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Lesson2 On the Move教案教案Teaching aims:To practise focusing on situations to prepare for listening comprehension.To practise listening to announcements for specific informationTo practise interacting in travel situationsTeaching important points:To practise focusing on situations to prepare for listening comprehension.To practise listening to announcements for specific informationTeaching aids: CAITeaching procedures:Step1. Warm up Have students look at the pictures and say where they areIn groups of three or four, students answer the questions.The groups then report back to the class.Step2. Exercise Students work in pairs, putting the key words in the correct columns.Check students answer by having them read out the words in each column so I can check pronunciation too.In pairs, students then look at the pictures and say which of the key words they can see in the pictures.Step3. listening Task1. exerciseGive students time to read through words and their definitions, then do the matching.Task2 exercise5Give students time to read through the information and see what needs to be filled in.Students listen to the cassette once and see how much information they can get.Task3. exercise6Read the listening Strategies with the students. Ask them to think of other situations and the sort of language they would expect to hear. eg. at a bus station, in a restaurant, in a classroom, in a hospitalStudents then listen to the dialogue and decide where they are taking place and what the people are talking about.Task4. exercise 7Give students time to read though the dialogues and guess the missing words.Then play the cassette again for students to complete the dialogues and check their guesses.
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