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Module 1 HobbiesUnit 3 Language in use学习目标: 1.能熟练运用已学的时态谈谈你的特别爱好? 2.熟练掌握Language practice; 3.掌握句子的基本句型 (P146-147)。 达标 1.熟记 Module1 的单词及重点短语; 2.正确运用句子的基本句型。 3.熟练掌握 Language practice;重点: 1.熟记 Module1 的单词及重点短语; 2.正确运用句子的基本句型。 3.正确运用 as a result ,as well as ,such as 及重点短语造句。 课前预习: (一) 复习句子的基本句型 (P146-147); 1阅读、理解 Language practice 2通过完成 Part 1 Part 2,深刻理解句子的基本句型。 3阅读并理解 Around the world.重点: 1.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 给。 。 。买某物 make sth for sb = make sb sth 给。 。 。做某物 cook sth for sb = cook sb sth 给。 。 。某人做。 。 。 。饭 2.save money 省钱、攒钱、存钱 他们永远也攒不到中够的钱来买房子。 They will never save enough money to buy a house.练习: 一选择填空: ( )1.Which hobby do you like _ ? A: good B: well C: best ( )2.No one can _ who stole the bag .A: find B: find out C: look for( )3.Some hobbies are very _ . A: relax B: relaxed C: relaxing ( )4.The student spent two hours _ the book.A: reading B: read C: to read ( )5.I like playing _ piano ,but my sister likes playing _ table tennis .A: the ,the B: , C: the, 二单词拼写: 1. She _ (想象) that she will make good marks . 2. His father got a good _ (结果) in the factory . 3. The man brought his son _ (成功) and enjoyment . 4. _ (青少年) should often have sports三完成句子: 1. 这本书在 2003 年 1 月 25 日出版。This book _ January 25th ,2003. 2. 这个故事使每个人伤心。 This story _ . 3. 杯子有些水吗?_ there _ in the cup? 4. 本月底我校将有一次英语演讲比赛。_ this month ,there will be an English speech contest in my school. 5. 他不但能游水,而且会打篮球。 He can _ basketball
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