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安徽省滁州市第二中学高中英语安徽省滁州市第二中学高中英语 Unit22Unit22 EnvironmentalEnvironmental ProtectionProtection TheThe ThirdThird PeriodPeriod LessonLesson 1 1 GlobalGlobal WarmingWarming (II)(II)教教案案 北师大版选修北师大版选修 8 8TeachingTeaching goalsgoals 教学目标教学目标 1.1. TargetTarget languagelanguage 目标语言目标语言Learn the Grammar Reporting2.2. AbilityAbility goalsgoals 能力目标能力目标Enable students to use the reporting verbs freely.3.3. LearningLearning abilityability goalsgoals 学能目标学能目标By practicing enable students to use reporting verbs freely.TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointspoints 教学重点教学重点Patterns of reporting verbsVerb+ thatVerb +someone +thatVerb + (not) doing somethingVerb + (not) to do somethingVerb + someone (not) to do somethingVerb+ (someone) +preposition + (doing) somethingStepStep I I RevisionRevisionAsk students to pick out the reporting verbs used in the text. StepStep IIII GrammarGrammarDeal with Ex 6-7 on page 7. From this exercise students will have a better understanding of the function of reporting verbs. Then read Grammar Summary 1 on page 100. After reading Grammar Summary 1, continue to do the rest of grammar exercises. T: In Grammar definitions, you will find a summary of basic reported speech. This most commonly involves using the verbs say, tell and ask, as well as changes of verb tenses, times, places and pronouns: (Show the following on the PowerPoint.)“I am going to the shop.“ He saidsaid (that) he was going to the shop. “Sit down and open your books.“ She toldtold us to sit down and open our books. “Will you come with us tomorrow?“ He askedasked me if I would go with them the following day. A native speaker of English, however, will often use reportingreporting verbsverbs other than just say, tell and ask. Compare the following:“I didnt do it!“ He saidsaid that he hadnt done it. He denieddenied that he had done it OR He denieddenied doing it. “Ill bring the book back tomorrow.“ She saidsaid that she would bring the book back the following day. She promisedpromised to bring the book b ack the following day. “Please will you think about it some more?“ He askedasked me if I would think about it some more. He beggedbegged me to think about it some more. “First you should put the money in the slot and then you should press the button.“ She saidsaid that I should first put the money in the slot and then press the button. She explainedexplained what I should do. No tice that different reportingreporting verbsverbs are followed by different structures, i.e.denydeny + that-clause OR denydeny + -ing formpromisepromise + infinitive begbeg + object + infinitive SUMMARYSUMMARY OFOF REPORTINGREPORTING VERBSVERBSNote that some reporting verbs may appear in more than one of the following groups.1. Verbs followed by ifif or whetherwhether + + clauseclause:askknowremembersaysee 2. Verbs followed by a that-clausethat-clause:addadmitagreeannounceanswerargueboastdoubtestimateexplainfearfeelinsistmentionreplyreportrevealsaystatesuggestsupposeclaimcommentcomplainconfirmconsiderdeny observepersuadeproposeremarkrememberrepeat tellthinkunderstandwarn3. Verbs followed by either a that-clausethat-clause or a to-infinitivto-infinitive e:decideexpectguaranteehope promiseswearthreaten 4. Verbs followed by a that-clausethat-clause containingcontaining shouldshould (but note that it may be omitted, leaving a subject + zero-infinitive):advisebegdemand insistpreferpropose recommendrequestsuggest 5. Verbs followed by a clause startingstarting withwith a a questionquestion wordword:decidedescribediscoverdiscussexplainforgetimagineknowlearnrealiserememberrevealsay seesuggest teachtellthinkunderstandwonder guess 6. Verbs followed by objectobject + + to-infinitiveto-infinitiveadviseaskbegcommand forbidinstructinvite teachtellwarn StepStep IIIIII PracticePracticeDeal with grammar Ex 8-10 on Page 7. Students should do the exercises individually first, then check the answers with the whole class. Deal with the grammar Ex 1-3 on Page 52 and Ex 6 on Page 53 in the same way.Examples:Examples:Jack encouraged me to look for a new job. They invited all their friends to attend the presentation.She offered to give him a lift to work. My brother refused to take no for an answer.Tom admitted (that) he had tried to leave early. She agreed (that) we needed to reconsider our plans.He denied having anything to do with her. Ken suggested studying early in the morning.Ken suggested that we (should) study early in the morning.Mr. Smith advised to set off early.Mr. Smith advised us setting off early.Mr. Smith advised that we should set off early.They accused the boys of cheating on the exam. She blamed her husband for missing the train. He apologized for being late. She insisted on doing the washing up.He apologized for being late. She insisted on doing the washing up.StepStep V V HomeworkHomework1. Go over the grammar in Unit 22.2. Finish Ex 4-5 on Page 53.
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