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英语:英语:UnitUnit 17The17The LastLast EnglishEnglish ClassClass教案和练习(北京课改教案和练习(北京课改版九年级)版九年级)一、教学内容一、教学内容Unit 17 The last English Class二、教学目标二、教学目标 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。三、教学难点三、教学难点 培养学生的综合运用知识的能力四、本单元重点知识四、本单元重点知识 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中) 短语: 1) decorate the classroom with the balloon 用气球装饰教室 2) think of programs for the party 考虑聚会的方案 3) reading the graduation album 看毕业影集 4) intend to do sth. 打算做某事 5) make up ones mind 下决心 6) at the graduation party 在毕业聚会上 7) change ones mind 改变主意 8) at the graduation ceremony 在毕业典礼上 9) have nothing special to do 没有特殊事情可做 10) work out a graduation party plan 设计毕业聚会的方案 11) after the final exam 期末考试之后 12) say to oneself 自言自语 13) on the top of the book 书的上面 14) believe in me 相信我 15) strive to do sth. 力求做某事 16) build their self-confidence 建立他们的自信心 17) make mistakes 犯错误 18) How time flies! 时光流逝! 19) enjoy my joyful middle school life 享受中学生活的每一天 20) suffer from failure 忍受失败的挫折 21) I will love you forever. 我将永远爱您。 22) encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 23) my beautiful memories 我美好的回忆 24) couldnt help ones tears 禁不住热泪盈眶 25) hurry to the classroom 匆忙地去教室 26) wait for her 等她 27) reach for her textbook 伸手去够她的课本28) plant a seed 播下种子 29) create the right atmosphere for learning 营造适合的学习氛围 句型: 1. Thank you for your forgiving spirit! 感谢您宽容的精神! 2. We have been both excited and upset about growing up. 我们经历过成长的兴奋和烦恼。 3. She couldnt help her tears. 她禁不住热泪盈眶。 4. It was time for class. 该上课了。5. You long to set your students up for success instead of failure 您渴望帮助您的学生们取得成功而不是失败。五、本讲重点知识讲解五、本讲重点知识讲解 “The English class this morning will be my last class with these lovely students,” Miss Wang said to herself, “How should I face them?” She sat down at her desk and reached for her textbook. “Whats this?” A brown package lay on the top of the book. She opened it and took out a notebook. On the first page were the beautiful words: “今天早上的英语课是我给这些可爱的学生们上的最后一次课。 ”王老师对自己说。 “怎样面对学生们呢?”王老师坐在桌边,伸手去拿教科书。 “这是什么?”王老师看到教 科书上放着一个棕色的纸包。她打开纸包,拿出了一个笔记本。笔记本的第一页这样写道:Miss Wang, you have planted a seed in each child. Your teaching will sprout and someday become strong trees. Thank you! Thank you for your forgiving spirit! Thank you for believing in me when no one else, including myself, did! 王老师,您已在每个孩子的心坎里种下了一粒种子。您的教导定会使种子发芽并长成 大树。感谢您!感谢您宽容的精神。感谢您对我的信任,特别是没有人,包括我自己,都 不信任自己的时候。You always know how to best touch the lives of your students, and how to create the right atmosphere for learning. The young children, no matter what their ages, are fragile in your hands, because you know that what you say and do can stay with them for a lifetime. You always remember there is a time to challenge, and a time to let up; a time to scold, and a time to praise; a time to talk, and a time to listen. You long to set your students up for success instead of failure; you strive to build their self-confidence rather than frustration; you struggle to forgive them when they make mistakes. 你总是知道该如何以最佳的方式去影响您的学生们,知道如何去营造适合的学习氛围。 学生们,无论年纪大小,都在您的掌心得到呵护。因为您知道,无论是您说的还是您做的 都会陪伴孩子们的一生。 您总是知道该在什么时候给孩子们提出更高的要求,什么时候让他们放松;什么时候 批评,什么时候赞扬;什么时候该说,什么时候该听;您渴望帮助您的学生们取得成功而 不是失败;您总是努力建立学生的自信而不是挫伤他们;在学生们犯错误的时候,您总是 力争宽容他们。“Who wrote this?” Miss Wang turned to the second page: How time flies! Having shared these three years with my dear school, my dear classmates and teachers, I will graduate soon. Since the first day, I have enjoyed my joyful middle school life. Weve had much pleasure, as well as much pressure; weve experienced success, and suffered from failure, too; we have been both excited and upset about growing up. Dear teacher, I would like to say: I love you! I will love you forever! You encouraged me and guided me through my teenage life. Though I shall return to my country soon, these three years will be my beautiful memories forever. “谁写的?”王老师又翻到第二页。 时间过得真快!已经和我亲爱的学校,同学和老师共度了 3 年时光,我很快就要毕业 了。自打进入学校,我就尽情享受了中学生活的每一天。我们有过欢乐,也有过压力;我 和同学们共同经历过成功,也面对过失败;我们经历过成长的兴奋和烦恼。 敬爱的老师,我想说:我爱您!我将永远爱您,您在我少年的成长的时期鼓励我,引 导我。尽管我很快就要回国了,这 3 年的时光将会在我的记忆里留下永远美好的回忆。“Its Grace!” Miss Wang cried. She couldnt help her tears. It was time for class. She stood up and hurried to the classroom. She knew the lovely students were waiting for her. “是 Grace!”王老师脱口而出,禁不住热泪盈眶。该上课了,王老师站起身,匆忙赶 往教室。她知道,可爱的学生们正在等待着她。【典型例题典型例题】单项选择:1. We must try our best to stop the pollution _ a happier life. A. from living B. to live C. living D. live 2. Hello, what are you reading? A book _ by Bill Gates. A. writing B. written C. to write D. which written 3. What do you come here for? _. A. Borrow a CD B. To borrow a CD C. Borrowing a CD D. Borrowed a CD 4. Yesterday I heard a story _by my friend. A. told B. telling C. to tell D. tell 5. We cant help crying after _ the sad news. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear 6. Would you mind _ for a few minutes? No, not at all. A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting 7. Have you read this book? Its worth _. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to be read 8
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