、教学目标二、教学目标知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。三、教学重点、难点三、教学重点、难点培养学生的综合运用知识的能力四、重点知识四、重点知识单词:要求大家掌握单词表里的所有单词及它们的 相关词汇短语:1) global warming 全球变暖2) destroy the land 毁坏土(陆)地3) throw into streams 扔进小溪4) be littered with 在充满垃圾5) pour into 涌进6) more and more 越来越多7) prevent heat from escaping 阻止散热8) a certain amount of heat 一定数量的热量9) go into outer space 释放到外太空10) so that 以便于,目的在于11) the surface temperature of the earth 地球表面的温度12) have many side effects 有许多副作用13) plant more trees 多种树14) take in 吸收15) be used as 作为被使用16) as little as possible 尽可能少17) make use of solar energy 充分利用太阳能18) wind power 风能19) some new sources of energy 一些新的能源20) start environmental groups 成立环保小组21) the importance of protecting the earth 保护地球的重要性22) at the same time 同时23) the morethe more 越越句型:1. Many people, both in China and abroad have realized that while we are developing the world, we are also destroying the land on which we are living.中国和其他国家的人们也都意识到,在发展世界的同时我们也在毁坏我们居住的陆地。2. Beaches and city streets are littered with rubbish.海滩、街道上是丢弃的垃圾。3. The more beautiful cars are produced, the more gases are poured into the air.人们生产出越来越多的漂亮汽车,向大气中排放着更多的废气。4. All of this pollution produces a lot of carbon dioxide whi ch prevents heat from escaping.所有这些污染都释放出了大量的二氧化碳,阻止了热量的释放。5. What can we do to save our environments?我们应该做些什么来拯救我们的环境?五、重点知识讲解五、重点知识讲解Lets Protect The Environment1. Global warming is the most serious problem we face in the 21st century. Most scientists have been saying that human activity, not natural factors, is the primary cause of the warming. Many people, both in China and abroad have realized that while we are developing the world, we are also destroying the land on which we are living. We see garbage sometimes thrown into streams that supply drinking water. We find forest fires caused by careless people. Beaches and city streets are littered with rubbish.译文:全球变暖是我们在 21 世纪面临的最严重的问题。大多数科学家认为人类活动,而不是自然因素,是引起全球变暖的主要原因。中国和其他国家的人们也都意识到,在发展世界的同时我们也在毁坏我们居住的陆地。我们看到有时垃圾被扔进提供饮用水的溪流,森林因人们的疏忽而起火。海滩、街道上是丢弃的垃圾。1) Global warming 全球变暖2) destroy the land 毁坏土(陆)地3) throw into streams 扔进小溪4) be littered with 在充满垃圾2. The more beautiful cars are produced, the more gases are poured into the air. More and more tall buildings are being built, but the waste from the factories has polluted the water, and the gases from the factories have poisoned the air. All of this pollution produces a lot of carbon dioxide which prevents heat from escaping.译文:人们生产出越来越多的漂亮汽车,向大气中排放着更多的废气。修建了越来越多的高楼大厦,但来自工厂的废料污染了水,来自工厂的废气污染了空气。所有这些污染都释放出了大量的二氧化碳,阻止了热量的释放。1) pour into 涌入2) more and more 越来越多3) prevent heat from escaping 阻止散热3. Light from the sun heats the earths atmosphere, oceans and land, making life on the earth possible. At the same time, a certain amount of heat goes into outer space so that the temperature of the earth is balanced. Nowadays less heat can escape because of the increasing levels of carbon dioxide. The surface temperature of the earth increased greatly over the last century. The warming increases with time, and could have many side effects.译文:太阳的射线给地球表面,海洋和陆地提供了热量,使地球上的生命得以延伸。同时,一定数量的热量释放到外太空,这样地球的温度得以保持平衡。现在由于大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,所以释放的热量也在逐年减少。在过去的一个世纪中,地球表面的温度大幅度上升。全球变暖日趋严重,同时也带来了许多副作用。1) a certain amount of heat 一定数量的热量2) go into outer space 释放到外太空3) so that 以便于4) the surface temperature of the earth 地球表面的温度5) have many side effects 有许多副作用6) at the same time 同时4. The side effects of global warming are surprising. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps and raises sea levels. Furthermore, it disturbs the weather and causes floods and storms. 译文:全球变暖的副作用令人警觉。地球气温上升使冰盖融化,海平面上升。而且,它会扰乱天气状况,并引起洪水和暴风雨。5. What can we do to save our environments? First, we can plant more trees. Trees can take in carbon dioxide and then produce oxygen. Second, we have to find new power, coal and oil should be used as little as possible because these sources would produce a lot of gases. Instead, we should try to make use of solar energy, wind power, hydrogen and some new sources of energy. Third, we can start environmental groups to tell people the importance of protecting the earth译文:我们应该做些什么来拯救我们的环境?首先,我们可以多种树。树木可以吸收二氧化碳并产生氧气。其次,我们必须寻找新的能源。人们应该尽可能少地燃烧煤和石油。因为这些能源会向大气排放大量废气。我们应该尽量使用太阳能、风能、氢以及其他新的能源。最后,我们应该成立环保小组,以告知所有人保护地球的重要性。知识点:1) plant more trees 多种树2) take in 吸收3) be used as 作为被使用4) as little as possible 尽可能少5) make use of solar energy 充分利用太阳能6) wind power 风能7) some new sources of energy 一些新的能源8) start environmental groups 成立环保小组9) the importance of protecting the earth 保护地球的重要性
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